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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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Geek time...


My legacy name is Pythagoras.


I have four toons, but 2 are low level and will probably remain that way.


My main SW is Cosmos. Pythagoras was the first person to use the term Cosmos as a meaning of numerical relationships.

My alt is a SI called Tetractys, a triangle made up of ten points in 4 rows (from top to bottom; 1, 2, 3, 4)

It also symbolises the Cosmos.


My other alts as name placers are Theorem (no surprise at that one!) and Constant. Constant follows the Theorem and is the square root of 2.


I'm not sure how I ended up with such a geeky legacy. I only used Cosmos as it's the name of a book I was staring at across the room when I created my character. Doing some research I ended up liking the Pythagoras name and followed that structure....

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After some deliberation on trying to pick a neutral name to match all of my characters, I went with Elanlessvent as it's an anagram of my first and last names.


In fact, all eight of my characters have their names take from a combination of the letters in my names (including two middle names). In this way, each character is like an extension of a different part of me.


I'm already planning for more characters when we are able to get more than eight character slots.

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Lord Arius of the Devlin legacy!


Arius is a name of Greek origin. It means "immortal". Devlin is of Gaelic origin. It means "fierce valor and bravery".


Yeah, it sums up my light-sided Inquisitor perfectly. :cool:

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The Khaan Legacy, that consists of:


Roarik Khaan-level 50 Vanguard: Shield Specialist-zabrak-armortech 400-scavenging 400-underworld trading 400

Rapter Khaan-level 24 Scoundrel: Sawbones-cyborg--cybertech 400-scavenging 1??-slicing-1??

Skriilex Khaan-level 15 Sniper: Marksmen-zabrak-biochem ???-bio-analysis???-investigation-???

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Chose the Legacy name Apollo. This was my first MMO and so i didnt really know what to expect and didnt have any name set for my toon, so i just went with a random name. The game gave me Rai'kond. Kinda a sucky name to pick a legacy to go with. So when I hit the legacy point, i spent a good 30 minutes trying to find something that i wouldn't hate with my 3rd or 4th toon. I came up with Apollo. The guys in my guild just call me Rai for short but pronounce it Ray. That helped me with the name choice since Apollo was the God of the Sun.
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I chose the Polaris legacy. I had never envisioned that my characters would be family members, and so I tried to come up with an interesting way to connect them. I came up with the idea of a secret organization known as Polaris, made up of powerful individuals from both factions, who select rising leaders as champions. These champions are given special privileges and are told that they are unique individuals selected to lead the Republic/Empire to victory. However, the champions don't realize that they are pawns in a larger game in which the members of Polaris take bets on who will live and who will die.
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