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Republic Ghost Town


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100% wrong, but I won't go into detail. Many threads do that just fine. Enjoy trying to convince bioware to keep the game unbalanced so you can benefit being part of the zerg. ;)

Edited by Auxili
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I think SWTOR made the same mistake WAR made, too many servers at launch...populations spread far too thin across the servers. Hell, on my server Belsavis might have only 10 republic players on it at any given time.



You remember all those cries about login times, and how they whine at BW they wanna play, and wait times are ridiculous?

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You remember all those cries about login times, and how they whine at BW they wanna play, and wait times are ridiculous?


Only because everyone rolled Empire.


Republic players had to wait in 20min queues only to find themselves in a fleet with 100 people in it, meanwhile Empire people had to wait in the same 20min queue to find themselves in a fleet with 300 people in it.


Who was getting crapped on, you tell me.

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There's nothing you can do to really make your playerbase like the Rep side more than the Imperial side. It's a matter of what the fan already likes. Me personally, I prefer Republic because I enjoy the story and what-not more along with some of the abilities.


Unless they say, oh, we've added Yoda's race or, you can now play as Luke/Darth Vader, there's really nothing they can do. It's all a matter of what most players prefer honestly. :)

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It was obvious that Empire would be more popular than Republic, they could've done something radical like abandoning the 2 faction standard MMO setup but it's probably too late for that.

I'm one of the people that rerolled to republic for the PvP queues, haven't really noticed any problems with lack of people, apart from basically giving up on all heroic 4 quests.

But yeah, theres no chance of world PvP being interesting with the population imbalances, merging servers won't help either as I'm sure overall Empire still out number Republic.

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Empire will be the only necessary faction on pvp servers. You'll get the full warzone pvp experience, you'll steamroll on illum, and there won't be any reason to go republic.




Bioware wants the empire to have a better pvp experience, and they're implementing more same-faction warzones because of this.

However, they have not done anyone to support the republic and their ridiculously small population count (compared to empire) on pvp servers. Why does bioware feel the need to support Empire pvp, but not Republic pvp?

Exactly that! While same faction warzones seem to be a great idea on the first look, they are a really terrible idea on the second one, because they remove one of the major incentives of the more populated faction to reroll and balance things out.

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*** can they really do though?


people chose imperial because its the "horde" of this game and people love playing the bad guys. its not like hundreds of thousands of people got together and decided to create a population imbalance.


passive faction wide bonuses to the republic wouldn't be a good solution, and faction transfers would take months to implement with no real proof that it would balance things out (unless they restrict republic to imperial transfer)


Give the unbalanced republic players a free transfer to another server so that the republic side gets filled up. Remember that it's not only PvP servers suffering. Bacca's Blade (PvE) at prime time on a weekday has between 15 and 38 persons on the fleet. The only flashpoints done are by help of some higher level guildie.

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Hmm, I am on a EU PVE-RP server (Trask Ulgo) and our sides are pretty balanced. The only imbalance are the many sith compared to none sith on the empire side.


I guess RP servers don't necessarily have the imbalancing problem since people play there for different reasons than on pure pve and pvp servers.

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Yea the republic on my server just got to a all time low. Bloodworthy: Republic Fleet 61 peoples last night...


Still one of the most populated Republic realms though. Enjoy, it's way worse everywhere else on european PvP realms.

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so it's BW's fault that people do not roll republic on pvp/rppvp servers? Aha...ok.


Who do you think is at fault? It is not as easy as just blaming somebody and calling it a day.


Nobody can completely change what the players want to do in the game in the end. But the only guys able to influence it are the Bioware devs.


Bonus XP, valor, credits right from launch for Republic characters is just one way they could have given incentive to people to roll Republic. There are undoubtedly more but I am not getting paid to find a solution. I am the one paying.

Edited by mufutiz
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Just let me move to a more populated server a with my republic char, so that we get at least like 10 healthy servers. And those servers left with only empire players can play pve and pvp warzones, they still get everything, except open world pvp (which is near non existant anyways on the servers with low republic numbers...).


It's really bad you know for some republic sides, where they can hardly even form groups for flashpoints and where they have to skip heroics or come back for those later when they are grey !

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Man ... balancing factions is something incredible hard , in this game they tryed to do this by adding the possibility of joining both sides on the same server , but they did not understand many people will not jump to the other side if they cant share their gold/items and so on from their high lvl chars with those new ones.


They are doing their part and trying , give it a few , and when legacy kicks in maybe it will have the features , that will drag people to make reps alts.

Edited by rzrknight
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Official response from a German CM !!


Was das Ungleichgewicht bei den Fraktionen angeht, da können wir nicht wirklich was dran ändern denn was für eine Fraktion ihr spielen wollt werden wir euch nicht vorschreiben.


roughly translated:


Concerning the faction population imballance, we are unable to do anything since we will not dictate which faction players choose.



time to reroll guys :(

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It is a glaring issue. I wouldn't be surprised if they're looking at reasons for the lopsided pops. Two faction games seem to always have this problem.


That's one of the reasons that I was amazed that they only had Republic/Sith - the bounty hunters/smugglers (and probably a whole load more classes) should be a third group - neutral!


(I actually think that the poster here was advocating reducing the factions - but still)

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Official response from a German CM !!




roughly translated:


Concerning the faction population imballance, we are unable to do anything since we will not dictate which faction players choose.



time to reroll guys :(


What a stupid response is that... ahhh well, at least we have this answer now before the end of the first month. And to the republics that wish to play on after the free month, they know now that they better start an empire character.

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What a stupid response is that... ahhh well, at least we have this answer now before the end of the first month. And to the republics that wish to play on after the free month, they know now that they better start an empire character.


If you reroll now, depending on how much time you take you might be level 50 when the new same-faction WZs are released. Or at least won't have to wait much longer for them.

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