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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge


accualy you mean dual AC, he means dual spec , you can have 2 skill trees switched so you have in 1 tree the tank cooldowns and other dps skills, or healer/dps, gues for pvp people it would not be a bad thing to if we get dual spec:S ..


dual AC on the other hand they probaly wont and i agree it should never be implemented


i fully agree and so have allot of other on dual spec , plz let it be patched soon :)


i want to dps on my sorcerer , but have to stay heal tree specced as wl for grouping , i havent respecced much 2 times second was on lvl 50 costed me like 1 or 2 k credits but i gues if it gets like 100 k yes , oke .. common , this is not nessesary BW , this punishing people and make them play a certain tree they not wanna fully play all day ..

Edited by Genesizs
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You want the game to stay this way? Wow i can already see the noumbers dropping.


There is no reasoning against dual spec, there are no arguments against it and BW is going to implement it even if there was a poll where 80% would be against it.


I wanna see how you cry once people start buying credits because respeccing is anti-fun (which is the whole reason why the newer generation plays MMOs)


Veterans dying out and I can't wait to see how the newer MMO generations give no platform for old griefing anti-newage people.


There are many, the first and most important is that this is an MMORPG. RPG means that you pick 1 role, and not that you can be whatever you want, whenever you want.


The gameplay that you are looking for, should not be offered at an RPG. Your kind of game is BF3, Counter Strike - this you should play instead.


While I agree that the new MMO Generation did not grow up with this, so I still think that the loyal group of games consist´s of those 20+ and not those below 18. The young ones might play an MMO for a few weeks, maybe months but then leave for the next. Wow shows that very well atm.


I definately know, that if TOR does change into another wow that I will not play it for long. The frustration with those "kids" is just too big. They consume games like food, they dont enjoy games - to be the best, to show how good you are and always rude, no thanks if that MMO Generation takes over a game, then many loyal gamers will leave.

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You can quest as a healer spec or tank spec. It's fine as is.




Georg Zoeller:

Currently, we do not see the need to allow for dual spec at release. It's something that we'll definitely monitor over time, but we do think there is enough flexibility in the class system to keep people occupied well past launch.



PvP is fine too, see Georg says it is....


Georg Zoeller:

“To answer the question regarding doing PvE and PvP with the same spec.


We develop all skill trees to be competitive and viable in PVP and PvE. We don’t want you to feel like you have to respec to participate in different activities.


As it stands, should be able to participate in both PvE and PvP without feeling ‘gimped’. Your signature PvE abilities (e.g. Taunt) are viable in PvP as well and all classes feature utility helpful in both scenarios."

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Why do you keep trying to make things so complicated?


I'm an Op as well. I have a PVP healing spec and a PVE healing spec. I do both each day I play. The credit cost is nothing TBH once you're 50 as long as you don't swap multiple time a day since you can cover the cost of the one respec a day in a half hour of playtime.


The onerous thing is the time plus the annoyance of needing to reconfigure Hot Bars and Keybinds. If they offered a fully functional Dual Spec option at level 50 that was on par cost wise with things like the Epic Speeder from the VIP vendor (1.5 million Credits) I would be all over that.


I'm confused are you for or against dual spec?


The cred cost of the current system isn't a limitation according to you.

Dual spec wouldn't help with re-configuring hot bars and keybinds, which if i'm reading what you wrote is your biggest problem.


So i think you are against it as it would just be an unnecessary feature since dual spec doesn't seem to solve any of the problems you have with speccing, but i just want to make sure i understand your stance :-)

Edited by RAMunch
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Currently this game has two end game operations, Eternity vault (EV) and Karagga's palace (KP). Both these operations require 8 people, but have different group needs. EV requires 2 healers, a tank and 5 dps, which is simply an expanded version of what most flashpoint's require. However KP needs 6 dps and 2 healers, this is because the trash mobs don't require a tank to kill, and the final and only boss cant be tanked (his mechanics are set that way). And of course not to mention in many cases if you don't bring 6 dps the boss will almost always hit an enrage timer and wipe your group. So as a shield specialist vanguard when doing karagga's palace I have to respec. So because I chose to roll a tank spec, im now forced to incur a respec cost and the in-convince that no other roll HAS to face to complete end-game content.


Although I only read about 50 pages in this debate I find it funny that this didn't show up.

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There are many, the first and most important is that this is an MMORPG. RPG means that you pick 1 role, and not that you can be whatever you want, whenever you want.


The gameplay that you are looking for, should not be offered at an RPG. Your kind of game is BF3, Counter Strike - this you should play instead.


While I agree that the new MMO Generation did not grow up with this, so I still think that the loyal group of games consist´s of those 20+ and not those below 18. The young ones might play an MMO for a few weeks, maybe months but then leave for the next. Wow shows that very well atm.


I definately know, that if TOR does change into another wow that I will not play it for long. The frustration with those "kids" is just too big. They consume games like food, they dont enjoy games - to be the best, to show how good you are and always rude, no thanks if that MMO Generation takes over a game, then many loyal gamers will leave.


I agree...I feel more and more like MMORPGS are like DOTA, LoL, HoN only in 3rd person. My choices matter for about an hour, then i can make new ones. My attitude and social behavior matters for about as long since I'll more than likely never see the people I currently piss off in a group ever again (especially if they do cross server anything). I mean there is actually not much of an incentive to NOT be a ninja looter, or roll on everything, I dont' think i've grouped with teh same person twice ever and everyone whines so much in general chat that no one really believes it even if they say you are a ninja looter.


Other than my name and my AC I can't think of anything in this game (or recent MMOs) I have to live with after I make the decisions...and since the ACs are really 2 classes in one (every one i know of can fill one of two roles depending on spec) I barely have to live with the AC choice, as whichever choice I made really isn't much of a choice since it gives me 2 of the 3 possible roles.


I definitely don't think i'll be playing long. Based on the forums and the little developer feedback we've been given it seems like BW is set on making this WoW with light sabers. I guess on the bright side putting in space goats riding giant mammoths won't seem as out of place in SWTOR as it did in WoW right? I do hold a shred of hope that the devs don't make this just a reskinned WoW.

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I find the arguments against the dual-spec system to be extremely stupid by saying "don't open it up to the casuals", "no ez mode" so really think about this from a company stand point you eliteists that are crying out against it are the minority do you really think that Bioware/EA owe you anything? Lol you pay them 15$ a month to play their game and you payed 60$ to LEASE their software, yes that is right you don't own anything. Also think about this why you are basically saying is lets not let people enjoy all of the content and have them quit sooner rather than extend the life of the game, by saying no to dual spec you are saying lets not let everyone experience all of the content that we have worked so hard to make. Also without it it makes the game a much less enjoyable experience for you, yes YOU eliteists, imagine you do pvp and enjoy doing such but along comes bobby who is experienced in MMO's but can't afford to spec change to do what he wants so he goes in with his pve talents and does horrible because he was a spec that was not more suited to the task at hand, or even in pve it would be less enjoyable for you if someone comes in and is doing sub par dps or healing or tanking (seeing as you can not see people's specs as it is) and you both lose, is that fun for you? No it is not. So in conclusion yes dual spec will most likely be coming but it is for the best and everyone needs to cool it with the whole WoW2 bs.
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I find the arguments against the dual-spec system to be extremely stupid by saying "don't open it up to the casuals", "no ez mode" so really think about this from a company stand point you eliteists that are crying out against it are the minority do you really think that Bioware/EA owe you anything? Lol you pay them 15$ a month to play their game and you payed 60$ to LEASE their software, yes that is right you don't own anything. Also think about this why you are basically saying is lets not let people enjoy all of the content and have them quit sooner rather than extend the life of the game, by saying no to dual spec you are saying lets not let everyone experience all of the content that we have worked so hard to make. Also without it it makes the game a much less enjoyable experience for you, yes YOU eliteists, imagine you do pvp and enjoy doing such but along comes bobby who is experienced in MMO's but can't afford to spec change to do what he wants so he goes in with his pve talents and does horrible because he was a spec that was not more suited to the task at hand, or even in pve it would be less enjoyable for you if someone comes in and is doing sub par dps or healing or tanking (seeing as you can not see people's specs as it is) and you both lose, is that fun for you? No it is not. So in conclusion yes dual spec will most likely be coming but it is for the best and everyone needs to cool it with the whole WoW2 bs.


And how would dual specc prevent that people can show up in less prefered specc?

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I never said it would "prevent" it, but it would just make it less likely to happen by giving the people who can not afford to do the respec a different route to take, but I also do not think that it should be available at low levels, it should be available at lv 30 and for a reasonable cost to the level (seeing as people are saving for their mount training at lv40 this would give somewhat of a nice choice to the player on what they feel is more important)
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I never said it would "prevent" it, but it would just make it less likely to happen by giving the people who can not afford to do the respec a different route to take, but I also do not think that it should be available at low levels, it should be available at lv 30 and for a reasonable cost to the level (seeing as people are saving for their mount training at lv40 this would give somewhat of a nice choice to the player on what they feel is more important)


Actually probably the reason why that person cant afford the respecc cost is that the person have respecced too much in a week.


And you do know that the price gets reduced/ nullified after a week?


So the people that cant afford the respecc cost can redo theire talents for free after one week.



And at lv 30 price range that means you will basicly want it to be for free, if players really want dual specc in this game i would say somewhere around 50-100 mil credits would with the going Credit rate and only avaible at lv 50

Edited by Varghjerta
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I'm not saying that I want it to be free, 50-100mil credits is rediculous to charge for it and to limit it to lv 50 pretty much means gateing the content of pvp to that level unless you are solely dedicated to pvp throughout leveling many of the classes that 3 trees one dps, one tank/heal, and one pvp, why not allow people to play the way that they want, you guy don't want dual spec then don't use it, let the people who do want to use it use it and let bygones be bygones.
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There are many, the first and most important is that this is an MMORPG. RPG means that you pick 1 role, and not that you can be whatever you want, whenever you want.


The gameplay that you are looking for, should not be offered at an RPG. Your kind of game is BF3, Counter Strike - this you should play instead.


While I agree that the new MMO Generation did not grow up with this, so I still think that the loyal group of games consist´s of those 20+ and not those below 18. The young ones might play an MMO for a few weeks, maybe months but then leave for the next. Wow shows that very well atm.


I definately know, that if TOR does change into another wow that I will not play it for long. The frustration with those "kids" is just too big. They consume games like food, they dont enjoy games - to be the best, to show how good you are and always rude, no thanks if that MMO Generation takes over a game, then many loyal gamers will leave.


What makes you so important to to measure what a rpg is and what?

and lol@ everyone who want dualspec is under 18.


this old eq-guard and their *tedious=challenging* mindset needs to die already

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I'm confused here.


If feelings aren't valid arguements, then the fact that you feel like you need dual spec is invalid right?


It is a fact you do NOT need it.


You have children, you should know that not needing something still doesn't make bragging kids not wanting it. On the contrary, if I know I can get it then I'll cry for it till I have it (which I'll do on the forums here as I promised in beta)

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What makes you so important to to measure what a rpg is and what?

and lol@ everyone who want dualspec is under 18.


this old eq-guard and their *tedious=challenging* mindset needs to die already


I could not agree more, what people don't seem to understand is all they are are 15$ a month to Bioware, that's it and just because they bought the game they feel they are entitled to have it their way

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I could not agree more, what people don't seem to understand is all they are are 15$ a month to Bioware, that's it and just because they bought the game they feel they are entitled to have it their way

Heh and they like to call everyone generation entitlement, the irony

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I could not agree more, what people don't seem to understand is all they are are 15$ a month to Bioware, that's it and just because they bought the game they feel they are entitled to have it their way


Actually read youre comment again and then think about that this game doesnt have dual specc implemented.


And then think about how you use the entitlement :D

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Actually read youre comment again and then think about that this game doesnt have dual specc implemented.


And then think about how you use the entitlement :D


And then why don't you think about how much money they sunk into this game and have to make back, also while you are at it think about the fact that this game has not been out very long at all and still does not have features implemented in it that they intend to :) And I'm not saying we are entitled to dual spec, I don't think once I made that case all I have pointed out are the positives to have that system in place, while from what I have read from the elietists they feel the Bioware "owes" it to them to not put this in the game

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Im on the fence.

Ok I make a Consulor.

Chose Sage , chose healing tree, can do some damage too.


I always looked at respecing was if you made mistakes, found you were too weak as a tank , healer, or dps and the more you learned the better choices you'de make.?Then you could respec and reassigne to improve your healing or damage ect.


Now rather than making 2 consulors -1 a sage for healing ,-2 A shadow for damage.

Wouldnt it be more sensable to have dual specs instead of creating 2 consulors so you can experience both sides of the coin?


Ide think Dual Specs would be more to experience and experiment and get to use this charactor 100%.

If there are no duel specs shouldnt there be 16 charactor creation slots per server instead of 8?

No one will want to make 2 of 1 charactor if it means running out of charactor creation slots on a server with your guild, family , or friends.


Dual specs would allow you to save a favorite skill set to do damage or favorite heal sets without running out of slots per server, but would allow everyone to experience 100 % of each charactor.


I think the abilities are fun,you should be able to try them all.

I'm not one thats real worried about it, but if they gave 16 charactor slots so you could experience both advance classes with out having to leave your home server you could play every class and experience both sides of that charactor on 1 server.

Edited by CygnusMX
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And then why don't you think about how much money they sunk into this game and have to make back, also while you are at it think about the fact that this game has not been out very long at all and still does not have features implemented in it that they intend to :) And I'm not saying we are entitled to dual spec, I don't think once I made that case all I have pointed out are the positives to have that system in place, while from what I have read from the elietists they feel the Bioware "owes" it to them to not put this in the game


Actually now you take the asumption that without dual specc they cant make the money back.


And as you say the game is still young most people dont even have a lv 50 yet.

And in this is a game in Pve Dual specc is clearly in my opinion not needed, thanks to that Healers and Tanks have a great solobility in this game


And with the limitation already in place that 6/8 Ac can either be DPS or Tank/Healer

I do feel that implementing Dual specc into that the it could aswell just remove the talent points in PvE and instead make 2 buttons



Bioware doesnt owe anyone anything but i do feel as the same as LFD that convinience doesnt always mean that it improves gameplay

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Man up and stop trying to get everything dumbed down


Please explain how that is dumbing down the game? You need to explain why you think so, and no I don't think that with out it they can't make their money back, now you are twisting words my good sir. I am simply saying by doing so it would make the game more accessible by letting people play the way that they want and I'm mainly saying I want it for pvp and pve spec

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I'm speculateing.

Would it really be that big of a deal to have 1 consulor that could switch from a Sage to a Shadow.


If not shouldnt each account have 16 charactor slots per server.

I dont mind replaying through with 1 class charactor twice If that were the case.


But logicaly there should be 16 slots on the server so people can play both sides.

People develope favorite builds, I dont think it makes sense to have to wipe out a build to respec for a flash point or whatever , then respec back to your other build, and pay for it.


I think RESPEC should only be for experimentation trial and error and polishing your charactor.


Dual spec to experience both of the advanced classes.And if there arent dual specs then there should be 16 charactor creation slots per person per server.

Edited by CygnusMX
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