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What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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My Legacy name is Miststalker


Prophett Miststalker - 31 Sith Assassin

Vhlad Misstalker - Trooper

Star Miststalker - Smuggler


This was the last name of my 1st character whe I was younger playing DnD. And during many years of playing the Other names are family members he murdered throughout his adventures.

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My character name is Durzo, my legacy name is Blint.


Durzo Blint lvl 39 Trooper Jung Ma. :p


Kudo's if you understood where my name was from.


Im not there yet - how does the legacy thing work exactly?

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As I am a big Game of Thrones fan I knew from the start I would choose from one of these as my legacy name:








But in the end I Chose "Snow" as my legacy, after my favourite character Jon Snow. My Operative is known as "Cane Snow the Destructive"


Very original. :p

Edited by BobaCane
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The Bahamut Legacy.


Neo Bahamut.

Zero Bahamut.

Sin Bahamut.

Dark Bahamut.

Megaflare Bahamut.

Teraflare Bahamut.

Anu Bahamut.

Tathamet Bahamut the Destructive. (main at the moment)


Yeah total FF dork here, and Bahamut > all. Although Anu and Tathament aren't FF in origin, they are dragon related (at least Tathamet, but if I had Tathamet I needed Anu... : )

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Latin root of Stygian, which you may have seen in the names of some items in game. I knew the word and it's origins from mythology and various books like Dante's Inferno. The word and its parts mean the following:


Extreme darkness, gloomy, infernal, hellish, forbidding, foreboding, black, hate and detestation.


Perfect for my dark side character(s).

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Baroness Marisa Medici, located on Jedi Covenant.


All my other characters have < The Medici Legacy >

Why? Well Medici isn't the last name I'd have chosen for any of my characters but it's rather appropriate as a Legacy. While my guild is called Umbrella Corp here, it's because we could not call ourselves The Merchant Princes (as we are known in other MMOs) in this game. Given that we took our inspiration from the Medici family of history, it seemed fitting to use as a Legacy.

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After years of playing a member of the Skirata clan in tabletop RPGs I went with Skirata.


Allora Skirata

Ållora Skirata

Genesis Skirata

Caille Skirata


And the remainder of my characters go without it being shown. Double use of Allora is because the characters RP includes her knowing how to use both Powertech tanking and Mercenary Healing loadouts. Hence the same name with an ascii char.






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