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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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It seems absolutely ridiculous that there is no cap currently for this in the game. My next respec is going to cost me over 100k and I respec'd a few times to pvp and try new specs.


If this doesn't get fixed I can guarantee you will have an enormous amount of very irritated players not wanting to be forced in to leveling another character solely to play a different role.


You're a company - you're in this for the money. You want players to play and keep playing , create things in their favor. A niche market has very limited funds and if you're catering to those that believe "NO WAY IF YOU DONT WANNA TANK GO REROLL" You need to do some re-working in your marketing dept. before you do anything else.


TL;DR - Add a dual spec and/or Respec cost cap or you will lose business.



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Then why would you want those people to tank/heal for you when they obviously don't have a clue how to do it since they don't do it?


Would you like someone to drive your children's school bus simply because he can drive a car and drove a school bus once 10 years ago?


Are you actually serious with this argument? The absurdity of people truly amazes me. You are comparing a simple role in a video game to an activity that can cause potential death to many individuals involved? Are you serious?


So you're telling me someone who chooses to not go through the pain of leveling as a healer or tank automatically doesn't know how to play a tank or healer? I hope you realize I leveled as a dps and switched roles via respec to tank and I knew what I was doing and completed every flashpoint and many heroics flawlessly.


There is literally no good argument against dual spec, just pretentious people with outdated thinking. Right now, in the game, I can change my spec anytime I want to. Dual spec does nothing but makes FILLING ROLES, in a game that is ENTIRELY DESIGNED AROUND FILLING ROLES VIA GROUP PLAY MORE CONVENIENT.


I hate to **** on people but I can only come to the assumption that you have to be a complete moron to actually be against dual spec.

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honestly, what is the point of CHOOSING A CLASS / SPEC at the start and 10th level of the game if you don't want to play that class? christ. if you want to roll a healer, then roll a healer. if u want to roll a dps, then roll a dps. this is a MMORPG....the RPG standing for roll playing game.


i picked a healer to start with because i wanted to be a healer. if i want to be a dps, i will then make a dps and switch between characters accordingly to what i want to persue. that is what these games are and why they allow the ability to make multiple characters per server.


this is why there is a respec option. this costs funds. if u want to change the way your character is, then u have to pay a penalty for it. if u decided to respec 40 times then u are an idiot.

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honestly, what is the point of CHOOSING A CLASS / SPEC at the start and 10th level of the game if you don't want to play that class? christ. if you want to roll a healer, then roll a healer. if u want to roll a dps, then roll a dps. this is a MMORPG....the RPG standing for roll playing game.


i picked a healer to start with because i wanted to be a healer. if i want to be a dps, i will then make a dps and switch between characters accordingly to what i want to persue. that is what these games are and why they allow the ability to make multiple characters per server.


this is why there is a respec option. this costs funds. if u want to change the way your character is, then u have to pay a penalty for it. if u decided to respec 40 times then u are an idiot.


Have you not read a single post in this entire thread? People don't enjoy sitting in general for 2 hours going LF1M TANK, LF1M HEALER. It's also painfully slow to level as a tank or healer compared to dps. People want to PLAY THE GAME. HELLOOOOOO. PLAAAAAAAAY TTTHHHHHHHE GAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMME. Why is this such a hard concept for people to understand? Sitting in general looking for a healer or tank isn't playing the game. It's simply annoying.


Also, the penalty for dual spec is the exact same as it is now for respecing. A LARGE FEE. No difference. The only difference between dual spec and what is in place now is convenience. That is it. Nothing else.

Edited by Griminal
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honestly, what is the point of CHOOSING A CLASS / SPEC at the start and 10th level of the game if you don't want to play that class? christ. if you want to roll a healer, then roll a healer. if u want to roll a dps, then roll a dps. this is a MMORPG....the RPG standing for roll playing game.


i picked a healer to start with because i wanted to be a healer. if i want to be a dps, i will then make a dps and switch between characters accordingly to what i want to persue. that is what these games are and why they allow the ability to make multiple characters per server.


this is why there is a respec option. this costs funds. if u want to change the way your character is, then u have to pay a penalty for it. if u decided to respec 40 times then u are an idiot.


So if I want to play a Sage in every combination I should have to make six alts or spend a lot of credits over the years on two alts to get all six possible play styles.....


The ability to change spec is already in the game. If they never wanted it then it should not exist in any fashion. You claim the level 10 choice is huge, but that is for your AC. You can still swap out spec within that at a cost. Dual spec is coming, like it or not.


Dual spec within the AC please.

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Also, the penalty for dual spec is the exact same as it is now for respecing. A LARGE FEE. No difference. The only difference between dual spec and what is in place now is convenience. That is it. Nothing else.


That and as it stands the easiest point in the game to respec is once you reach max level. At max level you should be rolling in enough credits to pay for the switches.


But at max level is where you actually can have alts take over different roles and play on the alt the party needs. At max level is when you are probably happy with your current traits and don't need to experiment around as much with different builds.


So max level is the easiest place to change specs. Its also the place where it is least needed. (And no the "Max level is where the raids are!!!" argument doesn't cut it. Flashpoints give people just as much if not more reason to respec than raids do.)


Dual specs solve this. If there isn't dual spec (And it sounds like they have already confirmed there will be) they at least need to make it drastically cheaper for low level characters to respec than high level ones. Also the fee shouldn't go up the more times you do it.

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I don't think anyone will be reading this since almost everyone on these forums are more intrested in posting their bs than reading other peoples bs...but maybe it helps someone...here it goes:





i might be wrong, but I don't think so. Worth a test?

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I don't think anyone will be reading this since almost everyone on these forums are more intrested in posting their bs than reading other peoples bs...but maybe it helps someone...here it goes:





i might be wrong, but I don't think so. Worth a test?


I know it knocks it back down at least one notch every week but I'm not sure if it will take you from 100k credits to 0 credits as soon as a week is up.

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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge




it's not easy it's more convenient. I can't stand people like you who don't want it because they don't want other people to switch between two specs. If you don't like it, don't use it, simple.

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Imo dual speccing is not needed. It would be more convinient yes but so would being able to change your whole class at will. It's a question of where to draw the line between what is convinient and what is defining for the game as a whole. Thus it's not a matter of right or wrong but as usual a matter of personal opinion.



Reset skill tree cost every week (as I think is already in, but can't confirm for sure)

Switch AC: No.


Sometimes part of the problem here seems to be people don't think a FP (or Ops for that) can be done if you don't have the exact and only right spec for tank, heal etc. Well I think that's wrong. I'm willing to bet almost all - if not all - content can be done with great variation in setup. The need for dual spec is not that great.


The need is basically just wanting for some "universal" class

Edited by zoofar
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I have a lvl 31 Bounty Hunter Tank. I don't need to respec to do decent dmg while questing or even dpsing a flashppoint. I almost completed my Legacy solo at level 30 instead of 33 like the quest level says. Hmm... Perhaps you have an interface controller error.


Look into that.

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Imo dual speccing is not needed. It would be more convinient yes but so would being able to change your whole class at will. It's a question of where to draw the line between what is convinient and what is defining for the game as a whole. Thus it's not a matter of right or wrong but as usual a matter of personal opinion.



Reset skill tree cost every week (as I think is already in, but can't confirm for sure)

Switch AC: No.


Sometimes part of the problem here seems to be people don't think a FP (or Ops for that) can be done if you don't have the exact and only right spec for tank, heal etc. Well I think that's wrong. I'm willing to bet almost all - if not all - content can be done with great variation in setup. The need for dual spec is not that great.


The need is basically just wanting for some "universal" class


I'm fairly sure most of the people who want dual specs, and I know for sure that I am not talking about switching ACs. I consider ACs to be separate classes. The people arguing for that simply don't understand the concept of what ACs are in this game.


My problem is with 4 man groups for flashpoints if you want to run flashpoints at your level there are only one good group combinations and two that can work at all. The only good combination for a group is 2 DPS, 1 healer, 1 tank. You can make 2 Healers, 1 DPS, 1 tank work if you need to but it is not preferable. 2 tanks simply will not work in any circumstance, I did it once, the healer did not have enough force to continue healing us the whole battle because mobs were not going down fast enough.


So you need prettymuch EXACT numbers of each role to make parties work. The problem is people don't seem to spec 25% tanks 25% healers and 50% DPS. Most jedi shadows I have seen go DPS. Many of the vanguards do too. There are not that many guardians in general but some of them go DPS as well, though they are the most likely to be a tank.


Because of this it takes FOREVER to find tanks. If you roll a tank, and they find another tank you instantly are not welcome in the group. If you roll something other than a tank and you can't find a tank your party is screwed.


"Rolling an alt" does not solve the problem when you're not talking level 50 raids but a level 17, 29 or 37 flashpoint because your alt and main won't be the same level until 50 most likely.


This game isn't just for powerlevelers. In fact this is one of the worst MMO's going for powerlevelers. So give us something to work with at 1-50 so we can actually do our flashpoints. Making a more simple system of switching between trees in your own class will make it so we don't need 25% tank specced. We just need 25% in a tank capable AC which I am pretty sure we do.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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2 tanks simply will not work in any circumstance, I did it once, the healer did not have enough force to continue healing us the whole battle because mobs were not going down fast enough.

Disagree. One tank just need to turn off his/her threat thingie and act as dps. I've done it many times and I turn it on if da $h1t hits da fan and I just gotta pull some agro to ensure success.

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I feel like duel spec is very unnecessary just pay for a respec. I was not a fan of it WOW because it sort of devalued the importance of picking a primary spec. Characters become less unique if a person can have two completely different builds simultaneously.
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The "suffering culture" is strong in this thread. Just because a game has nuanced mechanics, lack of features now common/standard in recent titles in the genre, etc doesn't make it unique and its players somehow "better" because they can suffer it while others dont. It makes the game sub par and its players either ignorant to other titles in the genre or complete masochists.


I dont doubt that if Bioware wasn't rushed to release this game, they would have added dual specs at launch. Then again, so many of the design choices of this game seem to be stuck in 2006-07 that there's a probability that they really do think that dual specs are bad for a game.


Here's why I want dual spec. I like dpsing, I like tanking, I can do both equally well. Sometimes I see general going "LF1M DPS" or "LF1M Tank" for x instance or heroic and I go "Darn, I'd need to go fleet to get a reset just so I can actually be an asset to the group instead of a hindrance". With dual spec, all I have to do is switch my shield for a focus and switch role. Not only do I benefit from this, but the other 3 in general get the person they couldn't find as well.

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Here's why I want dual spec. I like dpsing, I like tanking, I can do both equally well. Sometimes I see general going "LF1M DPS" or "LF1M Tank" for x instance or heroic and I go "Darn, I'd need to go fleet to get a reset just so I can actually be an asset to the group instead of a hindrance". With dual spec, all I have to do is switch my shield for a focus and switch role. Not only do I benefit from this, but the other 3 in general get the person they couldn't find as well.


So 5 minutes worth of travel and some credits is too much to ask for that kind of flexibility?


If someone is looking for a group, you can still very safely answer "yes, I'll respect and be there asap" without wasting barely a moment more than you otherwise would have.

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So 5 minutes worth of travel and some credits is too much to ask for that kind of flexibility?


If someone is looking for a group, you can still very safely answer "yes, I'll respect and be there asap" without wasting barely a moment more than you otherwise would have.


Why yes, let me run all the way to my ship because my emergency fleet/warp is on cooldown, whils't on the corner of tatooine. Get on my ship, wait for it to finish loading. Warp to fleet, wait for it to finish loading. Get a reset and pay progressively more money each time I do it. Run back to my ship, wait for the loading. Warp back to tatooine, wait for it to finish loading. Get on my speeder get dismounted every other pack of mobs do to how they are placed and finally get to the instanced heroic.


If this somehow seems more fun than actually pressing two buttons to change spec and gear and jump straight into the heroic then you are part of it! Part of the suffering culture that actually likes this (because you think you are better than others that cant suffer it) and that would actively try to prevent others from enjoying the game (because if you suffer trough it, then others must as well)


e- Let alone the people that have to suffer me going trough all of that when all they want to do is run a heroic that takes 15 minutes to finish.

Edited by Caonimah
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Why yes, let me run all the way to my ship because my emergency fleet/warp is on cooldown, whils't on the corner of tatooine. Get on my ship, wait for it to finish loading. Warp to fleet, wait for it to finish loading. Get a reset and pay progressively more money each time I do it. Run back to my ship, wait for the loading. Warp back to tatooine, wait for it to finish loading. Get on my speeder get dismounted every other pack of mobs do to how they are placed and finally get to the instanced heroic.


If this somehow seems more fun than actually pressing two buttons to change spec and gear and jump straight into the heroic then you are part of it! Part of the suffering culture that actually likes this (because you think you are better than others that cant suffer it) and that would actively try to prevent others from enjoying the game (because if you suffer trough it, then others must as well)


e- Let alone the people that have to suffer me going trough all of that when all they want to do is run a heroic that takes 15 minutes to finish.


Why stop there? Wouldn't it be more FUN if you didn't have to spec at all, just open up your talent tree and rearrange points at any time, anywhere?


Here's the reality: the group content you are talking about is in general going to be a Flashpoint or Operation, which are accessed from the fleet. So you're headed there anyway. If you're responding to a call for a Heroic on planet... you're already on that planet.


As for the loading, that's not part of game play. Focus your energy on getting BioWare to eliminate those screens, not add a feature as a crutch because they are annoying.

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Why stop there? Wouldn't it be more FUN if you didn't have to spec at all, just open up your talent tree and rearrange points at any time, anywhere?


Funny enough, this was one of their intended solutions initially. They wanted for you to be able to reset from anywhere without the actual npc in fleet. The npc would become obsolete like all those little modding stations you saw at the start of the game. (Which chances are you'd eagerly defend if the option to mod gear from anywhere wasn't present as it is right now and a poor sap made a thread asking for the feature to be added)


Again, I dont doubt they would have implemented these features if they wanted. They just lacked the time to do them as the game was rushed. Either that or they dont how to implement it without messing something up in the process. It would be wonderful seeing a person with all talents from all trees steamrolling everyone in PVP do to an exploit revolving around it though.

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