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Combine these empty servers!


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I had to switch out of my early access server mind trick because all these new people went and filled it up, now on the low pop server i switched to the game is basically empty in every area, it takes forever to get a group for anything. or at least let us transfer to a server that has a community on it!
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The server probably has plenty of people in it. Even the "FULL" servers don't seem to have many people because they make multiple instances of each zone so that there isn't any overcrowding. If you look at the name of your zone in the top left corner, there is a number after it. That's the instance number that you are in, implying that there are at least that many instances, and probably more, with people in them.
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The server probably has plenty of people in it. Even the "FULL" servers don't seem to have many people because they make multiple instances of each zone so that there isn't any overcrowding. If you look at the name of your zone in the top left corner, there is a number after it. That's the instance number that you are in, implying that there are at least that many instances, and probably more, with people in them.


yeah I know but on my crappy server there is never even more than one instance.

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No, it's not just the instances, though those do have to go. It is silly to have multiple instances and only seeing a handful of other players running around in a zone. The world is less populated than it was in beta. It feels so empty.


All the instances still share chat, so that isn't a factor in not being able to get groups, or there hardly being any chat going on. Some planets are like ghost towns.


I had the same situation as the OP. I started early access on one server, but with 30+ minute queues every time I tried to log in, I had no choice but to try another server. Unfortunately, that server population seems to be waning. I ended up logging off last night because it is no fun playing in such solitude, and not being able to do group content.


Everyone complained about them not adding enough servers during early access, but this is what happens.

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No, it's not just the instances, though those do have to go. It is silly to have multiple instances and only seeing a handful of other players running around in a zone. The world is less populated than it was in beta. It feels so empty.


All the instances still share chat, so that isn't a factor in not being able to get groups, or there hardly being any chat going on. Some planets are like ghost towns.


I had the same situation as the OP. I started early access on one server, but with 30+ minute queues every time I tried to log in, I had no choice but to try another server. Unfortunately, that server population seems to be waning. I ended up logging off last night because it is no fun playing in such solitude, and not being able to do group content.


Everyone complained about them not adding enough servers during early access, but this is what happens.



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I had to switch out of my early access server mind trick because all these new people went and filled it up, now on the low pop server i switched to the game is basically empty in every area, it takes forever to get a group for anything. or at least let us transfer to a server that has a community on it!


The exact same thing happened to me... 5-10 people on Alderaan throughout the day.

20 people at most in the Fleet.

Most planets are around 10-20 people... Pretty empty, and impossible to find groups for anything.

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I had to switch out of my early access server mind trick because all these new people went and filled it up, now on the low pop server i switched to the game is basically empty in every area, it takes forever to get a group for anything. or at least let us transfer to a server that has a community on it!


Thats what happens when you get all upset about a 10-15 minute queue. The longer the queue is on your server, the better off you will be. Instead, people like you disperse into low pop servers because your time is far too valuable to waste waiting in line. Well, this is what happens when you do that.


Your choice now is to reroll on a high pop server, or quit playing.

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Thats what happens when you get all upset about a 10-15 minute queue. The longer the queue is on your server, the better off you will be. Instead, people like you disperse into low pop servers because your time is far too valuable to waste waiting in line. Well, this is what happens when you do that.


Your choice now is to reroll on a high pop server, or quit playing.


Yes, our paid time IS far too valuable to waste waiting an hour and a half to get into a server, to then only be able to play for an hour.

I stress "paid".

10-15 minute queue? What server might you be talking about?

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Yes, our paid time IS far too valuable to waste waiting an hour and a half to get into a server, to then only be able to play for an hour.

I stress "paid".

10-15 minute queue? What server might you be talking about?


The servers that used to have 4-6h wait time are now down to 10-20min.


I knew this was going to happen, that's why I rolled on one of the heavy populated servers day 1 of EGA. That way I know I have a better chance of having a healthy population in the future.


Not to mention, a lot of die hard fans rolled on day 1 EGA, selecting one of those servers gives you a greater chance of getting to play with people that understand and enjoy the game.

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Thats what happens when you get all upset about a 10-15 minute queue. The longer the queue is on your server, the better off you will be. Instead, people like you disperse into low pop servers because your time is far too valuable to waste waiting in line. Well, this is what happens when you do that.


Your choice now is to reroll on a high pop server, or quit playing.


You make it sound like it was a bad decision on the players part. The truth is, BW designed it that way and that was the goal all along. They purposely kept the max per server artificially low with the thought of pushing people out to low pop servers. If there is fault, it's BW's. However, it sounds like the population is growing so maybe this won't be an issue in a couple months.

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You make it sound like it was a bad decision on the players part. The truth is, BW designed it that way and that was the goal all along. They purposely kept the max per server artificially low with the thought of pushing people out to low pop servers. If there is fault, it's BW's. However, it sounds like the population is growing so maybe this won't be an issue in a couple months.


Thank you.

I hope that in the next month or so, player populations will be more evenly dispersed and this will no longer be an issue.

But I know that nothing like that will happen anytime soon.

Also, to respond to the previous guy, I haven't really been paying attention to the recent queues. But even 10-15 minutes can be precious to some people. I personally wouldn't mind it, but I wasn't willing to wait 2 hours to play for an hour.

Though I do wish I had stayed on Mind Trick.

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To be fair to people that rolled on the new and low pop servers... that's what they were told to do. By Bioware and people on the forums raging about queues.



I was in EA and I rolled on high pop server but I had patience and stuck with it. Glad I did is all I can say.

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It's WAR all over again..


Or Rift if you prefer.


I think a lot of people saw this coming. Not sure how they could have done it differently though. They had to make enough servers for the surge of players. Of course there was the possibility they wouldn't be needed later. But I bet they have a plan for it once things are truly settled.

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To be fair to people that rolled on the new and low pop servers... that's what they were told to do. By Bioware and people on the forums raging about queues.


It's one of those life lessons you have to learn. If you want people to play with, then roll where the people are.

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Yes, our paid time IS far too valuable to waste waiting an hour and a half to get into a server, to then only be able to play for an hour.

I stress "paid".

10-15 minute queue? What server might you be talking about?


Unfortunately, the terms you agreed to when you started the game states that downtime is acceptable. You are, of course, more than welcome to roll on a low pop server and make use of that super valuable time. But, you'll be stuck playing with just your over-inflated sense of entitlement.

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I'm just saying it's not entirely their fault.


No, you're absolutely right. It isn't entirely their fault, but it's just how these things work with every new MMO launch. They're going to open server to meet demand because people are whining about the queue times. Unfortunately, they bend to the demands of customers who will only be customers for a month or two, and end up damaging the experience for customers who have a genuine interest in sticking around for much longer.

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Unfortunately, the terms you agreed to when you started the game states that downtime is acceptable. You are, of course, more than welcome to roll on a low pop server and make use of that super valuable time. But, you'll be stuck playing with just your over-inflated sense of entitlement.


Listen i'm fine with waiting in queues, but you are getting a little harsh for no reason here. Some people have families and kids, so yes time is an issue and queues can be an issue.


Calling that a sense of entitlement because you don't realize that other people may have responsibilites outside of the game is just childish. Let's grow up a little here.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I had to switch out of my early access server mind trick because all these new people went and filled it up, now on the low pop server i switched to the game is basically empty in every area, it takes forever to get a group for anything. or at least let us transfer to a server that has a community on it!


yep, same here.


Had to abandon my previoulsy "very heavy" pop server as its practially a ghost town now, and move to one that had queues (now down to heavy).


Ah well, most likely wont be continuing my sub anyway as BW dont look to be likely to announce any major fixes soon.

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The server probably has plenty of people in it. Even the "FULL" servers don't seem to have many people because they make multiple instances of each zone so that there isn't any overcrowding. If you look at the name of your zone in the top left corner, there is a number after it. That's the instance number that you are in, implying that there are at least that many instances, and probably more, with people in them.


Thats not the instance number, thats the number of people in all instances on your planet.

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Listen i'm fine with waiting in queues, but you are getting a little harsh for no reason here. Some people have families and kids, so yes time is an issue and queues can be an issue.


Calling that a sense of entitlement because you don't realize that other people may have responsibilites outside of the game is just childish. Let's grow up a little here.


I don't mean to be harsh, but realistic. I have just as many responsibilities outside of the game as I'm sure most of you do. I have two awesome children, a dog, a wife, and a fulltime job currently working overtime. But the measely $15 a month I pay to continue playing this game does not give me some reason to think that I shouldn't have to wait in a queue for what's possibly one of the most anticipated MMOs in recent history.

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