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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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TheKiller, yeah, ok, now hear me out.


when my brother and i got Jedi Knight, we got the concussion rifle, but we didn't know what it was called, so we dubbed it: The Killer 9000.


when we started soloing Jedi Knight II and III online with bots, we named out character, The Killer 9000.


When I went online with JKA the name stuck, and became my XBL Avatar Name.


now TheKiller9000 isn't a very RPGish name, so i decided to make it my surname, making my full endgame intended name: Darth Flaymahi Thekiller.

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i simply picked





in japan people add desu if they want to be extra polite when they say a sentence


i picked this name because it goes with EVERYTHING if you put it at the end of soemthings name


my trooper is currently named Skirmisher Omegaburstly Desu


im quite happy with my legacy choice


but seriously say desu after saying your characters default name... its really 1 name fits all

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My character name is Durzo, my legacy name is Blint.


Durzo Blint lvl 39 Trooper Jung Ma. :p


Kudo's if you understood where my name was from.


Durzo Blint, from Brent Weeks' Night Angel trilogy! I hope he returns to and writes more for that world soon.


My Legacy name is J'axx. It was *supposed* to be Jaxx, but that was already taken. Since I had my heart set on it, I had to modify it, but I refused to go too crazy with the modification. I'm happy enough.


(Zani Jaxx was a name I used in an awesome GURPS campaign ...omg, a couple of decades ago, now. My Smuggler is Zani, and she just had to have her proper surname... even if I did have to stick an apostrophe in it.)

Edited by Shaz
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Knights of the Old Republic and the Star Wars universe around this time period has always fascinated the hell out of me, and my favorite part of KotOR I was "Unknown World", later referred to as "Rakata Prime" and later still given an actual name: Lehon.

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I've had huge problems coming with decent Legacy name. For some reason, everything I've come with meant either something stupid or offensive in other lagnuages. :D I've wanted something original and in-universe, even though I am not on RP server.


Eventually, I settled up with name Umbral. Umbra means chadow in latin, and it fits my new soon-to be scoundrel Greer. Captain Greer Umbral, I like it so far. :p

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Lieutenant Arellia Denari, Padawan Calleendra Denari and Sith Lord Deendra Denari. 's a pretty name that sounds Star Warsy, and sounds good enough for both Republic and Empire :D


I like that very much and would like to weigh in with the female Mandalorian Thade Fel, the upstanding Jedi Knight Jaroth Fel and the scruffy-looking, no-good nerf herder (obviously) Soontir Fel.


I know, I know. Still it's not as obvious as Starkiller. ^^

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Knights of the Old Republic and the Star Wars universe around this time period has always fascinated the hell out of me, and my favorite part of KotOR I was "Unknown World", later referred to as "Rakata Prime" and later still given an actual name: Lehon.


you'll love belsavis

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