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Republic Ghost Town


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You joking? I play on Fatman, one of the more popular servers.


Finding groups as Republic is at least 10 times harder than Imperial. Republic zones are empty, and no one uses general chat. Imperial Zones are FULL and there is a lot of action, people talking etc...


I don't see how the game could have turned out any worse by this point to be honest. And it is too late, populations are already screwed and there is no way to fix this without forcing people to switch factions, which isn't happening.


In conclusion, I blame George Lucas for giving Darth Maul the double saber in Episode 1. That is what started all this Sith bandwagon nonsense IMO.


Now you see the results. Darth maul wannabees everywhere you look. Seriously...did you think these kiddies would really pick a Smuggler over a Sith?


luckily for some of us it's only a pvp server problem where everyone wants to be Darth Maul. PVE servers are nice and balanced even favoring republic

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Maybe they shouldn't have made almost every mirror ability better for Sith in some small way if they cared about faction balance.


I agree with you on that, BH vs Trooper animations the BH steals the win for that, but I don't play a faction based on animations personally.. but I don't count for other people.


As long as they fix my Mortar Volley and Full Auto delays, doesn't bother me.

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luckily for some of us it's only a pvp server problem where everyone wants to be Darth Maul. PVE servers are nice and balanced even favoring republic


Not true, and Bioware has the metrics to prove it. There are more reasons than 'lol darth maul!' for why people reroll their republic character to the empire side.

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Not true, and Bioware has the metrics to prove it. There are more reasons than 'lol darth maul!' for why people reroll their republic character to the empire side.


UNLIMITED POWAAAAHHHH!!!!!!! I think that sums it up.

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Here's an easy fix:


Remove factions altogether and just make everyone neutral. Make it to where you can kill anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world.


If you're murdered, you can report the person who murdered you and that person will then get dark side points once the murder has been logged. Then, make it to where certain cities and planets will not allow players with a ton of murders and dark side points and be guard killed instantly upon entering said cities/planets.



I think I've seen this somewhere before ...



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Here's an easy fix:


Remove factions altogether and just make everyone neutral. Make it to where you can kill anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world.


If you're murdered, you can report the person who murdered you and that person will then get dark side points once the murder has been logged. Then, make it to where certain cities and planets will not allow players with a ton of murders and dark side points and be guard killed instantly upon entering said cities/planets.



I think I've seen this somewhere before ...




I've seen this in Elder Scrolls, I got bored and got a massive bounty and good lord was I exiled. D: Off-topic, but still. Haha.

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I agree with you on that, BH vs Trooper animations the BH steals the win for that, but I don't play a faction based on animations personally.. but I don't count for other people.


As long as they fix my Mortar Volley and Full Auto delays, doesn't bother me.


That is what he's talking about.


There are NO animations that fire off faster for the republic than the empire. But there are a TON of animations that fire off slower and are simply WORSE for the Republic side (backblast, full auto, mortar volley, project, sabotage charge, dirty kick, riot strike, etc etc).


Coincidence, I'm sure. I'm sure it's also a coincidence Bioware has not acknowledged any of this.

Edited by Auxili
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That is what he's talking about.


There are NO animations that fire off faster for the republic than the empire. But there are a TON of animations that fire off quicker or are simply WORSE for the Republic side compared to the Empire side (backblast, full auto, mortar volley, project, sabotage charge, dirty kick, riot strike, etc etc).


Oh I know, I'm well aware and I find it kind of disturbing that it's only the Empire that has the solid animations lol.

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Make wookies playable race republic side only I guarantee that would fix the population problem.


Honestly when Alliance gained access to the Worgen and Horde were left with Goblins there was quite the shift on my server lol.


In short, it helped pretty well with the balance on the lopsided servers.

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The contrast is depressing. My republic character has 12~ pages to shop from in each of the material categories on the republic GTN.

On the Empire GTN, I've got 30-40~ pages to shop from.


:( Is bioware going to let the Republic rot?

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I can give you two reasons right now that I've heard from my casual friends ( we all play Republic ):


1 - Imperial spaceships look cooler than their Republic counterparts


2 - Imperial PvP/PvE armor looks cooler than Repulbic versions


It surprised me to hear these complaints but apparently looks do matter a lot.


It was the same crap with Warhammer Online, where they made Chaos "cooler", because they were afraid everyone would roll Order. We all know how that ended up! :-/


With a lot of former WAR developers on this game, it seems the devs have litterly learned absolutely NOTHING at all from Warhammer Online! and just repeated the EXACT same mistakes all over again! /Facepalm

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Well I'm on Jung Ma, so it's one of the most 'balanced' pvp (rp-pvp) servers out there, at a pleasant 2:1 ratio. /sarcasm


I've added a notice in the beginning of the OP to reflect what a beautiful discussion this has become. I directly address Bioware and, of course, speak much more professionally than I normally do ;)


We are trying to achieve something here - balance. And I think that is worth us fighting for, whether or not the zerg-fans or Bioware will agree with the idea of a game with two factions that provide attractive MMO experiences.

Personally, I think both factions should provide great pve, trading, and pvp experiences. Not just one.

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people will probably flame me but i think the biggest problem is the hero engine.


thats why there are so many servers spreading out the population.


bioware has already stated that the hero engines inability to render many people at once in small areas is why they scrapped the hi res textures.


It is also the reason that they instance(shard) the planets on each server even further.


people will flame and argue idc, but the hero engine was a poor choice and effects every single facet of the game.

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Just a couple of ideas I had to help fix this issue:


1. SHOW the individual faction population of each server. The same way the servers show the population now, but instead split IMP/REP populations. For example Black Vulkars Imperial: Heavy Republic: medium. Call me optimistic but I tend to think players like to go with the underdog. This would have been a lot more effective if this was done at launch though.


2. Again this goes with my underdog theory, but more so than giving incentive to roll republic, let 50s (and only 50s) get the choice to switch sides. I myself would never want to switch sides purely based on the amount of time invested on my main character. Now, look at that how ever you want it, my thought would be that if you switched sides, you switched to said mirror class but, like I said, just thinking out loud here....


Just trying to help Bioware with Ideas here as they don't seem to have any.

Edited by Rockstar
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people will probably flame me but i think the biggest problem is the hero engine.


thats why there are so many servers spreading out the population.


bioware has already stated that the hero engines inability to render many people at once in small areas is why they scrapped the hi res textures.


It is also the reason that they instance(shard) the planets on each server even further.


people will flame and argue idc, but the hero engine was a poor choice and effects every single facet of the game.


Yep, and thats whats going to kill this game. The poor old hero engine they used to cut costs. The game lags horribly on great systems, and its not even rendering more than a few characters on planets like Voss. Its like playing an online version of Skyrim with 30 other players playing across the world too, which you may or may not run into.

Edited by Thargrim
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I can give you two reasons right now that I've heard from my casual friends ( we all play Republic ):


1 - Imperial spaceships look cooler than their Republic counterparts


2 - Imperial PvP/PvE armor looks cooler than Repulbic versions


It surprised me to hear these complaints but apparently looks do matter a lot.


You forgot to say: Abilities effects and graphs cooler for Imps. Lightin much cooler than debris.

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