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Why do you hate Vette?


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The title is the question, after seeing how everyone really bags on this companion I was just wondering...why?

Personally, I like her companion quest/storyline. She is my second-favorite companion, second to Pierce (crudeness is epic). I wonder why eveyone even prefers darkside sadistic pyscho-witch Jaesa to her as a romance option. I mean unless you're into that :tran_smile:

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The title is the question, after seeing how everyone really bags on this companion I was just wondering...why?

Personally, I like her companion quest/storyline. She is my second-favorite companion, second to Pierce (crudeness is epic). I wonder why eveyone even prefers darkside sadistic pyscho-witch Jaesa to her as a romance option. I mean unless you're into that :tran_smile:


I prefer Quinn. Vette is nice, I guess, but she is DPS and I can't romance her. So ... :eek:

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The title is the question, after seeing how everyone really bags on this companion I was just wondering...why?

Personally, I like her companion quest/storyline. She is my second-favorite companion, second to Pierce (crudeness is epic). I wonder why eveyone even prefers darkside sadistic pyscho-witch Jaesa to her as a romance option. I mean unless you're into that :tran_smile:


Because Vette is to Sith Warrior what Carver was to MageHawke in DA2. Unless you're playing a light sided Sith, Vette will simply never stop being an annoying ***** who won't shut the hell up about your choices. Now don't get me wrong, I think a lot of the dark sided choices are absolutely stupid, 99% of the time they're pretty much herpaderp chaotic evil SITH SMASH! SITH ANGRY! SITH KILL EVERYONE THERE IS! But seriously, when you're trying to play an evil character, the absolute worst choice of a sidekick has to be the one annoying ***** who *****es constantly about your moral choices. And considering you're stuck with her until you get Quinn, you can see why people hate Vette. For the most part, most classes get pretty good starter companions IMO. Like Khem Val for Inquisitors, or Mako for Bounty Hunters. Vette however, is just a terrible choice that to be quite honest was just forced in because of a design decision(like how Carver was forced in to have a balanced class composition, due to him being a warrior and Hawke being a mage).

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Because Vette is to Sith Warrior what Carver was to MageHawke in DA2. Unless you're playing a light sided Sith, Vette will simply never stop being an annoying ***** who won't shut the hell up about your choices. Now don't get me wrong, I think a lot of the dark sided choices are absolutely stupid, 99% of the time they're pretty much herpaderp chaotic evil SITH SMASH! SITH ANGRY! SITH KILL EVERYONE THERE IS! But seriously, when you're trying to play an evil character, the absolute worst choice of a sidekick has to be the one annoying ***** who *****es constantly about your moral choices. And considering you're stuck with her until you get Quinn, you can see why people hate Vette. For the most part, most classes get pretty good starter companions IMO. Like Khem Val for Inquisitors, or Mako for Bounty Hunters. Vette however, is just a terrible choice that to be quite honest was just forced in because of a design decision(like how Carver was forced in to have a balanced class composition, due to him being a warrior and Hawke being a mage).


Well I'm a LS Sith, so itz all gooooood :)

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Well I'm a LS Sith, so itz all gooooood :)

The general majority of players pick Sith classes or Empire faction to be evil however, likewise with the general majority of players picking Republic/Jedi to be good. Now that doesn't mean absolutely everyone is that way, but as far as design decisions go you want to include the general majority, hence why the first companion is a tanking class for Inquisitors, and why warriors get a ranged DPS to complement them, and a healer immediately after. So, the majority of Sith players will likely want to play an evil character. Although I guess at the same time Vette can also serve very well as the abused slave for the sadistic Sith Warrior..But if you liked her as a companion, why would you shock her repeatedly?

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To put it honestly almost all starting companions, except for Khem Val or whatever he is called, are lightsided goody goody fools. If you want to play anything evil/ruthless, then nomather who you get (Vette, Mako, All the Rep Companions) just dont work. Not sure on the IA companion since i havnt played it yet.


But it does tie in well with there background stories, vette is a (ex)slave, Mako is young and not realy been out in the world much since joining braden i guess, and the rep peeps serve a goody goody side. Add to that that kaliyo i think is a merc with little regard for what gets in her way, and Khem Val is a monster that served a sith lord way back.


As characters go it fits them perfectly, as players it doesnt always fit best for starters though

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After playing my deception assassin for a while and getting Khem Val then starting a juggy and getting Vette; all I have to say is that I want to kiss the person who decided to put her in game.


Her attitude is hilarious.

DPS is crazy.

And she out tanks Khem no sweat.


I ended up making my SW go LS just to keep Vette happy :)

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I went dark side with my juggernaut, and zapped poor Vette on korriban for the dark side points. I felt so bad about that blue bag of pixels, i rolled a light side marauder and went all boyscout.


But even on my dark side jugger, i can't bring myself to be mean to her. By the time i left dromund kaas, i had over 5k affection with her. Yes, as a dark sider. She had me at the following dialogue (more or less accurate):


Me: "You and me. Together, we will conquer this galaxy !"

Vette: "Oh yeah... me and my Sith buddy... i guess no one will pick on me at school now.."



Oh, and Dakim, Kaliyo (IA's first companion) is one mean girl herself. Her battle one-liners are the best: "Dibs on the head !" and "Not so tough now, dirtbag". It's not about your companions liking you or not, imo. It's about the choices you make and sticking with your guns. I meant to be a total douche with my juggernaut, but Vette simply won me over. And the dark side isn't just "grraaaah, kill, kill !". It's cunning and despising weakness and the desire to make yourself stronger. Dark side doesn't have to mean dishonorable or evil per se. I'm not looking at the dark/light side as extremes, just as choices, same deal as the way of the open palm and the way of the closed fist in jade empire.

Edited by maestruljedi
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The general majority of players pick Sith classes or Empire faction to be evil however, likewise with the general majority of players picking Republic/Jedi to be good.


And see, if they were smart they would do the opposite.


The SW storyline particularly, if you play through as LS its hilarious to see how confused the enemy jedi you encounter become. The end of chapter 1 as a LS SW is just amazing.


As we all know, jedi are just hypocrites who hide behind their code and suppress their humanity because they are weak and have no control over their emotions, and any time they use their emotions they inevitably become evil.


Being a lightside sith proves once and for all that the jedi are weak and stupid.


likewise, if you want to be evil, everyone expects a sith to be that way, but its doubly evil when a jedi slaughters innocence :p



And yeah, Kaliyo has the best battle dialogue of any companion ive ever used.

Edited by Elysion
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And the dark side isn't just "grraaaah, kill, kill !". It's cunning and despising weakness and the desire to make yourself stronger. Dark side doesn't have to mean dishonorable or evil per se. I'm not looking at the dark/light side as extremes, just as choices, same deal as the way of the open palm and the way of the closed fist in jade empire.


Exactly. It's off topic but I hate how every single dark side choice I've gotten seemed to involve directly or indirectly murdering people. It just feels like Bioware's allignment choices are entirely two extremes. Light Side choices tend to be the Lawful Good, honorable, merciful type, while Dark Side choices constantly involve murder and choking without any reason at all. It's a lot harder to play a type of character when the choices are set in stone, and very often there's only a definite light and dark choice that also happens to be either letting the guy live, or killing him.

On Nar Shaddaa I hated how the only dark side choice was to kill the Republican commander who decided to negotiate with you. The light side choice should've been to let him off, the choice of letting him live provided he has to help you in the future should've honestly been a neutral choice.



I just feel bummed out that to play an evil Sith with some restraint and an honor code requires me to take light side choices simply because there's no other way around it..

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Well, thats how bioware morality usually is. 'good' and 'jerk'.


Playing a lightside SW makes me feel like stern and just nobility, not really caring too much about the lesser people but being fair as a matter of principal, not thinking twice about killing people who get in my way but sparing anyone with the good sense to yield.

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I guess it depends on how you play and what you want your char to be ... LS or DS. You may be able to convince either female to go along with you regardless of alignment, but the easiest path is to pick Vette for Ls and Jaesa for DS.


SW have it easy in this respect.


SI's are kind of messed up. There are no DS females. If you play a male SI to its logical conclusion, you will be out of the romance thing altogether. The best a male char can do is a "Bromance" with Khem ... as disturbing as that sounds.


What a trade off:


SW gets the best choices for a companions, but dresses like Mr Robato instead of a Sith Warrior ... well ... for most the game that is. Getting Sith Looking stuff at level 40+ when you're almost level capped is sad.


SI have the armor thing down but are limited in their companion choices. They don't allow your Jedi to be turned and the only thing you can do is play a deceiving Sith char with a heart ... ya .... that's a winner.


Either way, Vette has at least one good thing going for her ... she kicks major booty. Keep her geared and she is a DPS beast. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if I'm not getting in HER way.

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Because Vette is to Sith Warrior what Carver was to MageHawke in DA2. Unless you're playing a light sided Sith, Vette will simply never stop being an annoying ***** who won't shut the hell up about your choices. Now don't get me wrong, I think a lot of the dark sided choices are absolutely stupid, 99% of the time they're pretty much herpaderp chaotic evil SITH SMASH! SITH ANGRY! SITH KILL EVERYONE THERE IS! But seriously, when you're trying to play an evil character, the absolute worst choice of a sidekick has to be the one annoying ***** who *****es constantly about your moral choices. And considering you're stuck with her until you get Quinn, you can see why people hate Vette. For the most part, most classes get pretty good starter companions IMO. Like Khem Val for Inquisitors, or Mako for Bounty Hunters. Vette however, is just a terrible choice that to be quite honest was just forced in because of a design decision(like how Carver was forced in to have a balanced class composition, due to him being a warrior and Hawke being a mage).


It is actualy a brilliant choice. Here you are, future sith lord and you get a wise talking companion always here ot put you in your place. If your evil just hit her with the shock collar and problem solved.


Vette rarely gets upset at my choices unless its evil and over the top. Either way that -30 is overcompe by the 100's of +15's cause she likes it when I am rude to other people.


Don't putting yourself and your companion's in a box.

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I honestly have to say I like Vette's character, but I wonder why at lvl 19 with a good bit of affection from Vette, (Despite all the -30's for my evilness, as another poster has put, the +15's for being a smart *** really overshadow them) that I have never gotten the "Wants to talk" dialogue?
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I don't understand the guy who moaned about Vette ************ about your choices. The companions never comment on anything you do, they just lose or gain points. Really not something to get your knickers twisted over. I never chose the "good" option just for Vette's sake, but she was still swimming in affection. It's not all "dark" and "light" with companions. Some dark choices she actually gains points for.
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The OP asked about people's reasons for hating Vette, and I posted my own reason for doing so. Affection gain is a game mechanic to tell you how companions feel about your own choices. Also, certain cutscenes actually have your companions comment on your actions. Me hating Vette also proves that even as an MMO, TOR has intriguing enough characters to make me love or hate them, rather than feel indifferent about them and dismiss them as gameplay mechanics. So, what, I can't justify my reasons for disliking a character's personality in a videogame, when this is clearly the point of the thread?
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