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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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This game seriously needs a LFD with properly made gear looting restrictions based on type, class, and role. I Then, afterwards have Greed and Companion Need on the same priority level. This way people will only roll on gear they really need for the role they queued for, without any risk of ninja looting.
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a companion isnt an extension of you, it s a helper so you can solo some content while leveling up. You get upgraded gear from quests for all your companions so you dont need flash point drops.


A character also isn't an extension of you. Certainly no more or less than a companion. All of them are fictional constructs to help propel the story and experience of the game.


If a player feels that his or her experience is made better by treating their companions as equal, it is just as valid a viewpoint as yours.

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Threads like these are fantastic. Such an easy way to filter out which people go on the ignore list so I never have to waste my time reading anything they have to say ever again.


Now if only ignore lists could be transferred from forums to game.


That's always the best way to deal with a difference of opinion, right? Forget logical discussion! Let's just cover my ears and make "la la la" sounds so I don't have to hear anything. Worked awesome for me in kindergarten, glad to see someone out there still finds it effective!

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It's bothering me that there are so many people who think it's legit to need for companion or credits.


However I haven't had this problem in my groups yet... maybe just lucky or maybe actually most people know whats fair and dont need for companion.

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That's always the best way to deal with a difference of opinion, right? Forget logical discussion! Let's just cover my ears and make "la la la" sounds so I don't have to hear anything. Worked awesome for me in kindergarten, glad to see someone out there still finds it effective!


It's a "faction-worthy" subject. The game would be better off dividing the players with different opinions on this, so they could never group together.


Letting people discover how much they hate grouping with the other side of this particular argument is clumsy.

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That's always the best way to deal with a difference of opinion, right? Forget logical discussion! Let's just cover my ears and make "la la la" sounds so I don't have to hear anything. Worked awesome for me in kindergarten, glad to see someone out there still finds it effective!


For someone who likes to call everyone with a differing opinion childish you missed a huge lesson taught in kindergarten obviously....its called sharing and fair play.


Your me me attitude is what is childish and your totally inability to see it is laughable to be honest.


Again, state your loot rules before every PUG. You won't have too many to play in.


I am also curious how your delusional mind KNOWS no one has put you in ignore in the past lol.

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Frankly, though you say it sarcastically, that's pretty much reality.


I don't need your permission to select Need. I don't need anyone's permission. I fought just as hard for the group as you did, and am entitled to the loot the same as you are. It's not ninja looting, I didn't swipe it before you could get to it. You still have equal chances to me as obtaining the loot. In fact, if you actually said something like "I really need that" I'd probably give it to you.


Fact is, not once has anyone ever complained about when/how I choose to select Need. This seems to be a problem that really only exists in a vocal minority of this forum. Me selecting Need when it's something I genuinely feel I need, regardless of reason, is no more or less valid than you hitting Need on something you genuinely feel you need, regardless of reason.


I've never left a flashpoint with someone angry at me for my looting actions, and if someone did "call me out" I'd discuss it with them just like I'm discussing it with you. But I have every right to try to obtain something if I feel I need it. This concept that's floating around that it's somehow morally wrong is really just absurd and childish.


LOL i love it.


No you magnificent kind caring fair human being you don't need anyone's permission to hit need. By your definition of need I hope others need the items you want and then drop them just for fun.


As the average person might bet a bit mad at losing out on an item because you need it for your alt's companion (or any other idiotic self delusional "NEED"). How is it not a sense of entitlement if you are competing with another person to benefit someone else who wasn't there at the fight? How is that person entitled to the spoils of a mission they are not on?


I love how "no one complains" Have you ever told the group - I reserve the right to Ned for any reason. Survery says no.


I also dont need your opinion to camp you all night long. Doesn't make it a very nice thing does it - but the game allows it so it must be ok.

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That's always the best way to deal with a difference of opinion, right? Forget logical discussion! Let's just cover my ears and make "la la la" sounds so I don't have to hear anything. Worked awesome for me in kindergarten, glad to see someone out there still finds it effective!


People have a very strong black and white feeling about the issue. I would NEVER want to group in any meaningful Raid/Dungeon with someone that has your view.


But we can still be friends.

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So many of us ranted about this in beta, it's mind boggling BioWare is content to just totally kill PUGs with this horrible loot system. They are against cross server LFD tools because of community concerns, but allow force users to need on blasters and non force users to need on lightsabers?!? What?!?


You people that think it's perfectly fine to need for companions that aren't even in the group should put your character names and server in your sigs so we can ignore you and not group with you. If you think those of us that find this unacceptable are a minority, what's the harm?

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It's bothering me that there are so many people who think it's legit to need for companion or credits.


However I haven't had this problem in my groups yet... maybe just lucky or maybe actually most people know whats fair and dont need for companion.


What I would say is who are you to decide what's legit and not legit? It's all just a matter of opinion. I feel my way of doing this is perfectly legit and is within the constructs of the game. Since no one in game has ever complained, I'm going to feel pretty justified in maintaining this viewpoint.


For someone who likes to call everyone with a differing opinion childish you missed a huge lesson taught in kindergarten obviously....its called sharing and fair play.


Your me me attitude is what is childish and your totally inability to see it is laughable to be honest.


Again, state your loot rules before every PUG. You won't have too many to play in.


I am also curious how your delusional mind KNOWS no one has put you in ignore in the past lol.


My mind isn't delusional because I disagree with you. That's the kind of childishness I'm talking about. And again, you're missing two very vital components here. One is that I'm not selfish, I bust my rear for the group. I'm not just in it for loot. The other is that I don't always try to loot everything. That would be selfish. Very many times I select pass simply because I feel like I've gotten some things I want and want the rest of the group to get the stuff they want.


There's nothing selfish about the way I play, though I *sometimes* select need on something because I feel I do *need* it for a companion. It's not just petty selfishness by ANY stretch of the imagination. Giving up something I strongly feel I legitimately need just because you don't think I should have it isn't sharing. That's actually you refusing to share because you have some idea in your head that you're more worthy of the item than I am. That's like taking the play-doh away from me in kindergarten simply because you think you can make a better sculpture with it, not that you just also want to play with it.

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Look, here's the bottom line: if a piece drops that's an upgrade for my companion but not for me, I'm going to roll Need on it.


Hell, I'll even roll Need on it if it's four players in the group. My companion needs to keep their gear updated just like I do, so their output is acceptable while I'm out questing on my own. I spend the majority of my time questing on my own. I'm in a Flashpoint for 30 minutes tops.


Companions are extensions of the player characters. It isn't going to change. I'm not going to roll Need on an item that requires a specific class and alignment unless I'm both of those things. But if a piece drops for, say, Jaesa (light armor with Endurance and Willpower), and it doesn't put a class or alignment requirement on it, and it's an upgrade from what she currently has in that slot, I'm going to roll Need on it.


I was in there, I helped down the boss, I have as much right to a piece of gear as any of the other players. It's no one else's business what I do with that gear.


I guess you are right. I'm sure each of us has a companion that can use every type of piece that drops. We should all roll need on everything.


This should now be the norm for good community building ;)

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People have a very strong black and white feeling about the issue. I would NEVER want to group in any meaningful Raid/Dungeon with someone that has your view.


But we can still be friends.


That's fine, but you're frankly missing out because you could very easily get whatever loot you're looking for. In fact, as I've said before, if you asked for it and it was something I was grabbing for a companion, I'd probably give it to you. I don't just click "Need" on everything mindlessly without a care in the world for the rest of the group.


LOL i love it.


No you magnificent kind caring fair human being you don't need anyone's permission to hit need. By your definition of need I hope others need the items you want and then drop them just for fun.


As the average person might bet a bit mad at losing out on an item because you need it for your alt's companion (or any other idiotic self delusional "NEED"). How is it not a sense of entitlement if you are competing with another person to benefit someone else who wasn't there at the fight? How is that person entitled to the spoils of a mission they are not on?


I love how "no one complains" Have you ever told the group - I reserve the right to Ned for any reason. Survery says no.


I also dont need your opinion to camp you all night long. Doesn't make it a very nice thing does it - but the game allows it so it must be ok.


If people needed the items I wanted and dropped them, I honestly wouldn't care. Not. In. The. Slightest. Know why? Because this is just a game, and I really want the item, I'll run the flashpoint again with a different group.


I don't need to announce my looting intentions to the group. There's no reason to, and to do so would be acting as if I know I'm doing something wrong, when in reality I completely believe I'm not.


As far as camping my corpse, sure, go for it. Happened to me in Galaxies plenty of times. It's a game, stuff like that happens. It's annoying, but if I'm really that angry about it, there's an awesome /logout command that I can use and then go on living my life.

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This magnificent esteemed generous human being believes it is complying with both game design and the standard definition of need to roll need on:


anything that helps them

anything that can help an alt

and if you do it for alt why not friends or guildies as well

anything that helps a companion

anything that helps a alt's companion (if you can need for your alt and your alts are yours too this fits your "definition".

etc etc etc


Congratulations - you have redefined the word so everything is need and greed is now obsolete.


I hope karma kicks you in the rear by grouping you with similarly opinionated individuals and when super loot drops on that raid they need it for their alt companions sisters neighbors uncles friends acquaintance.

Spot on. Am I going to cry about it, no I am not.


I am using the game mechanic AS INTENDED. Just because your definition of Need id flawed, donj't blame that on me. My companion is out and inplay 100% of the time, thereofre if I can improve the functionality of my companion, I will, and you can QQ about that until the cows come home.


My stance is clear;

  • If I need it for my gameplay, then I have every right to hit NEED
  • If I want it to sell, I hit GREED
  • If I have no use for it on my account, then I SKIP


That is how the the system is supposed to work and that is how I will use it. The fact that you don't like me using an item of equipment for my companion is neither here nor there and that, I am afraid, is the end of it.


Everything else is just people whining about the chance in the roll system...:cool:

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Let me guess, you're completely in favor of cross-server LFD?


A player's character actually running the instance gets priority, that is all. Arguing anything else is just trying to justify being a douchebag.

I love how I am honest about my play style and YOU, well you just resort to petty insults...


Go figure.

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Rift recently added a new Lotting option called Need Before Greed, which works briliantly. In NBG mode, only players who have the appropriate class may lot Need.. But TOR needs an addition to this: a companion lot button.


Your bar would go:

Need, Greed, Companion, Disassemble.


Problem solved. Oh, and Warzones in Rift are forced NBG mode for drops.

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Well as I said, go group with like minded individuals but for those that think gearing up their companions and alts permit them to hit NEED as opposed to GREED, make that opinion clear before others who feel differently waste their time to have sought after loot go to your crew.


Concept of sharing is lost on so many.


Its like going to a party and splitting a pizza with 8 people. You take 4 slices because you want one now, you want one later, your dog likes pizza, and you just like the look of the 4th.


Hey, it's your right and you passed on the extra garlic rolls so it must mean you are not selfish lol.


Have fun. Hope to never run across some of you in game.

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I think some people here still don't get it so let me spell it out:


NEED - an item thats an improvement over your current items on your current toon

GREED - everything else (for comp, alt, friend, guild, sale, trash, giggles)

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I love how I am honest about my play style and YOU, well you just resort to petty insults...


Go figure.


He's honest about his opinion of your playstyle. It's why you two should never group. Should probably be a game option to ensure you two wouldn't.

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