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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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...or maybe some of us are attached to our main toon. Saying that Alts is the answer is nonsense...and saying we're lazy for not wanting to level and gear an alt is pure BS.




I'm very willing to pay a king's ransom to acquire Dual Spec so your FOS here as well.




Here's my PVP spec...


Here's my Raid spec...



Weird but it's the same role...Healer.

If you are willing to pay a king's ransom for dual spec...which i'm assuming this wording is to show that you aren't lazy and are willing to pay for changing your mind (changing your spec).

Then cool, i'm all for a dual spec option that every time you swtich between specs it charges you the current systems respec cost. Then you are paying your kings ransom as you said you are willing to, and you aren't lazy because you are paying to change your mind.

I would be 100% okay with this model...would you? or are you not quite willing to pay that king's ransom?



Again..play the way you want let us play the way we want.




Please stop making yourself look like a fool.


Some of us like playing the whole game. Some of us like to PVP when we're not raiding. You do your little RP thing and let us play the way we want. You can feel satisified that we're lazy slobs if that helps.


No one said you can't play the way you want, you can switch between those two specs all the time and I don't have to ever switch my spec. So the ability to do what you want is in game, assuming all you want is the ability to switch specs. Now if you want the ability to switch specs for FREE (lazy) then that isn't in game.


if you like playing the whole game then you'd make another character.

It's more accurate that some of you would like to be able to do all the end game content from every angle without paying the leveling price of admission. Lazy.


I'm not satisfied that you're lazy slobs. (that's assuming that you don't agree to pay that kings ransom everytime you switch between your specs in dual spec...if you are willingto pay for it then ignore this.) It's lazy slobs like this that ruined wow, that made MMO's a cash grab industry where everyone releases a WoW clone. Features like this will lead to dungeon finder etc. The pull the game from being an MMORPG into being a slow paced 3rd person shooter. It's ruining the genre.

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That's the catchall argument from the "pro-make this game like WoW" movement, and it was the main argument when it first appeared in WoW. There is thousands of things that someone could do in game that doesn't affect me or my play, such as getting free raid gear, that are sill stupid.


Like I said earlier the anti-dual spec crowds arguments I've seen so far have all boiled down to:


"Even though we wouldn't be forced to use dual spec, I still don't like the idea of other players using it because it bothers me."


Let's wrap this thread up guys, SlickDevlan has spoken, Dual Spec doesn't affect him but it's "still stupid."



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I'm not satisfied that you're lazy slobs. (that's assuming that you don't agree to pay that kings ransom everytime you switch between your specs in dual spec...if you are willingto pay for it then ignore this.) It's lazy slobs like this that ruined wow, that made MMO's a cash grab industry where everyone releases a WoW clone. Features like this will lead to dungeon finder etc. The pull the game from being an MMORPG into being a slow paced 3rd person shooter. It's ruining the genre.


What's the deal with the lazy slob personal attacks?


Time's change, industries change, genres change. Maybe you should aim some of that vitriol elsewhere?

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If you are willing to pay a king's ransom for dual spec...which i'm assuming this wording is to show that you aren't lazy and are willing to pay for changing your mind (changing your spec).

Then cool, i'm all for a dual spec option that every time you swtich between specs it charges you the current systems respec cost. Then you are paying your kings ransom as you said you are willing to, and you aren't lazy because you are paying to change your mind.

I would be 100% okay with this model...would you? or are you not quite willing to pay that king's ransom?




No one said you can't play the way you want, you can switch between those two specs all the time and I don't have to ever switch my spec. So the ability to do what you want is in game, assuming all you want is the ability to switch specs. Now if you want the ability to switch specs for FREE (lazy) then that isn't in game.


if you like playing the whole game then you'd make another character.

It's more accurate that some of you would like to be able to do all the end game content from every angle without paying the leveling price of admission. Lazy.


I'm not satisfied that you're lazy slobs. (that's assuming that you don't agree to pay that kings ransom everytime you switch between your specs in dual spec...if you are willingto pay for it then ignore this.) It's lazy slobs like this that ruined wow, that made MMO's a cash grab industry where everyone releases a WoW clone. Features like this will lead to dungeon finder etc. The pull the game from being an MMORPG into being a slow paced 3rd person shooter. It's ruining the genre.



LMAO...please stop with the idea that ALTS are the answer.


a) Dual Spec should be similar to buying the Speeder Skill. A one time very high cost limited to level 50's. That's the King's Ransom I mean.


b) This would not in any way impact you. If you love being a DPS in PVE the ability to perhaps Tank or Heal or the option to use a PVP spec doesn't change anything. You won't ever use the option. You'll still be a PVE DPS.


Someone please tell us how you're gameplay would actually be ruined by this. Saying it's bad design, laziness, ruins the MMO genre etc are not answsers because those are feelings. How does it effect YOU?

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Please leave speccing the way it is.

The indecisive, unsocial, uncreative, lazy people that want the ability to flip flop can go back and play WoW and Rift, they cater to you.


Thank you for your hostile, insulting, and ultimately destructive attitude.



Instead of asking for dual spec why not just ask to do away with specs? if you can freely choose what role you want to fill, why choose to begin with? At that point the choice is worthless and actually just a waste of time. Why not be able to "respec" into completely different classes? or races? At what point do all of you that want dualspecs feel that you have to make a decision and live with it and deal with the consequences of it?


This is an MMORPG, not just a single player one. It is heavily-modeled after WoW. There are no "meaningful choices" or "consequences" in the game.


Don't believe me? Why do you "get better" when you die? Why can you hit [ESC] to start a conversation over and completely change your choices? Why can you do the same Flashpoint over and over and over with the same bosses and mobs and nothing changes?


Do you just want the ability to choose your level, class, stats, spec, etc at will?


Changing your spec is no different than

1. Changing your Advance Class

2. Changing your Class

3. Changing your appearance

4. Changing your Race

5. Changing your Name

6. Changing your Faction

7. Changing your level


These are all character defining attributes, if they implement respecs they should just allow us to freely alter any of those attributes. Why would one of them be more special than the other?


Alert the media! All beauty shops, barber shops, and cosmetic stores MUST be closed immediately because it is "hard" no I mean "almost impossible" to change your makeup or hairstyle!!! :eek:

(See, two can play at insane sarcasm :rolleyes:)



For anyone that tries to counter with patches making changes to specs etc...DAoC did it for years with only being able to respec killing the appropriate bosses and they gave out respecs anytime the developers felt they made changes that were hugely impactful. This was good because fixing an exploit/bug wasn't considered impactful, so people that specced a certain way because there was a bug in the skill didn't get a free respect to move on to the next bugged setup. It made people take pride in their specs, people got creative with how to take on content if they didn't have someone in the group with something less than the "perfect spec"


You can make the argument that DAoC was a much-better designed game than SWTOR or WoW (and on some points I'd likely agree with you too), but SWTOR is a WoW-like Themepark with Flashpoint/Operation/Warzone "mini-games" and a large portion of the community are going to play it as that type of game and expect those features that come along with that choice to be supported.


If the talent decisions are going to be marginalized by allowing for cheap respecs or dual specs why bother having them to begin with?

I would have preferred they design the game without Talent Trees or a Class System, but it is the game it is and as BW seemed to care a lot about making the game "WoW-like" you are going to have to accept that flexible respeccing/dual specs are a part of that.


Please all of you people that want this to be a watered down game like WoW, go back to Wow.... where decisions don't matter, every class can dang near fill every role, you don't have to talk to people because the dungeon finder makes groups for you. the only reason to want cheap respecs or dual specs is YOU ARE LAZY. Every argument in this thread thus far for it is nothing more than a vague attempt to justify being lazy or claiming entitlement because you pay to play. I pay just as much as the next so your sense of entitlement ends where mine begins and my sense of entitlement says I pay to play a game that has a cost for respeccing. So unless you got a really good reason why you are better than me or your monthly sub is better than mine you are no more entitled to being able to respec than I am entitled to playing a game where there is no respecing.


Why do you think Dual Spec was added to WoW? It wasn't done on a whim. It was done because the game population suffered from a severe shortage of Tanks and Healers and it was implemented to address that.


If you honestly think that SWTOR - a game with 4-person groups that require at least 1 Tank and Healer per group - is going to achieve that proper class distribution in the population and maintain healthy group play long term without Dual Spec or cheap respeccing, you are simply in denial or delusional. People are already complaining about the lack of Tanks/Healers and that problem will only get worse, not better.


Veiled arguements that are lazy.


(Followed by long rant about laziness)


Most people play games for enjoyment, for fun, for relaxation. To attack people playing a game for being "lazy" clearly show that the issues you are presenting with regards to Dual Spec are your personal problems and not actually design issues or things that will break the game.


Also for those that say that if I don't like it don't use it, the ability existing in the game does impact those that don't want to use it. Example: If person A chooses DPS spec over Healing spec, but Person B chose Healing spec and there is a group opening for a healer. Lets Assume Person A is using dual spec and Person B is like me and doesn't believe in using it. Now person A just flips specs and joins the group, which isn't fair to B that has stuck it out. If person A wants to play dps and healer, make 2 characters or dual spec and be mediocre at them.


So you're worried about getting shut out of groups? That's a valid concern, but that's something that happens whether Dual Spec is available in the game or not, and Dual Spec actually allows for the creation of many more viable groups in the Community than when it isn't present. You might not agree. You might not like it. But that IS a fact.


I am 100% serious, I will pay double my monthly subscription for a server that does away with respecs entirely except when given out by the developers when they feel they have made changes that alter the game significantly enough to justify it. I will actually go ahead and pay for 5 years in advance, sign a contract or whatever BW wants to get my money and know that I am serious. At least then I know that I am on a server with people that aren't a whiny group of indecisive power-gamers with an entitlement complex...and to me that is priceless.


/rage off


At least your honest in your position. You want a game where your choices really matter. SWTOR offers teeny little teases your way, but if you are honest - choices don't really matter.


Sorry, flexibility and a healthy player base will be much better in the long term health of SWTOR than a total game population of 2,000 people who love that their choices "mattered" - kinda :rolleyes:

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@ RAMunch


Being that this topic is titled


"Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs."


And nobody in this thread has asked for the ability to change levels or class what does that have to do with anything?


How does Dual Spec negatively impact you as a player or your personal enjoyment of the game besides making you upset about how you feel other paying players should play the game?


I understand what it's titled.

I'm trying to understand you're side of it.


How is it that changing one attribute of a character is okay but not others?


I see changing spec no different than race, class, level, stats, pvp rank, etc... it is a character defining attribute.


Notice no one is asking for the other ones? why not? why is spec so dang important?


And again I have explained how dual spec negatively impacts me twice now.

If I choose not to use it I am limited to only filling 1 role, while someone else isn't.

You're response will be that it was my choice to not use the dual spec system and I have to live with the consequences of those choices or choose to use it. I 100% agree. I MADE A DECISION AND I MUST LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES OF IT.


I also say it was the players choice where to spend their talent points and they should deal with it or choose to pay the cost of respecing. Which is currently implemented in the game yet isn't good enough for you?


In it's current model the negative impact to me as a player is marginalized as the cost keeps people from just changing their role on a whim. Again I believe the current system is fine as it is. The ability to change specs is there, it just cost, the more you want to change the more it cost. That seems fair to me. I don't want to change, so it cost me nothing. I'm a healer, if a spot for a healer is open and some DPS wants to respec to healer spec to compete for that spot...fine, as of now he has to pay for that ability to compete for a slot i'm viable for...so we're even. Dual spec allows that player to switch to compete for a spot I am viable for without cost.


Again i'm not against changing specs, i'm against changing specs for free. Dual spec is changing specs for free. Unless it cost you to switch, then i'm okay with that. The original topic though was whining that the cost keeps going up because they have to keep switching specs....no they CHOSE to switch specs, and that's the cost of changing your mind.

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Degrades the spec system? If they were worried about that there wouldn't be a respec trainer.



...and it doesn't effect you at all. You're example is ridiculous. How can you compare me being able to store a PVP spec with Keybinds to getting free loot. Talk about hyberbolic nonsense.


Having PVP spec in reserve is quite different than having spec in reserve for every PVE aspect of the game as many have pointed out earlier however indirectly.


By all means have the free reserve spec slot for PVP if it is restricted to PVP only but do not allow such for PVE content other than the one that needs some running and credits. This also may be the case what they may implemet in future or something like that.

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Most people play games for enjoyment, for fun, for relaxation. To attack people playing a game for being "lazy" clearly show that the issues you are presenting with regards to Dual Spec are your personal problems and not actually design issues or things that will break the game.


Thank you DaxRendar for putting this so eloquently. I think this sums up things quite nicely.

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What's the deal with the lazy slob personal attacks?


Time's change, industries change, genres change. Maybe you should aim some of that vitriol elsewhere?


The lazy slob was a quote from the guy i was responding too, it was not my own words. I should have put it in quotes.


I do believe that people wanting Dual Spec over the current system are lazy, but I believe that is an unarguable point.


Current System...you want to change from spec A to spec B, you pay.

Proposed system...you want to change, you get it for free.


Wanting something for nothing is lazy. I'm not sure how anyone can argue that.


Also change isn't always for good...so trying to justify that we should just go with it because that's what happens is a horrible argument.


Times change....Germany changed when Hitler took over...that was for the good right?

Industries change...remember the "New Coke" back in the 80's....it was a change and it failed horribly.


Change isn't always good.

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By all means have the free reserve spec slot for PVP if it is restricted to PVP only but do not allow such for PVE content other than the one that needs some running and credits. This also may be the case what they may implemet in future or something like that.


I still don't see why it would be a bad thing in PvE either. You may not have noticed but there is a growing trend amongst some having difficulty finding groups for four mans. Offering people the ability to dual spec could allow some people currently specced for one type such as dps to have another available for tanking or healing. Which in turn would allow people an easier time forming groups.


Not real sure how that is a bad thing.


I mean I doubt I would even take advantage of the dual spec myself. Only reason I would is for PvP, but I'm not a huge fan of how that is incorporated in this game anyways and yet I can still see the benefits of it being offered.


Even if it doesn't effect me personally anything that makes it easier for players to enjoy the game for their playstyle in general I see as being a good thing. The happier the player base is the more chance they will stick around. Which in turn benefits me if I plan on playing this long term.

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The lazy slob was a quote from the guy i was responding too, it was not my own words. I should have put it in quotes.


I do believe that people wanting Dual Spec over the current system are lazy, but I believe that is an unarguable point.


Current System...you want to change from spec A to spec B, you pay.

Proposed system...you want to change, you get it for free.


Wanting something for nothing is lazy. I'm not sure how anyone can argue that.


Also change isn't always for good...so trying to justify that we should just go with it because that's what happens is a horrible argument.


Times change....Germany changed when Hitler took over...that was for the good right?

Industries change...remember the "New Coke" back in the 80's....it was a change and it failed horribly.


Change isn't always good.


Seriously? You're making allusions to Hitler and Coke now?


Like Dax said


Most people play games for enjoyment, for fun, for relaxation. To attack people playing a game for being "lazy" clearly show that the issues you are presenting with regards to Dual Spec are your personal problems and not actually design issues or things that will break the game.


You have a personal problem with dual speccing, it does not negatively impact your play in any way or break the game.

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Having PVP spec in reserve is quite different than having spec in reserve for every PVE aspect of the game as many have pointed out earlier however indirectly.


By all means have the free reserve spec slot for PVP if it is restricted to PVP only but do not allow such for PVE content other than the one that needs some running and credits. This also may be the case what they may implemet in future or something like that.


Impossible to implement since who's to say what's a PVP spec and what's not.


....and you can't limit it to just WZ's or even Illum since many people would want the spec for World PVP.


I fail to see why having Dual Spec hurts anything. If you want one role it's no different than rolling a Sniper for example who can only DPS. If you like to stay Tank specced it doesn't change anything if there's someone who likes to quest as a DPS spec but likes to Tank in FP's with their Guild.

Edited by zootzoot
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Also change isn't always for good...so trying to justify that we should just go with it because that's what happens is a horrible argument.


Times change....Germany changed when Hitler took over...that was for the good right?

Industries change...remember the "New Coke" back in the 80's....it was a change and it failed horribly.


Change isn't always good.




Okay, be honest. You're trolling right? You can't be serious...


9/10 if you are. Epic comparisons going on here.



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I see changing spec no different than race, class, level, stats, pvp rank, etc... it is a character defining attribute.


Really, nobody cares who you are in-game except your friends. And they will love you whether you have spec A or B.



And again I have explained how dual spec negatively impacts me twice now.

If I choose not to use it I am limited to only filling 1 role, while someone else isn't.

You're response will be that it was my choice to not use the dual spec system and I have to live with the consequences of those choices or choose to use it. I 100% agree. I MADE A DECISION AND I MUST LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES OF IT.


I also say it was the players choice where to spend their talent points and they should deal with it or choose to pay the cost of respecing. Which is currently implemented in the game yet isn't good enough for you?


I do not dedicate my life to this game. We all want to have a good time right? Looking for a tank or healer for 15 minutes isnt really fun if you have school, a job or a family to take care of as well. Farming for respc costs takes away game time and the fun of it.



In it's current model the negative impact to me as a player is marginalized as the cost keeps people from just changing their role on a whim. Again I believe the current system is fine as it is. The ability to change specs is there, it just cost, the more you want to change the more it cost. That seems fair to me. I don't want to change, so it cost me nothing. I'm a healer, if a spot for a healer is open and some DPS wants to respec to healer spec to compete for that spot...fine, as of now he has to pay for that ability to compete for a slot i'm viable for...so we're even. Dual spec allows that player to switch to compete for a spot I am viable for without cost.


There is a shortage of tanks and healers now. Dual spec allows people to fill in the missing the roles to get the group started. With the help of dual spec when there are more healers, tanks or dps its simply a matter of agreement who is going to heal and who is going to dps and tank instead of fighting over roles.


Also change isn't always for good...so trying to justify that we should just go with it because that's what happens is a horrible argument.


Times change....Germany changed when Hitler took over...that was for the good right?

Industries change...remember the "New Coke" back in the 80's....it was a change and it failed horribly.


Change isn't always good.


I have my coffee ready. I am ready for some more comparisons of yours.

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I could also argue from a customer point of wiev that


"I bought this product, i demand that i can continue to use the product i payed"



In a way the customer who demands that things stay as they are is more entitled to having his way than the one who wants product to be changed to work somehow differently.


Naturally MMORPG game evolve but still it is valid argument as a whole of options that are demanded...


In the other hand why cant i have this appearance tab that does not impact your gaming at all since you dont need to use it? Or why do i not want this dungeon finder as i dont have to use it.


By all means have the spare slot for PVP if it is only usable on PVP areas and have spec change that costs the same as it costs now with a extra feature that again costs to you to buy.. Meaning the ability to change spec anytime, anywhere. Have it but may this ability cost you approriate amount of credits to buy on l50 and then still cost to change it to make it less desirable to change specs and focus on your role like you should.

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The fans that did not want it could simply choose not to use it, it's that simple.


This was one of the arguments, it really isn't that simple.


Oblivion was build around the fact that you could use fast travel, it really messed up the other ways of travel, horses were pretty bad and they took out all of the travel spells (such as those that make you run faster) and all of the ways to travel between cities (such as paying a fare for a boat). Even Speed didn't seem to have much of an effect compared to in Morrowind.

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I have my coffee ready. I am ready for some more comparisons of yours.


You'll need something a lot stronger than that lol.




Outside of telling us your feelings(no they're not facts) and throwing strawman arguments at us, give us proper reasons why your against it or why it breaks the game?


I'll bookmark this thread incase I ever feel the need to despair at the stupidity of the human race.

Edited by Sparckus
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Ah Lethality, we dance again :D
It was inevitable in these fields of strife! ;)


Oh Master of the Strawman, please let me know why you are so opposed to a dedicated PvP spec (activates in Warfronts ONLY), when we consider the following:


-You immediately/auto-magically Teleport into and out of Warfronts (wonder why they don't make us all hang out in PvP lobbies and zone in at specific locations? :rolleyes:)

-Especially at 50, there is PvP-specific Gear with stats ONLY applicable to PvP

-There are a number of Abilities and Talents which affect Players but not Elite/Champion mobs

-Characters 10-49 are auto-magically given a buff up to Level 50 Stats/Ability Ranks upon entering a Warzone


I wouldn't be opposed to it under those conditions at all, and given how TOR is designed then it's a reasonable compromise to free-wheeling changes. Of course I'd much rather see game design and balance that doesn't separate PvE and PvP... but rather offers simply "combat."


As for the lower characters, Bolster has shown time and again in this game and others that it simply doesn't work. They need to simply keep like-level brackets for players to compete in. But one problem TOR will face, especially with the much lower apparent server cap that other games, is finding enough people to play. This is where cross-realm Warzones would come in handy... though that's a different discussion all together.

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I still don't see why it would be a bad thing in PvE either. You may not have noticed but there is a growing trend amongst some having difficulty finding groups for four mans. Offering people the ability to dual spec could allow some people currently specced for one type such as dps to have another available for tanking or healing. Which in turn would allow people an easier time forming groups.


Not real sure how that is a bad thing.


I mean I doubt I would even take advantage of the dual spec myself. Only reason I would is for PvP, but I'm not a huge fan of how that is incorporated in this game anyways and yet I can still see the benefits of it being offered.


Even if it doesn't effect me personally anything that makes it easier for players to enjoy the game for their playstyle in general I see as being a good thing. The happier the player base is the more chance they will stick around. Which in turn benefits me if I plan on playing this long term.


Well since i have been using it on WOW i know it has many good conveniences but it also has bad things in it and the least is not the way to cater for even more unnecessary flexibility that lessens the skill of mediocre player which in the end is the denocracy that most use features like this.

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This was one of the arguments, it really isn't that simple.


Oblivion was build around the fact that you could use fast travel, it really messed up the other ways of travel, horses were pretty bad and they took out all of the travel spells (such as those that make you run faster) and all of the ways to travel between cities (such as paying a fare for a boat). Even Speed didn't seem to have much of an effect compared to in Morrowind.


Oblivion was a great game. If you had the time to travel like a real RPer you walked on yer feet or by horse. If you had this quick gaming session before work you would fast travel. The choice was yours and it was always the best.

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Impossible to implement since who's to say what's a PVP spec and what's not.


....and you can't limit it to just WZ's or even Illum since many people would want the spec for World PVP.


I fail to see why having Dual Spec hurts anything. If you want one role it's no different than rolling a Sniper for example who can only DPS. If you like to stay Tank specced it doesn't change anything if there's someone who likes to quest as a DPS spec but likes to Tank in FP's with their Guild.


Not impossible at all. Resrtict to use of such slot to warzones and such and there we go. It is not like you can change spec on PVP server whenever there is enemy player approaching :p

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Well since i have been using it on WOW i know it has many good conveniences but it also has bad things in it and the least is not the way to cater for even more unnecessary flexibility that lessens the skill of mediocre player which in the end is the denocracy that most use features like this.


Those "mediocre" players were already mediocre by your definition. So what does Dual-spec have to do with it? Just don't play with them!

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No it isn't. There is no reason to reward someone for choosing not to do something versatile.
It's a reward for playing the game as designed.



I'm not even going to bother debating those ridiculous points.


Of course you're not, because it would be easy to point out the flaws in your arguments about dual-spec if you did.

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Well since i have been using it on WOW i know it has many good conveniences but it also has bad things in it and the least is not the way to cater for even more unnecessary flexibility that lessens the skill of mediocre player which in the end is the denocracy that most use features like this.


That is the way the metagame develops. It always lacks behind in the start, but in the long run people will know how it feels to be a tank, dps or healer. They will appreciate a good tanker or good healer more, because they know how tedious it can be sometimes. Heck it also improves insight in other class roles improving your raid.


But as said before, medicore players are medicore no matter what spec they play.

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