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What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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The name goes for all characters, on all servers, correct?

Is it unique, or can it be used by other players?


I'm not 100% sure but too my knowledge legacy names are only on the server you unlocked it on.


Lets say you play on server A and B. If you got your legacy on server A while playing an Imperial, your Imperial and Republic characters for server A would all have the title, but you wouldn't have it for server B until you unlocked it on a character on server B.


And legacy names are unique to the server you chose it on, the same as regular character names. Like there cannot be more than one Bob on a server.


I think that is.


And my legacy name is Avarice.

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Qun'aris of the Sunnrider Legacy. Bio posted below if anyone is interested.



Name: Qun’aris Sunnrider

Sex: Male

Race: Zabrak

Birthplace: Rhen Var

Role: Jedi Consular

Specialization: Sage – Balance and Seer



Qun’aris hails from a lost line of the descendents of Nomi Sunrider and Ulic Qel-Droma. Officially, Nomi and Ulic had no offspring before he fell to the dark side so it is unknown if Qun’aris is actually descended from them. Because of the slight spelling variation, some suspect that they are just a group of Force Sensitives that follow the teachings of Nomi Sunrider and Ulic Qel-Droma, but any of the members of the Sunnrider Clan would swear they are direct descendents.


Qun’aris spent much of his early life with a natural ability to control the Force and heal those around him. While it was always known that he was strong in the Force, his potential was never understood until he was 7 when he was playing with the other children in the colony. The children were using the Force to launch small rocks and pebbles at targets, a game the children had been playing for generations. One child thought it would be funny to use a small bird as a target. It fell to the ground and was dying quickly. Qun’aris ran over and picked up the bird, held it in his hands and in seconds, the bird flew away.


Qun’aris was taken to the Temple of Ulic (built from the ice fortress where Nomi Sunrider wept over a dying Ulic Qel-Droma centuries before) to meet with the elders of the clan. They decided to accelerate his training in hopes that he would one day bring their ideals and teachings to the rest of the galaxy and the Jedi Order.


When Qun’aris was 29, a Jedi Master by the name of Yuan-Par came to Rhen Var in search of something. She didn’t know what, just that the Force was calling her there. When she arrived, she found so much more than she had hoped for. The Sunnrider Clan, though apprehensive at first, welcomed her into their homes. She met with the elders and it was decided that it was time The Sunnrider Clan was introduced to the rest of the galaxy.


Qun’aris was selected to leave with Yuan-Par and become her apprentice. He would travel to the Jedi home world of Tython to begin the Jedi Trials and be inducted into the order. With him, he would bring the lost teachings of Nomi Sunrider, along with the knowledge and warnings of Ulic Qel-Droma.


Qun’aris strives to serve the Jedi Order for the good of the galaxy. He hands out justice where necessary, and always attempts to bring peace before conflict. He understands that blindly following the light side is often a quick path to the dark. Only by understanding the dark and having the wisdom to except that there is no light without darkness can we truly be creatures of light. His ideals have often been of hot debate within the Jedi Council, but no one can argue with his record of valor and sense of honor.


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