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When talking about MMO's?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I found my new sig, with your permission of course :D


the fact that it boggles your mind that much, to expect a complete game upon release of said game is crazy.

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we are talking about the hi res textures. not some fps glitch. hi res still isnt in the game. you are playing on medium settings right now. do some research. i cant argue with you anymore, you obviously are just blindly defending your sinking ship


Thank you for posting the bold I seriously expect nothing less out of a "joined Dec 2011" person. Honestly, you guys can't hide it. The biased for WoW is dripping like a 14 year old with braces that drools in his sleep. We all get it. "RAWR RAWR RAWR I like WoW therefor everyone must like it".


It doesn't work like that man. Different people are different. I grew up standing in line to watch Episode 4, 5 and 6. I loved Star Wars as a kid and still do. The fact they made a game that I can be apart of the SW universe is great "to me".


To compare Humans versus Orcs and a very heavy hand at "we'll change the lore despite all the books we have written" type mentality against a pretty static lore taken place in space with advanced tech etc etc is simply asinine.


To argue or debate any further beyond that is pointless. Go back to what you enjoy. It's your money, spend it on what you enjoy playing (not posting, but playing).

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WoW - didn't work on release crashed every five minutes did so for months

SWTOR - minor bugs, very flawless launch


You are either a bad troll or pretending you know more than you really do. I was at the launch of both these games.



You sir are RETARDED if you think SWTOR had a "very flawless launch". This is one of the most horrific game launches ive encountered in awhile. Majority of the issues were announced early in BETA and never addressed. Chat bugs, guild bugs, quest bugs, ui bugs. Disconnects in space missions, disconnects when checking auction houses. Worst Auction House system ive personally seen in a game. I mean do NOT call this game minor bugs, flawless launch. To make it in todays MMO Market, you need to see whats in the current games and ATLEAST offer the same. All the modern MMO's our right now have features implemented that BIOWARE should have put in while creating the game, plain and simple this game was a good 3 months early on its official release. Too bad with its current support system, buggy client and horribly coded engine it wont last very long. It will hemorrhage sub's at the end of the 30 days that came with the game.

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wow: 43 zones at release

swtor: 17 zones at release





Why are your including moonglade....or deadwind pass....Or hyjal....or silithus in your counts there? You did much action in those at release, did you?


Furthermore, many of TOR's zones are nearly double even the barrens or stranglethorn in landmass. Furthermore, 50 levels vs. 60.


What else can we compare here, as if this really has a point? The more BS you guys bring up trying to say one is better than the other or whatnot, just shows how different the two games are. And quite frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Never want to log into that cesspool again.

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It will hemorrhage sub's at the end of the 30 days that came with the game.


You're right. I bank that most of the Joined Oct, Nov and Dec 2011'ers that do nothing but belittle the game at every corner and make up either pointless, baseless facts or out right lie about the game will be gone.


Just a hunch.

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I acknowledge the issues of this game. There are many. Right now? I'm kind of mad at the game. But you know what? I'm NOT complaining. I'm NOT playing temporarily. This is how a sane person deals with a video game that angers/disappoints them.


FYI, repeating same behavior and expecting different results is the definition of insanity...

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You sir are RETARDED if you think SWTOR had a "very flawless launch". This is one of the most horrific game launches ive encountered in awhile. Majority of the issues were announced early in BETA and never addressed. Chat bugs, guild bugs, quest bugs, ui bugs. Disconnects in space missions, disconnects when checking auction houses. Worst Auction House system ive personally seen in a game. I mean do NOT call this game minor bugs, flawless launch. To make it in todays MMO Market, you need to see whats in the current games and ATLEAST offer the same. All the modern MMO's our right now have features implemented that BIOWARE should have put in while creating the game, plain and simple this game was a good 3 months early on its official release. Too bad with its current support system, buggy client and horribly coded engine it wont last very long. It will hemorrhage sub's at the end of the 30 days that came with the game.


To make it in todays market? A game needs to be released with all the content of games already out? Uh. Yeah. Right. Sorry, buddy. But it's beyond -insane- to expect an MMO to be released with multiple expansions worth of content.


P.s Not every game is the same. SWTOR isn't going to work like WoW, so maybe the lack of some features is deliberate. I do wish they would add more -features- to the game and I'm pretty positive they will. Just like they're adding more content as we speak.


Once again, ridiculous expectations blah blah... Current support system? I've submitted dozens of reports and each one has been answered, most by a living person.


User experience may vary. But then, your experience is everyone's, right? Yeah. No.

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FYI, repeating same behavior and expecting different results is the definition of insanity...


I've used that before on these forums.


I'm not mad at the bugs or anything. I'm angry at what happened in my Agents story. I'll get over it. It was mostly my own fault. :p


The point stands nonetheless.

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After the awesome fun I had just leveling in SWTOR there is NO way in hell I am doing any sort of leveling in WOW now, its just unthinkable, it was torture leveling up in WOW,


it was so much fun in SWTOR I didnt even really look at my experience bar or my levels except for when I log on/off


I just love that they made the journey fun, too bad I just couldnt stop playing and reached 50 too quickly haha, now I gotta wait till my guild mates catch up, and wait for more content to be released.

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After the awesome fun I had just leveling in SWTOR there is NO way in hell I am doing any sort of leveling in WOW now, its just unthinkable, it was torture leveling up in WOW,


it was so much fun in SWTOR I didnt even really look at my experience bar or my levels except for when I log on/off


I just love that they made the journey fun, too bad I just couldnt stop playing and reached 50 too quickly haha, now I gotta wait till my guild mates catch up, and wait for more content to be released.


Try a new character! It's the story that draws you in. I know, I'm a victim of it as well. They tell the story and you're actually a part of it. Very distracting, draws your eyes away from the experience bar.

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As alot of people seem to love comparing this game to World of Warcraft, ill gladly join in!


I played WoW during the release. It was a new game, and to be fair - exciting as hell as I had never experienced a game wich such diversity. Huge zones, proffessions, factions - heck, you could even imagine yourself being in a storytale!


When I look back at the launch, and the early months of that game and compare it with what we all now play I cant believe how people would complain. We have a huge story, we have a MMO where its actually fun to quest, right from the beginning! We have story driven flashbacks and battlegrounds. If you want, you can even get into a relationship with your companion.


You have a totally unique leveling experience depending on what class you pick, and you can even decide how you want to do the quests. If you want to be good, or evil, or just some slacker in between who cant make up his/her mind. Do you want to kill the bad guy? Do you want to spare him and give him a chance to improve as a person and make up for what he has done? If you would rather have a "Kill this, loot that, click that" quest-design then Im sorry, this game is probably not for you. Im not saying that there is not any quests like that in SWTOR - because we all know there are, but you get the feeling that there is a purpose of it. The monsters you kill actually makes someone thankful for what you have done.


Speaking of Crew Skills - I FREAKING LOVE THIS. The fact that its not just a brainless grind of getting those last 100 stacks of silk cloth! Finally, I say. Finally!


If you people are complaining about lack of content, Im not sure you have even experienced a minor part of what this game has to offer. If you have, from about two weeks of owning this masterpiece, experienced everything - I suggest you abandon that droid-like lifestyle of yours and get some sleep - or go out to meet someone! Even if its a cat.


The point of this endless wall of text is pretty simple - this game is a masterpiece, in so many aspects. But no game to date, or probably ever can appeal everyone. If you dont like it, I feel sorry for you but you are missing out on a hell of a experience. But I know just aswell that I cant convince people like you to look beyond your own nose. Just because you dont like it, doesnt mean its bad. Then it might just not be for you. Consider it something like a gaming-sexuality. Not everything is for everyone, remember that.


King regards, Nactox

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Look, I understand EVERYONE'S point and partly agree with most of them. This Thread was never supposed to be meant to "compare WoW to SWTOR". It was to help stop people from complaining cause this game isn't the same and calling it "constructive criticism".


Case in point. Comparing games is stupid. Insulting and belittling games is stupid. Expecting something and complaining about it if you don't get it is childish. Expecting the humanly impossible is stupid. Expecting no problems or a "finished game" with an MMO is THE STUPIDEST THING EVER!...constructive criticism is smart. That's different than saying "I think this game is bad because this, this and this etc,".

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Look, I understand EVERYONE'S point and partly agree with most of them. This Thread was never supposed to be meant to "compare WoW to SWTOR". It was to help stop people from complaining cause this game isn't the same and calling it "constructive criticism".


Case in point. Comparing games is stupid. Insulting and belittling games is stupid. Expecting something and complaining about it if you don't get it is childish. Expecting the humanly impossible is stupid. Expecting no problems or a "finished game" with an MMO is THE STUPIDEST THING EVER!...constructive criticism is smart. That's different than saying "I think this game is bad because this, this and this etc,".


Thank you.

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Oh, I'll give them time, for sure. Two things, though:


1) I won't pay 15 bucks a month while waiting

2) They got time until Diablo III is released


The fact is that this game was rushed by at least 2-3 months and anyone who has doubts about it is dellusional. I refuse to stuff EA pockets with 15$ a month just because they wanted to put this game on shelves before Christmas. In 3 months time SWTOR will be really good game, imho, but unfortunetely by then Diablo III will probably be very close to release and for me, persoanlly, the choice between those two games is very easy :)

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Oh, I'll give them time, for sure. Two things, though:


1) I won't pay 15 bucks a month while waiting

2) They got time until Diablo III is released


The fact is that this game was rushed by at least 2-3 months and anyone who has doubts about it is dellusional. I refuse to stuff EA pockets with 15$ a month just because they wanted to put this game on shelves before Christmas. In 3 months time SWTOR will be really good game, imho, but unfortunetely by then Diablo III will probably be very close to release and for me, persoanlly, the choice between those two games is very easy :)


The problem is that if everyone unsubs than Bioware may not have enough reason or resources to make the game better. But I agree with you, the game was rushed.

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I'm sorry if i conflict something in the last five or so pages I got bored around page five or six.


I'll start by saying if you want to stop subbing or playing or anything why are you posting? Get a life or something, surely the game that you hold in such high regard against this one should be meriting your time rather than trolling this ones forum.


Second I can't remember the last beta i heard that went 'completely smoothly'. If you can you have some crazy nostalgia.


I for one think this game is not without its faults, but then none is such on release and i'll give it a chance. Any comment otherwise just go back to that other you seem to obviously love.

Edited by AnAntiSocialCat
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I'm sorry if i conflict something in the last five or so pages I got bored around page five or six.


I'll start by saying if you want to stop subbing or playing or anything why are you posting? Get a life or something, surely the game that you hold in such high regard against this one should be meriting your time rather than trolling this ones forum.


Second I can't remember the last beta i heard that went 'completely smoothly'. If you can you have some crazy nostalgia.


I for one think this game is not without its faults, but then none is such on release and i'll give it a chance. Any comment otherwise just go back to that other you seem to obviously love.


You made a great point and I agree.

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I'm sorry if i conflict something in the last five or so pages I got bored around page five or six.


I'll start by saying if you want to stop subbing or playing or anything why are you posting? Get a life or something, surely the game that you hold in such high regard against this one should be meriting your time rather than trolling this ones forum.


Second I can't remember the last beta i heard that went 'completely smoothly'. If you can you have some crazy nostalgia.


I for one think this game is not without its faults, but then none is such on release and i'll give it a chance. Any comment otherwise just go back to that other you seem to obviously love.


The problem is people think they have the -right- to complain. They justify this with the notion that they're "trying to help make the game better". What a load of bull. They don't have the -right- to complain here. They have the privilege. If Bioware wanted they could ban every single one of them from posting on the forums without reason. That is how all MMOs function.

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Oh, I'll give them time, for sure. Two things, though:


1) I won't pay 15 bucks a month while waiting

2) They got time until Diablo III is released


The fact is that this game was rushed by at least 2-3 months and anyone who has doubts about it is dellusional. I refuse to stuff EA pockets with 15$ a month just because they wanted to put this game on shelves before Christmas. In 3 months time SWTOR will be really good game, imho, but unfortunetely by then Diablo III will probably be very close to release and for me, persoanlly, the choice between those two games is very easy :)


This game wasn't rushed. It's actually better than most MMOs at launch.


infact.. ' launch SWTOR' is better than pretty much any other MMO out there currently.

Edited by Papazooki
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