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Community Blog Post Discussion: A Word on Bugs from James Ohlen


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There, fixed that for ya :D


-Turning off Shadows worked for most people, and they are continuing to work on fixing them

-Additional problems with ATI cards might very well require an ATI Driver update and nothing on BW's part


I seriously doubt 200+ Servers would be full of people every night if the game "didn't work" for "most people" :cool:



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Apparently the major FPS issue which is effecting 100's if not 1000's of players to a point where they cannot even play the game, this doesn't seem to be a priority, actually it doesn't even seem to be on your list, we can't play the game, we paid for.. take some responsibility to your community who supported this game and FIX IT..
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Apparently the major FPS issue which is effecting 100's if not 1000's of players to a point where they cannot even play the game, this doesn't seem to be a priority, actually it doesn't even seem to be on your list, we can't play the game, we paid for.. take some responsibility to your community who supported this game and FIX IT..


LOL so many ppl QQing. Guess what. I'm absolutely, positively sure they know of the problem and are addressing it. I guess the only time they are working (which is never behind the scenes) is when they push out a patch, right?

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LOL so many ppl QQing. Guess what. I'm absolutely, positively sure they know of the problem and are addressing it. I guess the only time they are working (which is never behind the scenes) is when they push out a patch, right?


The question wasn't directed at you, go play with your squadron, I'm asking a question to the dev's and appartently you don't fall under that category... so if the game is working for you and you are here then your here to troll..

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I think people are being way to impatient, probably because they are mostly under the age of fifteen and are used to immediately getting what they want from their parents because of horrible parenting these days... O.<


BUT! Keep in mind please that they have stated their order of operations here, at least the first on the list to be solved, which is the game breaking bugs and problems/exploits that prevent people from playing the game. It would be best if they took care of this before adding any new systems or changes. They only have so many staff on hand and can only get so much done with such a complicated game to change and edit. Only playing the game faithfully and giving them the support they need will bring the results, cause that's what pays the bills :p


Announcing projects in the future is going to be saved for when they announce the patching because announcing something now when they cant set a true deadline to it, people will be disappointed that they haven't seen that particular thing addressed in the last five minutes that they were playing on the game, (Seriously, some people are this childish)


Be happy, you pvpers and raiders, because you will always be first on their list of people to please while us role players will have to sit at the bottom of the list and wait patiently for new implementations to be made that significantly improve the immersion.


Please give us chat bubbles Q.Q Its a tiny think to ask for... and chairs to sit in... =3=... >.> And ship customization... ._. I'll sit in the role players corner now v.v


Edit: As someone mentioned, you should take into account that they are not just working on things when they put out patches. They work round the clock, and answering every question that a couple million people are asking takes a lot out of their work time.

Edited by Thorvas
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I posted a fix for the FPS issue, sadly though they keep removing my post lol. Evidently they don't want the community to help each other. At any rate, their fix for the FPS lag issue only fixed some of the affected systems. (mine is fine, but my wife's laptop is still not working without my fix). Figure that one out... At any rate, I am done sending in my dxdiag, or trying to share what I know. Best of luck, and hope you all figure it out on your own. Edited by vitakorpen
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The question wasn't directed at you, go play with your squadron, I'm asking a question to the dev's and appartently you don't fall under that category... so if the game is working for you and you are here then your here to troll..



I will point out your sig

** SubScription Cancelled **


I think they will pay attention to "paying" customers first.

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YOU ARE FIXING BUGS? And have a priority system to determine when bugs are being fixed? And you fix the most game-breaking bugs first?


How *********** revolutionary, thank god the BioWare development lead is working on genius material like this instead of anything else.

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I think people are being way to impatient, probably because they are mostly under the age of fifteen and are used to immediately getting what they want from their parents because of horrible parenting these days... O.<


No, no you are mistaken. Most people who say 'age matters' are the immature ones. Honestly, if you ever worked customer service, age has no bearing on the stupidity of some people.


In customer service its not uncommon to be cursed at, yelled at, screamed at, whined to, whined about or any of the other various annoying things customers do since you can't fight back.


The internet is significantly worse, since you are not physically looking someone in the face in a crowd of people, you are in the safety of wherever you are, with only a few keystrokes you can call someone anything you want, and then never have to worry about it again.


'Most' people don't know whats best for them, or what they truly want. Give them pvp brackets and they'll complain about not enough players. Do the opposite and they moan and cry that they always get destroyed by high level players.


Balance a class out, and even if its 100% equal to other classes at this point, the second someone 'feels' like they got overpowered in a warzone, even if the real reason is that the other player was just better, they'll still complain that the class the enemy was playing is unbalanced.


In short, the majority of people are idiots, and complain simply because its what people do.


YOU ARE FIXING BUGS? And have a priority system to determine when bugs are being fixed? And you fix the most game-breaking bugs first?


How *********** revolutionary, thank god the BioWare development lead is working on genius material like this instead of anything else.


^^^ Perfect example of my point. Despite the fact that TONS of people are complaining and cry that "bioware never responds" when they DO respond, someone else has to ***** and moan that they are doing the obvious.


Pretty much your only options are a turd sandwich or a giant douche, take your pick.

Edited by Evray
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YOU ARE FIXING BUGS? And have a priority system to determine when bugs are being fixed? And you fix the most game-breaking bugs first?


How *********** revolutionary, thank god the BioWare development lead is working on genius material like this instead of anything else.


Indeed... *Monocle*


... Jawa's are cuute l3 'Hootini!'

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Next time please let us know when our character level of detail (beyond cutscenes) will actually look like all the advertised screenshots like this:




beyond that, loving the game.


Get past level 30. My character looks much better than this. I am level 46 by the way. Most armor and designs look much more interesting later on, although I did not dislike previous armors.

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As a bounty hunter, when I choose dialogue options that involve me getting money from the... errr... victim, I am almost NEVER given the reward after the dialogue ends. No quest completion box, nothing in the chat about credits recieved, NOTHING.


ONCE, when choosing a relevant dialogue option, a little green tab popped up with 500 credits, next to the companion affection points popup. But what about all those other times when I didn't get the creds I was supposed to get?


Were those bugs? or were the credits added completely silently to my account?



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@ Evray


Of course age has some weight towards Maturity, its one of the factors towards -being- mature. People who are older by default have more experience therefore have a higher rate of being mature, which is why there is a significantly lower percentage of immaturity between 30 years old and 15 years old. People who are still immature at an older age can be explained by a number of factors. *Nerdy glasses*


Age x Experience

( Number of times ) x Intelligence = Maturity (Automatically end existence if

Dropped on head ____________________________ Experience is Zero)


Experience can be anything from 0 to ten. :3... No I am not sleep deprived D:< Leave me alone! *Huddles over her SWTOR Character and eats darkside cookies*

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@Jabbathehutt picture :3


Well seeing as you announced to the world that you are no longer paying for the game, your continued support does not count for much anymore. You paid, but no longer play, so they would want to focus on people who are playing still ^^


Announcing that you will no longer play the game but also loudly complaining (Or quietly cant tell by your text D: ) about the systems of said game that you by your own admittance you will no longer be playing is like an oxymoron.

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