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Infuriated by Portrayal of Republic


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I have not played the imperial quest lines but I highly doubt they are all about inept, weak, pathetic soldiers that cannot do anything right alone and running from one failure to the next trying to keep pace. They are probably all about invading and conquering the Republic.


They are not. I blow things up, get options to either shoot someone or toy with them a while before shooting them, and generally move from to a position of strength and power to a higher position of strength and power. It’s one heck of a ride!


Maybe you could take a lesson from one of my companions. True learning doesn’t come from shocking someone repeated with their slave collar but from offering a kind word and maybe a gentle pat on their shoulder, congratulating them on a job well done. Then using the slave collar to shock them.


The republic is kind of like that companion, and I truly believe the small victory followed by crushing military defeat is providing your faction with a valuable life lesson. Namely, blowing things up, electrocuting your companion and generally winning are nothing when you have friendship.


Or something.



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Keep in mind that each classes story takes place at different points in time. The Jedi Knight's (as it seems) takes place last out of all the classes, and without giving too much away, from what I've seen so far, after the Jedi Knight leaves each planet and progresses, the Republic gradually gains the upper hand.


This makes sense that they would stagger the storylines, I was wondering the other day how they would make sense of each of the 8 classes succeeding at the same time. But since they've apparently staggered the timelines, it would make sense so that for some classes, they are at a time when the Empire has the upper hand, and others when the Republic is fighting back.




As for "liberal" or political bias. Do you not realize that the Star Wars Hexalogy is chock full of political references and points?

Also, this is the Star Wars universe, not ours. To the Jedi, any evil is evil, and cannot be justified.

I think the sith warrior happens last actually if you read a certain email that the sith warrior gets at the end of their story.

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The Republic was invaded completely by surprised, lost half of their territory, had their capital sacked, their military forcefully withdrawn from border planets, and then the Jedi left in "exile" to Tyhon. And you expect them to just get up and be able to defeat a Militaristic and massive Empire that is commanded by a man who spent centuries devising a plan to cripple the Republic??



Edited by Skapek-Skocap
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Izariel > I've finished my Jedi Knight on Nar Shadaa, and am just about to begin my Imperial Agent on Nar Shadaa, and I can say that the Armies of both sides are portrayed as inept... although it seems that the Imperial soldiers are supposed to be even more useless than the Republic guards, though not necessarily "weak" (which would make sense considered that the Imps haven't fought a war for 1,000 years, while the Republic has had a few). It's funny as they keep talking about "the Big Bad Republic" trying to rid the planet of Imperial control, and in the next sentence, they're talking about "putting the locals in their place by ANY means necessary" :p ... there's even one line of "I can't explain unplanned civilian casualties to my superiors" thus implying that they do have regular planned civilian casualties.


From a strategic standpoint, the Empire has to invade, while the Republic has to first defend, and in some rare cases push back where the Empire has already conquered. The Empire has not limits or restrictions as to how far it will go to claim victory, while the Republic (as a rule with individuals attempting to break it) holds onto its morals, while fighting an encroaching enemy that's just waiting to say "peace treaty is over".


On both sides, the writing is supposed to give us players the sense of "desperation" and give the NPC's a legitimate reason as to why "only you can do this" and not their "few good men" instead.

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I have been thinking the EXACT same thing! Not only that, but they are inept to degrees that make me question how the were even getting anything done before I came along.


I get that they want your character to remain heroic, but not every single mission has to revolve around you recovering some wordl destroying weapony/device.


mission 1: We just lost a weapon that we were developing that can demolish WORLDS!

me: seriously? Shouldn't this be.. I dont know.. Guarded a little better?


mission 2: We just lost a gadget that we were developing that can demolish WORLDS!

me: AGAIN? How many of these devices are you making?


mission 3: We just lost a serum that injects soldiers with the power to demolish WORLDS!

me: have you learned nothing?!?

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I have been thinking the EXACT same thing! Not only that, but they are inept to degrees that make me question how the were even getting anything done before I came along.


I get that they want your character to remain heroic, but not every single mission has to revolve around you recovering some wordl destroying weapony/device.


mission 1: We just lost a weapon that we were developing that can demolish WORLDS!

me: seriously? Shouldn't this be.. I dont know.. Guarded a little better?


mission 2: We just lost a gadget that we were developing that can demolish WORLDS!

me: AGAIN? How many of these devices are you making?


mission 3: We just lost a serum that injects soldiers with the power to demolish WORLDS!

me: have you learned nothing?!?


The reasons for that are also explained. If you stick a bunch of guards into the project, you not only create a serious number of people who can comprise the entire thing, but you draw attention to it - because now there's a lot of people involved. A covert operation relies entirely on not being discovered. If it is? Well, uhm. You call in a Jedi!


Also the whole thing of militaries being inept is, as someone mentioned, to make you feel like a hero. You rally all these ineptitude into victory.

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I have been thinking the EXACT same thing! Not only that, but they are inept to degrees that make me question how the were even getting anything done before I came along.


I get that they want your character to remain heroic, but not every single mission has to revolve around you recovering some wordl destroying weapony/device.


mission 1: We just lost a weapon that we were developing that can demolish WORLDS!

me: seriously? Shouldn't this be.. I dont know.. Guarded a little better?


mission 2: We just lost a gadget that we were developing that can demolish WORLDS!

me: AGAIN? How many of these devices are you making?


mission 3: We just lost a serum that injects soldiers with the power to demolish WORLDS!

me: have you learned nothing?!?


The doctor who was in charge of the project was an undercover Sith... They were all stolen pretty much as soon as his cover was blown.


Seriously... quit whining.

The Jedi Knight KILLS the Emperor. The Jedi Consular KILLS all his "children." The Smuggler (I think) demolishes the Empire's whole spy network. Not sure what the Trooper does, but I've heard it's epic.


Edited by Fardreamer
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The Republic is the faction that actually cares about its citizens and will defend a planet rather than invade, but don't forget their order is weak right now. The Republic is still recovering from the attack on Coruscant and the Jedi are busy training the next generation on Tython.


While the Empire could care less about their citizens unless they are Sith/soldiers/VIP's of the Empire you will be enslaved and sent to their labor camps. Leaving a lot of resources to be poured into armies and bases.

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The Jedi Knight KILLS the Emperor. The Jedi Consular KILLS all his "children." The Smuggler (I think) demolishes the Empire's whole spy network. Not sure what the Trooper does, but I've heard it's epic.



I'm told that Troopers pretty much smash the entirety of the Imperial Army under their booted heel, completely decimate their navy, and gut their Special Forces.


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Well also even with a side that's winning a war, when a free soldier comes along looking to help, they're going to send them to an area that needs support...not to an area that's already heavily guarded and is stomping the enemy into the ground.
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Start of the story = Empire > Republic

End of the story(for now) = Republic > Empire


Cry me a river/lake/ocean.

Play any republic class story to 50, and see just how much you hurt the Empire. Jedi Knight especially.

Edited by Setholan
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Start of the story = Empire > Republic

End of the story(for now) = Republic > Empire


Cry me a river/lake/ocean.

Play any republic class story to 50, and see just how much you hurt the Empire. Jedi Knight especially.


^^This. OP needs to finish his/her storyline and then come back and post, instead of whining this early. The later chapters for the Republic classes are much more epic than the Imperial ones IMO.

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have u never watched star wars? almost all the movies the republic are sort of rebels trying to survive or make it....... so obviously you dont understand??? so yes republic have it hard but u and all the rebels are trying to repel the empire and restore piece of course u are going to be out numbered most of the time its the "empire" vs republic generally meaning 10 to 2 lol odds
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It's been said already by previous posters. The story grows and changes. The Republic starts very much up against the wall. They are fighting to just maintain what they have, rebuild what was destroyed, and fight off a hostile enemy who is still pushing everywhere they feel strong enough. My consular is only in the mid 20's, but I actually like fighting a desperate battle against incredible odds. I also like being the one guy who will take the risk, do the insane tasks, and charge in where the rest fear to go.


As for already giving up before the story's all told, I refer to a quote from The Dragonbone Chair trilogy by Tad Williams


“He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish. No matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder.”

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I gave up on the "good guys" when a Jedi Master sent me on a quest to discover if two padawans were having a romantic relationship.


REALLLY??? is that what the Jedi's priorities are a a guy and a girl kissing and falling in love.


would have been waaaay funner to be sent on a long series of tests, defeating mindless creatures, rescuing people and stopping the imperials instead of being outsmarted by them.


The game is fun now but it's going to die, im sorry i wanted it to be awesome but im giving up to i hate myself for being like this but im done.


I would rather spend hours in westfall trying to get livers from goretusks then tattletale on two padawans kissing in the bushes.

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I gave up on the "good guys" when a Jedi Master sent me on a quest to discover if two padawans were having a romantic relationship.


REALLLY??? is that what the Jedi's priorities are a a guy and a girl kissing and falling in love.


The entire Republic in the prequels was shattered, and the Jedi nearly driven to complete extermination...


Because of two people falling in love when they weren't supposed to.

Your move.

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Trust me when I tell you that the Empire is no better. I sometimes wonder how the Imperial Army ever did anything before I showed up; too scared to go out and fight anything, and so incompetent, that they could never find their asses if their lives depended on it. I have have a fare share of /facepalm moments at some of the things I have to do. I think this is BW's attempt at making you look awesome by making the NPCs in your faction Gomer Pyle.
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At lvl 47, I've thoroughly enjoyed the Sith Warrior storyline. Sure a lot of the time I'm the hero, but there are more than enough Imperials who make me proud.


Also, just a note, the Jedi Knight final quest.

ITS A LIE. Suckers.


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I have not played the imperial quest lines but I highly doubt they are all about inept, weak, pathetic soldiers that cannot do anything right alone and running from one failure to the next trying to keep pace.


Yes they are actually. Majority of empire questgivers that are not part of the class quests are bumbling idiots or at least failing very hard due to circumstances (We are being harassed by the republic, and pirates and, and .. we have run out of food and medical supplies.. you get the picture) . The empire player will save their behinds and ensure victory for the empire in each playing area that you go through. How that happens is mostly flavor (and allows you to play evil in addition to war hero).


Only AFTER the player has helped them does it turn into a victory march over republic.


The setting in the beginning of the game had empire forcing republic to retreat hastily, and the question why empire ever agreed to treaty of coruscant is a mystery to me. If empire had continued advancing, they would have won, or at least it appeared so.

Edited by Karkais
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I have almost played through my whole quest line now (Consular) and it is one huge defeat/ crisis of the Republic after another. Everywhere I go the Republic is being beaten, destroyed, infiltrated etc...


It seems Bioware is going out of their way to show how inept and/or worthless the Republic military is. It seems in all the whole galaxy I am the only one that can do anything right.


At every turn the Empire is outsmarting us, outgunning us, and generally better than us. I am shuttled from one disater to the next, barely able to hold on.


Not once have I gone on the offensive for the Republic. To me this says that there is a huge bias against the way people view the Republic faction.


I have not played the imperial quest lines but I highly doubt they are all about inept, weak, pathetic soldiers that cannot do anything right alone and running from one failure to the next trying to keep pace. They are probably all about invading and conquering the Republic.


I am sick and tired of always being the faction that has the bias against it (In this case Republic).


I know that nothing can be done at this point. I just wanted to point it out for discussion.


I am playing the sith inquisitor and I can tell you that I have to "fix" a lot of errors and mistakes as well. I am the only one who can save the empire and that is all part of the game. All I do is rout the horrible republic infiltrators who are inciting rebellion on all of our worlds, breaking the treaty and undertaking missions for the dark council. Lol, get used to it.

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I gave up on the "good guys" when a Jedi Master sent me on a quest to discover if two padawans were having a romantic relationship.


REALLLY??? is that what the Jedi's priorities are a a guy and a girl kissing and falling in love.


would have been waaaay funner to be sent on a long series of tests, defeating mindless creatures, rescuing people and stopping the imperials instead of being outsmarted by them.


The game is fun now but it's going to die, im sorry i wanted it to be awesome but im giving up to i hate myself for being like this but im done.


I would rather spend hours in westfall trying to get livers from goretusks then tattletale on two padawans kissing in the bushes.


Don't let the door hit you..........

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I have almost played through my whole quest line now (Consular) and it is one huge defeat/ crisis of the Republic after another. Everywhere I go the Republic is being beaten, destroyed, infiltrated etc...


It seems Bioware is going out of their way to show how inept and/or worthless the Republic military is. It seems in all the whole galaxy I am the only one that can do anything right.


At every turn the Empire is outsmarting us, outgunning us, and generally better than us. I am shuttled from one disater to the next, barely able to hold on.


Not once have I gone on the offensive for the Republic. To me this says that there is a huge bias against the way people view the Republic faction.


I have not played the imperial quest lines but I highly doubt they are all about inept, weak, pathetic soldiers that cannot do anything right alone and running from one failure to the next trying to keep pace. They are probably all about invading and conquering the Republic.


I am sick and tired of always being the faction that has the bias against it (In this case Republic).


I know that nothing can be done at this point. I just wanted to point it out for discussion.


well, the sith empire took coruscant and you simply lost the fricking war. why should it allways be the darkside who is at a loss? oh wait, we are stronger anyways!

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The Jedi Knight KILLS the Emperor. The Jedi Consular KILLS all his "children." The Smuggler (I think) demolishes the Empire's whole spy network. Not sure what the Trooper does, but I've heard it's epic.



Incorrect on several points. Jedi Knight kills a weakened body of the Emperor. What the heck that death means to him isn't clear atm. It may mean death. It may mean he si a force ghost now. Or it may mean that he is just moving to a new body.


Jedi Consulars kill the most powerful fo the Children of the Emperor, who also was shielding the rest from detection. There are still plenty of the Children of the Emperor out there.


Imperial Intellegence is not destryoed in the Smuggler story but in the Agent one, and there it is being dismantled by the Dark Council so they can form a new intellegence agency under their direct control.


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