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Leveling too slowly??


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So I just finished up Balmora, and noticed the recommended level to be when you go to Nar Shadaa was 21; I was half way through level 18 :/ . So I did my three space combat missions which just got me to level 19, but I reallllly don't want to continue under leveled into Nar Shadaa as killing the last spy ( when I was apparently 2 levels under what I should have been ) was a horrible pain in the ***.


Now I can find ways to fill my time leveling, I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem? The only quests I have not done has been the heroics, and I think two quests that were bugged so I couldn't complete them.


So in all you awesome juggs out there, what is the most efficient way ( outside of main quest pve obviously ) to gain a couple levels? Does re-doing space missions yield the same ammount of experience each time? Are there flash points at my level ( if I find a guild by chance ). Or should I just quit being such a carebear and do some pvp ♥


edit - Also, since I have your attention, what spec is the most efficient for leveling. end game I want to just go regular tank, but for the time being I was speccing fury, and since I just got Malavi Quinn, i figured heals/whatever damage he can do would be nice. Ideas/opinions?

Edited by WEMP
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How is that even possible? I left DK at level 17 and hit level 19 by doing the space missions (once for each quest) before even LANDING on Balmora.


In short, you're doing it wrong. I don't know how, but it's just wrong.


Also, I've leveled 3 characters through Balmora and all started that planet at 18 or 19 and finished at 23 or 24.

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Well, I can only assume that maybe I missed something on the dromund then.


My apologies for, "doing it wrong".


You're missing something like 3 or more levels though, that's more than just missing a heroic or something like that. I didn't mean to be rude, I just honestly don't understand how you managed to do that unless you basically just ran your class quest and skipped most of the side quests.


Also, try and do the daily space missions for 3 or 4 days. They give ridiculous xp at your level. I mean it's just stupid how easy it is to out level content sub 40 without entering a single flashpoint.

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You're missing something like 3 or more levels though, that's more than just missing a heroic or something like that. I didn't mean to be rude, I just honestly don't understand how you managed to do that unless you basically just ran your class quest and skipped most of the side quests.


Also, try and do the daily space missions for 3 or 4 days. They give ridiculous xp at your level. I mean it's just stupid how easy it is to out level content sub 40 without entering a single flashpoint.


No, seriously no offense taken. I am admittedly new to really any game outside of fighting games so this is all new to me. I could've sworn I grabbed a quest every time I saw the little quest giving symbol on the mini-map but it is apparent that I didn't haha. Yeah I think maybe for a few days I am just going to do the space missions while I wait for my friend to build his computer to join me. Thanks for the input.

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kinda hard to believe you did every mission seeing as without any pvp/space combat and with 1/2 fp's I always seem to end up at 23/24 when i finish Balmorra. Anyway you should really make sure you did all the heroics and finished the bonus chain. Also how did you even get there at that low lvl? :D i'm never under 18 when i even leave Dromund Kaas.
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Well, I can only assume that maybe I missed something on the dromund then.


My apologies for, "doing it wrong".


well im a warrior and once i did the stuff for Darth Lachris( dunno if you had to put up with her) then one of her captains showed up in the spaceport, he gave me four extra missions leading to areas with "more" missions, i was lvl 25 when i left balmorra, but ive also done some PVP that gives insane amounts of XP sometimes, and credits too, play PVP for an hour straight and youll get 10k creds and a massive amount of comendations you can buy PVP stuff for

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I do not understand how anyone can be underleveled if they do all quests.


I was level 13 when I came to Dromund Kaas and I was always 4-5 levels above every planet until I got to voss.

Now I am almost done with Voss which is up to 47 and I am 49 1/2...

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My jugg is level 45 as of last night, and my active questline is lvl 47-48, halfway through Voss. This is after I spent 3 hours doing flashpoints to hit 45. I've done nothing but quests up to this point, completing each zone except a couple of the heroic 4 quests. Following the linear path of questing will eventually lead to being under-leveled. Being that I'm a very competent player, and frankly an astounding tank, I have no trouble completing quests that are 3-4 lvls higher. The problem lays in the fact that I must use every CD I have to withstand the mobs I'm facing. I couldn't imagine trying to do what I've done on anything but a heavy armor tank.
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You are in the perfect range for pvp, trust me. You get xp and credits. Not to mention pvp commendations, which you can buy gear. And its not pvp based gear, its regular gear. they have equip at lvls 20, 40 and 50.

So once I hit 18 or so like you, I start pvping like crazy to get enough commendations for the lvl 20 gear.

Plus the pvp daily is great. Note 1000 is limit on commendations so spend them before that point.


Also the spacemissions are great. If its your first time doing them, you get the initial introductory quest for them, that gives great xp. Then normally you get 2 or so new ones every few lvls, and a daily to complete both.

At home I had a sheet of paper with the run times of each mission and the cred/xp reward.


Ive gotten a sniper to 35, Juggernaut to 34 so far.

I had an 16 assassin I didnt like the look of and wanted to try something, so deleted and redid, and hit 12 yesterday in about 3.5 hours.

Once I get around 16, its pvp time.


Still not sure how you're so many lvls under. Im always on par or 1 lvl under but I avoid and circumvent a lot of unnecessary fighting.

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I have completely the opposite problem. I've done countless grey con quests just to finish up storyline, hardly efficient but the journey to 50 is so bloody good in this game I don't feel any pressure to level fast. I rarely do quests that are higher than green con to me.


I'm 49 right now and still on Belsavis !! One of the reasons I am so ahead of the level range has been the mixing up of my leveling process. Every day, I do the PVP daily, the space quest dailies and I was running flashpoints consistently numerous times a day until recently.


There is no right way to level of course, but the variety of stuff to do gives you many options. If you are close to 20 or close to 40, then doing Warzoning grinding for the PVP gear is something I would thoroughly recommend. The gear is a significant upgrade on most stuff for that level and is easy to come by, most of my guildies have their full set of 40 stuff in their 20's or before.

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I've been outleveling most of my quests, most of them end up green by the time I go do them, I also sit in the Fury or cantina to rack up rested xp when I'm not playing. Missing zones on a planet can hurt your level progress, as someone else pointed out, that's probably what the OP did.
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you must of missed the bonus mission, and quests. all my quests on bal were grey before i left there. the bonus series opens up a bunch of quests too.


^ this, unless you got to Balmorra at level 14 you should have plenty of levels to gain there.

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