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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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Title says it all. At level 42 if i were to respec it would cost me over 100k credits. Thats seems outrageous to me (at least at this level).


I LOVE to tank for groups, but as most people have noticed tanks actually do poor damage in this game when compared to others.When soloing, I know that to compensate for this you bring a dps companion. However while encountering say a double silver-double reg pull, you will most likely be popping CDs just to survive because you still take a fair amount of damage even when your in full defense gear. To counter this you would bring a healer companion... but now your taking almost 3 minutes for the same pull...


If I wanted to mission faster I could go a dps spec and get things done, yet my group utility would be confined to that of a dps. Which is something that I do not care for.


That puts me in a predicament where I have to stay tank and watch everyone out level me just because they can do things twice as fast.


Another situation would be someone who plays pve utility (healer/tank) and likes to pvp as well. Constant respecs, or one of those aspects is going to suffer.


The only logical fix to this situation if to either cap the cost of respeccing or allow players to indulge in multiple specs.

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Title says it all. At level 42 if i were to respec it would cost me over 100k credits. Thats seems outrageous to me (at least at this level).


I LOVE to tank for groups, but as most people have noticed tanks actually do poor damage in this game when compared to others.When soloing, I know that to compensate for this you bring a dps companion. However while encountering say a double silver-double reg pull, you will most likely be popping CDs just to survive because you still take a fair amount of damage even when your in full defense gear. To counter this you would bring a healer companion... but now your taking almost 3 minutes for the same pull...


If I wanted to mission faster I could go a dps spec and get things done, yet my group utility would be confined to that of a dps. Which is something that I do not care for.


That puts me in a predicament where I have to stay tank and watch everyone out level me just because they can do things twice as fast.


Another situation would be someone who plays pve utility (healer/tank) and likes to pvp as well. Constant respecs, or one of those aspects is going to suffer.


The only logical fix to this situation if to either cap the cost of respeccing or allow players to indulge in multiple specs.



There is a cap and they are

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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge

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I would like this to be implemented.


I play mostly with a set group of guys n gals. We like running flashpoints together. When our healer had to leave for a week we found it pretty difficult to run some flashpoints. I have a BH merc DPS spec that I really like so I popped Mako and played primarily as healer but due to not being specced for it trying to be main healer is not easy.


In the end we got through it but it was painfull enough that we are not likely to do it again. If I had dual spec I could have easily changed roles and become the healer - problem solved.


But yes when leveling and soloing and pvp I like to play as DPS. But to have ability to swithc to healing role would be real nice in some situations.

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Why respec or dual spec? Just re-roll. Levelling is easy enough, and even fun. If they start allowing dual specs, then that will ensure strict adherence to the hated MMORPG-trinity. Otherwise content will not be challenging, and half the specs out there, will hardly be used.
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I kind of like the idea of nothing being able to do both Tank and Healer with the same character, but being able to switch between a dps and a tank/healer is definitely awesome. Tanking is my favorite thing to do in MMO, and in RPGs in general. But there are times where I want someone else to take the drivers seat and take all the heat of being a tank. Being a dps is a lot easier imo, and maybe every once in a while I'd like to dps instead of tank. Being able to switch back and forth is awesome. I shouldn't have to make 2 guardians, because I wanna be able to tank, and dps as a guardian


I don't have a problem rolling alts either, the story alone in this game is enough to warrant playing alts, and the different ways classes play. But I'm completely for duel specs. Loved it in wow, wouldn't mind it at all in this.

Edited by D_Sledge
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I would like this to be implemented.


I play mostly with a set group of guys n gals. We like running flashpoints together. When our healer had to leave for a week we found it pretty difficult to run some flashpoints. I have a BH merc DPS spec that I really like so I popped Mako and played primarily as healer but due to not being specced for it trying to be main healer is not easy.


In the end we got through it but it was painfull enough that we are not likely to do it again. If I had dual spec I could have easily changed roles and become the healer - problem solved.


But yes when leveling and soloing and pvp I like to play as DPS. But to have ability to swithc to healing role would be real nice in some situations.


So basicly ... it was hard, but you managed.... but you dont like things to be difficult so you want dualspec to make it easy.





Don't make the game to easy. it's easy-going already...

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So basicly ... it was hard, but you managed.... but you dont like things to be difficult so you want dualspec to make it easy.





Don't make the game to easy. it's easy-going already...


Yup. I don't know about you but I play games to work hard instead of having fun. Challenge is fine. Artificial grind isn't. Having to level the same character twice is silly.

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I don't think they should allow dual spec but they should have structured the classes and their companions better.


On my Jedi Sage I am healer specced and I got a Tank companion first which is perfect. I can solo loads of content one after another with virtually zero down time as I can just heal my tank and even though I am heal specced fully my dps is more than enough to drop mobs quickly.


On my Jedi Guardian however it's a different story, I am fully tank specced and I got a Tank companion first with a DPS companion shortly after (I know you get a heal one later in chap 2).


So now I am thinking right I am going to not really bother with the tank as it's not fun questing because of the mentioned problems, I die to largish groups of mobs if there is a couple of stronger ones in there as nobody can heal yet as a tank I am still taking lots of damage.


I have actually given up on the tank as it is so slow to level (compared to my healer) and so dull to have to regen after every pull.


The tank classes need a good healer with them as a first companion. Plus tank is notorious as the least played spec in these types of games, why make it even harder?

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Yup. I don't know about you but I play games to work hard instead of having fun. Challenge is fine. Artificial grind isn't. Having to level the same character twice is silly.



No being able to switch is silly in a star wars universe game.. once you get the respec youll want more.. there will never be pleasing you guys that need everything in the game for 1 character.. now thats silly

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Title says it all. At level 42 if i were to respec it would cost me over 100k credits. Thats seems outrageous to me (at least at this level).


I LOVE to tank for groups, but as most people have noticed tanks actually do poor damage in this game when compared to others.When soloing, I know that to compensate for this you bring a dps companion. However while encountering say a double silver-double reg pull, you will most likely be popping CDs just to survive because you still take a fair amount of damage even when your in full defense gear. To counter this you would bring a healer companion... but now your taking almost 3 minutes for the same pull...


If I wanted to mission faster I could go a dps spec and get things done, yet my group utility would be confined to that of a dps. Which is something that I do not care for.


That puts me in a predicament where I have to stay tank and watch everyone out level me just because they can do things twice as fast.


Another situation would be someone who plays pve utility (healer/tank) and likes to pvp as well. Constant respecs, or one of those aspects is going to suffer.


The only logical fix to this situation if to either cap the cost of respeccing or allow players to indulge in multiple specs.


100k? what... the.. hell.. Do you just not know how to read? or for that matter use online talent tree's to see where you want to spec into? Honestly though i dunno what the hell you did unless your going back and forth from healing to a damage tree instead of just picking one and sticking with it, not like it really matters the games ridiculously easy atm.


+ it go's down if you dont respec for some time so stop respecing so often give it a few days. Personally i have yet to even go over the 2000 credit mark...

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I find the the whole thing that We need dual specc because


I play a Tank or Healer and i cant do as much dps as a DPS specced character.

Sotherefor the dps specced player will have higher kill rate and get more xp per minute then me and therefor level faster

So please introduce dual specc so i can level as fast as them as pure ludicrous.


What some people are basicly looking for is that all should be the same none should stick out none should have some advantages over another.


Everyone should be Jack of all trades with the exception that everyone should be good on everything wihout any cost or tradeoff attached

Edited by Varghjerta
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your respec is not expensive because of your level but because of you doing it too often. you can actually respec for .free. if you wait a while (I think it resets after a week but I think respecing is lame so I don't know :p)
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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.



It's better for the game because it makes the community less reliant on tanks and healers. I don't mind healing when needed, but I don't want that to be the only thing I ever do. So I'll have a DPS spec and a healing spec. Some players will have a PvE spec and a PvP spec.


Making it eaasier to fill critical rolls and therefore easier to fill groups and do content is far more important than some vague sense that there needs to be "consequence" to decisions.

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This is not wow... you cannot respec from a tank to a healer to a dps. You can either be a dps or a hank/healer. There is no Advanced class that allows you to do all 3


You guys' only argument against dual speccing is that its lame and it ruins a game... GUESS WHAT IT ALLOWS YOU TO DO BOTH PVP AND PVE in specs that are both utility and damage. Would you want to pvp in a spec that is optimized to pve, no. Would you want to pve in a spec that is optimized to pvp, no. Dual spec would allow you to enjoy the game to its fullest without having to farm 500k creds every day.


I understand where you guys are comming from though because I felt the same way about flying in WoW and the 5 specs in rift. Im not asking for that. Only a dual spec system so I can enjoy both pvp and pve.


And to the lowbies commenting about 2000 cred respecs, it goes up with both how many times you respec and your level. Respec cost at level 30 was 36k, at level 40 without any respecs, cost was 60k.


Im not trying to sound like im raging or anything like that, im just trying to get something fixed that would greatly improve the play-ability of the game for people who like to pvp and pve in different specs. As well as keep the uninformed posts to a minimum.

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Such flawed arguements from people that are against dual spec, first of all, it doesn't affect you if you don't want to use it then don't, but who are you to decide what other people want to do.


I'm at level 34 on my sorc and my respec cost is already over the 20k, while only respeccing 3 times because I wanted to check all the tree's, wow shame on me, I actually wanted to test out all different specs, how could anyone want this /sarcasm off.


Like other people I would like to be able to heal flashpoints and perhaps PvP but with these ridicilous costs I just wont be doing that.

You could say level another char, but why would I want to do that when I'm 50, I will want to see the level 50 content, get gear, not level another char because I like to heal aswell.

And it all affects you anyway, in every single MMO people are crying because of lack of healers/tanks, this solves the problem but then a different group of whiners emerge.


Also, some people are not basement dwellers and don't want to hardcore it up and actually have jobs during the day, so relaxation and fun is something I want when I game, not frustration or being pidgeonholed into a spec.

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I dislike duel specing... it kinda forces under par tanks into birth and healers that don't want to dps...or DPS into healers in some cases


Either way for some players it's a good thing but for others it forces them into roles they don't want to be in. And it forces pretty much everyone to carry around a second set of gera... I don't wanna go back to doing that. seems to me that SWToR with the high respec cost is trying to force us to stick with the choice rather than min maxing the trees

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Why respec or dual spec? Just re-roll. Levelling is easy enough, and even fun. If they start allowing dual specs, then that will ensure strict adherence to the hated MMORPG-trinity. Otherwise content will not be challenging, and half the specs out there, will hardly be used.


um, the game already relies on the trinity. And certainly wouldnt more so with dual specs.

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Dual Spec??? NO THANKS.


Don´t make the PVP and PVE a casual play mode. If someone is lvling a char on tank mode for PVE, ok. But if someone wants to do PVP, take another char... lvl it all the time doing WZ (is not necesary to do pve for get exp) and make your PVP build.


Don´t make a WoW2 pls. And the rolls on Rift are the best cheating pvp mode that i have seen ever, totaly unbalanced. What do you want to see? A sith sorcerer (that supposed to be heal) making more dps that a pure dps char?


If you don´t want to start to lvling a new char, you have a solution. Pay the reroll spec, is an economic justification of the game. You MUST PAY for learning new skills, BUT you MUST PAY TOO for forget it. Is a prioriti and a fair question about economic of the game and ROL.


Sorry for my bad english. XD

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At the moment there is no way they could implement duel spec !!! First reason is that there are only 4 classes and with duel spec you would lose the feeling (not so common) of being a healer or tank of that class! There would be to many people the "same", second reason is bioware will want people to be online as long as possible, in the early/mid questing areas keeping it busy for group quests & flash points etc and adding duel spec will stop alot of people making alts (other characters).

In the future when there are more classes & steady number of people playing I'm sure it will be an option!! But let them sort the bugs/glitches out first as they are far more importand !!


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Why respec or dual spec? Just re-roll. Levelling is easy enough, and even fun. If they start allowing dual specs, then that will ensure strict adherence to the hated MMORPG-trinity. Otherwise content will not be challenging, and half the specs out there, will hardly be used.


Are you for real or just trolling us? Its 5 days playtime to reach 50...

Add the time to actually get two sets of identical gear....


We need dual spec or cheaper respec costs.

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