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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

**PLEASE** Allow 8 Man Premade Groups!


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especially with no cross realm warzones, 8 man premades need to NEVER happen. 4 man premades can already steamroll an 8man pug, does it really need to get any worse?



8man premades can happen when they can only play against 4/8 man premades.

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Even 4 man premades should only be put up against other premades.


There's no reason for them to get nearly free wins by virtue of having voice communication and coordination where it is almost impossible to have that same advantage in a pug.

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Not going to happen without pre-made restricted warzones. If you want to play with your team of 8 guildies you'll have to play against another pre-made group of 8, or at least 2x4. Otherwise it would simply be giving out PvP badges for free. Edited by Amythiel
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People who disagree are paying 15 bucks a month just like you, so Bioware compromised and gave both sides- the "I wanna play with friends" and "I just wanna queue up when I feel like it" sides -a bit of what they wanted.


You CAN play with friends. You just can't farm PUGs.


You CAN win games in PUGs. You will still face premades, just not overpoweringly so.


That's compromise, and it's 100% fair to both sides.


^ this puts it quite well. We have a pretty reasonable compromise.



I'd be fine with 8-man premade-vs-premade games being possible, though those might have to be cross-server to ensure games are available (perhaps with the system attempting to match same-server first).

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for all of you who think anyone who wants to run in a group with 8 of their guild-mates only wishes to farm pugs and not to just have fun and enjoy the game with friends , I feel bad for you. Not everyone is out to farm warzones and grind gear for the hell of it. some people just like playing as a group, and not relying on people who won't listen.




No idea *** planet your on. That's exactly what pre-mades are meant to do. Is steam roll the other side. So please stop with the propaganda about playing with friends stuff.

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As a guild master I totally support the idea of being able to set up an 8 man ops group to run warzones within our guild.


Last Friday we had set up for a PvP fest for the guild to hang out and have fun together. We ended up getting lucky a couple of times and running the same instance but the majority of the time we ended up in two seperate warzones. We did not have any 50's with us that night and we still did pretty good because of.........vent. Warzones are more about teamwork than 50's. We didn't win all of our matches but we one more than half due to good teamwork.

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seriously, what is a PUG?


You can't be serious.....


Pick Up Group. Basically the people who randomly get put together in a group by queing solo, people with no organization that can usually hinder your groups performance in a warzone, also they are the ones in Huttball that don't know that they can pass the ball.





Back on topic: They will be adding 8-man ques and rated warzones, just not sure when.

Edited by Rezec
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Would be fun yes, but what i would think would be more fun is a competitive league, one guild against another in 8v8 games where the winning team gets a nice reward with a cap of 2 games per day in said league but also allow training matches that would only give out the normal or half the rewards that we get from pugs. :D
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I would love to be able to group with seven other guildies for a great game of Huttball or something. However, only if it was against another premade of eight people.


The majority of people roll with the same people all the time when they PvP. You learn how everyone plays. You're like best friends and can do that creepy finish the end of someones sentence crap.


When paired with a group who's played together for a good long time you become pretty awesome at your jobs. Making it easy to faceroll pugs.


I don't know about everyone else but it's pretty hard to get a bunch of pugs to work together in PvP. Of course they wont have a chance against a premade of eight people. Heck some don't even have a chance against a good premade of four.


Also, what is fun about facerolling a group of pugs? That's like Sparta kicking a two year old.... I'd rather Sparta kick someone who has a fighting chance. Much more fun I'm sure.

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NO JUST NO. The Warzone should not be premade groups. Thismonth comes Rated Warzones (that should be premades.)

The normal warzones should be like wow, that u only can que with 4 (in swtor case)

Yes we know someone made a wow addon called AVENABLER what ques u with full raid But thats not the case.


Yes there comes a huge pvp update, this month, if u dont belive me go grind tru the dev posts;)


RBG premades myfriend not BG premades;p

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The point of an MMO is to be able to play with other people. The point of a guild is to be able to play with other people you actually WANT to play with.


The Guild Creation system is wonderful, so far. We can gather together everyone, give them ranks and such and speak to them in guild chat... but if we want to play with them, we have to leave people out. I have a guild of 75 people, who would love to PvP together in battlegrounds... but its very very difficult to do so.


Yes, we can make 4 man groups for the battlegrounds... but then we get stuck with 4 level 14 noobs going against a full group of 50's... needless to say, the 'bolster' system leaves alot to be desired.


Now, we were able to get a full group of 8 into a battleground a few times, usually late at night, queing at the same exact time and adding a whole lot of luck... AND ITS BEEN FANTASTIC!!!


I can understand why we have 4 man groups for questing... but we NEED to have 8 man groups for pvp! I want to play with MY GUYS!!


I'm sure others have posted about this before and I'm sorry if its repetitive, but I couldn't find a particular post to reply to. Do you agree with this assesment?



NO!At least no in normal wz!

I ve yet to understand what is the major concern,that you cant que 8 people or that there is a chance to be paired with 4 level 14 noobs!However your guild has 75 people,you que as 4 or 8 doesnt make any difference!

Also ,cause i dont like you,i am pretty sure that you are very happy when this 14lvl noobs are paired at the oposite team

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for all of you who think anyone who wants to run in a group with 8 of their guild-mates only wishes to farm pugs and not to just have fun and enjoy the game with friends , I feel bad for you. Not everyone is out to farm warzones and grind gear for the hell of it. some people just like playing as a group, and not relying on people who won't listen.


Then you should be forced to face other people who are similarly organized. The other team still has to deal with people who won't listen.


So premade face premades, pugs face pugs. If there's not enough premades for fast queues, I guess it's just not that popular on the server and you might want to hit Openworld PVP or queue solo.


I've ran countless premades across a multitude of MMO's, anyone who has done the same will tell you straight up that premades facing pugs is just an ego massage. It's not at all challenging and half the time I feel bad for the pugs getting GY camped 9/10 games (even this one) because they don't have that instantaneous communication with their team.

Edited by Vlaid
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So you can 8 man premade roll pugs?




























You know what you are getting into when you queue solo. Find people to group with and stop QQing. I cannot stand not being able to get in the same battlefield with my guildies, we always get split up into 2-3 different warzones. 8 man premades, please.

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If you so badly want some crazy high number vs another high number, why are you playing a war zone; heck why are you playing a mmorpg in general. If you group those numbers in a mmorpg it's going to be a lag fest; You should be playing battlefield 3 or something...


As it stands four is already high enough as it is. Having four people using voice chat to call out targets, means that the people will be killed at a fair bit faster rate than a pick up group can. Having eight people would pretty much means you get a victory each round.


But that logic alone, this isn't a case of you wanting more of your guild members in your group per made; but more of you're just upset you aren't winning all the time.


I would prefer not to be rude, but your ignorance will mess over a lot of people's enjoyment - so feel free to hit "log out" up at the top of the screen.

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You know what you are getting into when you queue solo. Find people to group with and stop QQing. I cannot stand not being able to get in the same battlefield with my guildies, we always get split up into 2-3 different warzones. 8 man premades, please.


Go play a different game then - this isn't some FPS - this is a mmorpg, meaning there are more people than just your guild. If you want pre-mades do the four person groups, and stop QQing as you like to say.

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Bump for great justice!!! On ice breaker the pcockrell scene is small and today bunch of us finally started grouping only to find that we had to exclude someone because you can only queue 4.


This is no brained basic design crap. If your pci department actually pvp'd in other mom's over the past years you wouldn't have the SILLY problems like this. All the problems in the pcockrell system are sooooo frustrating because they are frustrations that have occurred and been overcome in other mom's. Not learning from what comes before is a sin ;:(


Another example is the random nature of the loot system.


Ignore the qq, the actual playing of pvp is alot of fun and workable, and please fix harebrained functionality issues.

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I'd be fine with 8 man queues... if they were pitted against only other 8 man groups. It'd be great, especially if there were some sort of observer mode like in GW. Because sometimes watching organized high level pvp can be really entertaining.
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