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HM Foundry, Boarding Party and Directive 7 bugs. PLEASE FIX

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These instances have been broken since day 1.

The bulwark is Directive 7 does retarded amounts of AoE damage on normal.

Revan in The Foundry and the last boss of Boarding party.

Having to kite the last boss of boarding party through the whole instance because his reflective shield doesn't fall off.

Have me(assassin dps)taunt Revan at the perfect time and use force shroud so he doesn't one shot me and hope tank doesn't get one shot afterwards.


REALLY frustrating.


Not to mention half the Ilum dailies are bugged.

So disappointing hitting level 50 to find out half the flashpoints are bugged.


We killed all these bosses but it took forever and required means that shouldn't have been necessary.

Edited by Mainstreams
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The commander is pretty easy to kill even with a reflective shield. That encounter is perfectly winnable as it is.


I've killed Bulwark on hard mode, and if you are taking retarded amounts of AOE damage, you are probably doing the fight wrong. DPS should take almost no damage that fight.

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The commander is pretty easy to kill even with a reflective shield. That encounter is perfectly winnable as it is.


I've killed Bulwark on hard mode, and if you are taking retarded amounts of AOE damage, you are probably doing the fight wrong. DPS should take almost no damage that fight.


Bulwark is actually a fairly complex fight, you have to interrupt the proper attacks, stay out of melee range, destroy the shield generators asap, and nuke the repair droids that appear before they can repair the shield generators. There are some aoe damage spikes for melee, but it's managable (assuming you interrupt as much as possible).


Last boss of boarding party is a bit of a pain, and i havent managed to heal a clean kill on him yet, His missles seem to tear up the melee (and i usually run with an all melee group) super fast. The one time i managed a kill, we pulled the shield tech out of range of the boss, and had the dps burn him down. Then zerg the boss with all cooldowns, making sure melee stay at max melee range and spread out (for us, in a triangle formation around the boss) so the missles only hit one person. We managed to kill the boss, then the medic enraged and wiped us.


I've heard all kinds of stories of how Foundry and Battle for Ilum is bugged, so I havent tried either of them yet. False emperor isnt that bad, once you understand how each fight works....but lately the emperor has bugged out so we cant knock him off the edge...all of the knockbacks just seem to nudge him instead of actually knocking him back...we did find a way around it, but It requires an operative in the group, plus another knockback.

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Boarding party is doable but if they didnt fix chest lock (1 wipe chest stay locked), I'm not even trying to kill him, it's game breaking issue(one of several)




We just had a group wipe several times trying to figure the fight out.


Finally got him down and no loot.


Guess you dont want to do boss fights with new players since a wipe means you just wasted your time.

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Revan in the Foundry seemed stupid at the time...but knowing the fight and a tank having to actually use his tank abilities is all part of the HM's. It was cake once we figured it out.



Most people seem to feel that the progression goes like this: FP<HM FP<OP<HM OP when in fact it probablly looks more like FP<OP<HM FP<HM OP.


These are HARD encounters, as they should be.

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Boarding Party Hard chest bug cannot be connected to wiping - we wiped 5x and looted NP. Did perhaps anyone who died zone back to instance when fight was still on when it bugged for you(happened to some guildies)?


False Emperor Hard worked just fine yday two knockbacks and down he went.


Revan in Foundry we couldnt beat - does he have an emote just before he does his force lightning oneshot thingy?


Directive7 we didnt even try after normal mode when the cloning boss made like 60 clones of our healer even after dying and Bulwark killing all melee 3x in one fight(not sure here what to interrupt hope its just that). If you confirm its not bugged we will try today.

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D7 hardmode is difficult. The main problem my group had was just hitting bulwark's enrage timer. The group of droids that spawn as a boss was the hardest encounter to heal since the tank couldn't grab agro. As the healer I was able to stay up with my reusable lvl 40 medkit + survival spec bodyguard (powered insulators + custom enviro suit).


The boss with the clones is cake on hardmode, and dropped a non-set lvl 50 epic for our group.

Edited by Darinford
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Bulwark droid is pretty easy, just stand underneath the same panels that have the clicky things for the shield while he's doing his bulwark burst, that will negate all aoe damage. Now that aoe damage is out of the way, keep your tank alive by interrupting bulwark smash. Lastly, it's up to you to decide how to handle the repair droids. Sometimes it is quicker to just leave them up and let them repair the clicky things (they despawn shortly after their repair cycle is finished), but if you are not having enrage timer problems (or you aren't great at clicking them quickly) then kill them before they repair the clicky things. You can also skip most of the trash in this place if you don't bother with the bonus boss, it's a pretty quick safe easy run in the end.
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Like i said I've killed all these bosses. It's not that they aren't doable.. it's that their mechanics are broken. I'm sure having to kite the Commander in Boarding Party through the instance is NOT working as intended. I know for a fact that Revan in The Foundry is broken. No way you should need to have an assassin taunt the boss after the Force Storm and immune his attack.


Everyone telling me they're doable, yes I know. As I said in the original post. I've killed them. It's just stupid their mechanics are broken, and for example Revan is impossible without an assassin in the group.

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D7 = mechanics, learn what the enemy does and react to it and stand correct. nothing more.


Boarding party is all about positioning.


nothing wrong witht hose two on heroic.


Not completely true he does bug out occasionally and can basically one-two shot people, I'm pretty sure that's not suppose to be a mechanic... if you get lucky and he doesn't bug out then yeah he's beatable...

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Revan in the Foundry seemed stupid at the time...but knowing the fight and a tank having to actually use his tank abilities is all part of the HM's. It was cake once we figured it out.



Most people seem to feel that the progression goes like this: FP<HM FP<OP<HM OP when in fact it probablly looks more like FP<OP<HM FP<HM OP.


These are HARD encounters, as they should be.


Powertech tank here, I popped my cooldowns at the right time and got hit for 22k. No cake for me.

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Like i said I've killed all these bosses. It's not that they aren't doable.. it's that their mechanics are broken. I'm sure having to kite the Commander in Boarding Party through the instance is NOT working as intended. I know for a fact that Revan in The Foundry is broken. No way you should need to have an assassin taunt the boss after the Force Storm and immune his attack.


Everyone telling me they're doable, yes I know. As I said in the original post. I've killed them. It's just stupid their mechanics are broken, and for example Revan is impossible without an assassin in the group.


You don't have to kite the Commander at all. The only fight they should look at in all honesty is Revan, and even it is beatable. I don't know if it's quite how they intended it, but I agree most people shouldn't expect to hit 50 and roll right into hard modes and clear them with ease. Gear up through daily for the mods and implants/ear slot from badges, etc.

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You don't have to kite the Commander at all. The only fight they should look at in all honesty is Revan, and even it is beatable. I don't know if it's quite how they intended it, but I agree most people shouldn't expect to hit 50 and roll right into hard modes and clear them with ease. Gear up through daily for the mods and implants/ear slot from badges, etc.


Listen to the man!

Gear up enough so you can actually ignore the mechanics completely and then you'll be able to beat it!

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I feel I must agree. I have really smart raiders and strategists in my guild from playing other MMO's with much more difficult bosses and boarding party last boss is impossible. You need to have excellent dps to burst certain bosses down before enrage timer hits.


I do feel there are some bugs, but then again I also feel the fights are that complex and must be learned. Which in that case I love a challenge.

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I feel I must agree. I have really smart raiders and strategists in my guild from playing other MMO's with much more difficult bosses and boarding party last boss is impossible. You need to have excellent dps to burst certain bosses down before enrage timer hits.


I do feel there are some bugs, but then again I also feel the fights are that complex and must be learned. Which in that case I love a challenge.


It's come to the point where if the group I'm with fails to meet enrage I just kite while people re-enter the FP and nuke him. Not worth all the time and hassle to harshly wipe and not be able to open the chest.

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The biggest problem with Bulwark is the lack of indication, visually, on some of his abilities. Especially the "down the room" that destroys people. Once you learn it, it's easy to deal with, but it could still give some indication it's happening. Flames, giant frickin laser beams, etc. Once the unwashed masses start trying it, I'd pay cash money to be a spectator for the ensuing hilarity.


False Emperor: If you choose option 3 (as a bounty hunter, at least) when dialoging HK 47, I was immediately ported out of the instance. Wondering if this is just me or not, it could be a corrupt audio file? dunno


False Emperor: If you spacebar through any of the dialog while dialoging HK 47, chances are he will not actually appear once the conversation ends. Consistently re-produceable.

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