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Someone who played WoW please tell me


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There are no answers in a troll thread, just a wait for the mods to shut it down and then the bets get placed to see how long it will take the OP to start another rambling Trolling Rant......


His failed Troll Thread List today includes:








Look at how many he had to post before he finially crafted it into one where he could get the attention he so desperately needs


lmfao!! ^^

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@enitan Thanks :)


Heh that actually sounds pretty cool ill have to try it out someday.


I do kinda believe that also with blizzard. They aren't a bad company i think its just they're in a weird spot with 2 mmos. They want to put more money into titans but at the same time need to put alot into WoW to keep it running well but then need to move the WoW players over if possible and then running 2 HUGE other games with SC2 and its expansion release and Diablo 3


YW :)


You just hit the nail on the head, blizzard is so split over so many projects that they are just rushing to slap things together to get it out there to make the bucks, unfortunately for them it is showing in the quality of the last patch/content release, I just hope/pray that it doesn't carry over into D3

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I haven't flamed anyone, nor have I spouted any personal feelings regarding WoW or TOR. You're ignoring my posts, and criticizing me of being ignorant. I've only related that I believe you're being hypocritical - I have read your posts, and that is what got me to this conclusion.


The feelings and enjoyment someone gets from a game is completely relative and subjective. Even if you compare the two games and show that they are mechanically the same, a person may still enjoy TOR over WoW. For whatever reason that may be - the small differences, or the mere fact that is it Star Wars, they are entirely valid reasons. You may disagree with them, or dislike them, but that doesn't make any of them less valid. It is perfectly acceptable for a person to say "I like TOR, even if its just a reskinned WoW, because its Star Wars" - because it is just that, an opinion about something someone does for leisure.


For this reason, I'm saying you attacking any viewpoint that is different is hypocritical, because you're asking people to not attack viewpoints because they are different. You're entire thread is based on that subject alone.


The Voice of Reason speaks. Hear it and despair. :) Also, as a shorter version, agreed. Somehow the phrase words pot, kettle and black come to mind, am I right?

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If people were geared it sure was but if you weren't geared balance didn't exist in any respect. Didn't raid hardcore? GET ONE SHOT


well the raid grind was there for gear i would admit for PvP. fury war after a cetain point would become platewearing rogues. but that was the advatage for being in a 40 man raiding guild.


people that could do that pvp daily to move there rank up for grandmarshal. (Once it came out)


and world pvp was fun ..


Raid cross roads


rember some old vids of 40 pallie vs 40 shammies that crashed the servers


southshor e getting raided from tauren mill


now it just about arena this arena that and world pvp dosent really happen anuymore.


Nicklaus is one of my few char left that has the grandmarshal title left

Edited by navycrow
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These are the types of posts the Community doesn't want too see. What you just described is that the Game sucked because of the Games lack of fixes bugs and such at a launch(seems anytime would also do it for you)


If you want to say XX game is Garbage go ahead but can you please Say why you quit and why you want to come to XX other game? This thread is about WHY you left and WHY you're coming here not to try and sound hipsterish(ik bad word) and say I quit wow before it was even cool to quit wow!


i didnt say i quit the game because of bugs at launch, i said i played the game from launch. and then i quit.



want the fullr easons?


classes were boring, the quests were repetivitve after onyl 15 minutes of play time. it was impossible to level with any sort of realistic speed by grinding, you had to quest, questing took me more time runnign back and forth then playing, id gladly have spent three times longer grinding then questing, but sadly it was (untill about 6 months ago) about 50 times longe, if you were lucky.


the game lacks ambition, finding cool gear was a numbers thing, it made tiered gear the new hot thing that everyone copied. meanign that from levels x to x you wanted this peice of gear, gone were the days of 50 wizards standing next to each other, and each one diffrent. nope, out of a million of them, youd have 3 of them not wearing the same thing, and they were inferior in everyway because of it.


the game became so gear oriented that it made diablo 2 look silly, the game made no strives to innovate classes just change looks.


i coudl wirte paragraphs on paragraphs of why i dont liek wow, but i didnt think i should becuse of three reasons.


1 wow is old, people know what it is, theres nothign i can say that will inform them on anything.

2 people are going to have their own opinons. no matter what is ay if you disagree your going to write a posts arguing the point (or apparently my lack of point)


3 the thread had so many pages, my unique insight was moot.


i didnt like anything about wow, at all. it was all boring, it was crap, it was easy. there was never a challenge, just a time sink, wow forgot what mmo's were about but got popular anywyas. and then ruined mmo's for years and more years to come. the "wow clones" are toxic to development, but you paint a red car blue and it sells better, all cars get painted blue, even if blue causes cancer.


then theres the other notion. that with the time i had with swtor so far, the two games have nothign in common. everything is diffrent. now i coudl go on all the days about the things in this game i dont like, but none of them stop me from playing. sure combat could be more entertaining, and animations could look better. diversity would be appreciated greatly, and using the whole mirror class system is dated and dumb. empire should have their classes, republic should have their own classes, sure you can have similure roles, but their should be faction specific ones aswell. and mirror roles shouldn't be as close as they are.




in the end swtor may or may not last more then a few months with me. unless combat gets worked on i cant imagine pvp remaining fun for long, but thats an inherint problem with this type of game. and they didnt do anythign wrong here, its just my opinion.


if you dont like wow or you do, wont make any matter here, because both games feel very diffrent, they have diffrent str's and weakness. but i dont like wow, i can tolerate this, and i will until something else comes along. maybe diablo 3, maybe guild wars, maybe planet side 2. whichever comes first.


mien my spelling, and grammatical errors, i know their there, im just not proof reading this thing, take it as you will.





and i dont mean to sound cocky, self centered, ********ed or a jerk. text cannot convey emotion, and i can understand when one persons digital words are misunderstood. you seemed to take some kind of offene, and for that i apologies, none of this is written with malice, hate or any sort, just calm ambiguity.

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Simple: because the WoW I was drawn to no longer exists. I am all about setting, story and characters when I play a game. Blizzard is systematically wrecking its own setting and every single aspect of it that ever appealed to me, creating a putrid mess in which nothing makes any sense whatsoever -- all in the name of wanking their four writers' pet characters into the penultimate masters of the universe at the expense of everything and everyone else. Makes me want to vomit.


I actually don't even like Star Wars, so maybe I won't be able to stick with this game, but at least with Bioware I can hope that the story and the integrity of the setting matter more than a dead rat's last fart.

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there are no answers in a troll thread, just a wait for the mods to shut it down and then the bets get placed to see how long it will take the op to start another rambling trolling rant......


His failed troll thread list today includes:








look at how many he had to post before he finially crafted it into one where he could get the attention he so desperately needs


lol owned

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lmfao!! ^^


I thought that you would enjoy that little bit of research, click on them and it's the same thing as what he has here, trying to say things to get people going and when he gets a reaction he acts much in the same way he does here...


Whats funnier is people within the thread such as myself and others are now talking with other people with semi-related discussions and hes in /rant mode at you, me and a few others because we are not dedicating 100% of our conversation to him, if its a her/she sorry for calling you a him

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YW :)


You just hit the nail on the head, blizzard is so split over so many projects that they are just rushing to slap things together to get it out there to make the bucks, unfortunately for them it is showing in the quality of the last patch/content release, I just hope/pray that it doesn't carry over into D3


Honestly everything i've seen from D3 so far just makes me want it soo much more. I signed up for the year of wow actually because of the D3 offer and chances are with me being in the guild im with for 5 years another year isn't going to hurt me playing with friends.


But as i stated earlier WoW can come back roaring if blizzard puts the time and money back into it. You can't argue with the Fact blizzard has one hell of a track record for Games and considering they've made the Biggest MMO in history. I've never had one problem with blizzard company has some great customer service and i've enjoyed all the time i've spent there.

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Psst..If you're going to correct or point out others improper/misspelled grammar, perhaps you should be doubly sure you do the same (eh is not proper English, and if it were, the E should be capitalized as it's the beginning of a sentence.)


it's not about proper Englisch, but rather a matter of absolutely wrong words. then/than is just a pet peeve of mine.



and again, all the person in question did is state how their opinion is more important because they registered on this website earlier. if you troll, you get trolled back.



and now excuse me while I point and laugh at you (:

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**wall of text snip**

and world pvp was fun ..


Raid cross roads


rember some old vids of 40 pallie vs 40 shammies that crashed the servers


southshor e getting raided from tauren mill


now it just about arena this arena that and world pvp dosent really happen anuymore.


Nicklaus is one of my few char left that has the grandmarshal title left


Those were some of the most entertaining times I had on that game, there was nothing like going to those towns with 5-10 of your buddies and ripping on the town/guards until they started flying in and it turned into one huge epic PVP warzone for a few hours


/sigh those were the days

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Honestly everything i've seen from D3 so far just makes me want it soo much more. I signed up for the year of wow actually because of the D3 offer and chances are with me being in the guild im with for 5 years another year isn't going to hurt me playing with friends.


But as i stated earlier WoW can come back roaring if blizzard puts the time and money back into it. You can't argue with the Fact blizzard has one hell of a track record for Games and considering they've made the Biggest MMO in history. I've never had one problem with blizzard company has some great customer service and i've enjoyed all the time i've spent there.

not playing D3


A) require constant internet conection


B) Real Money AH

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I stopped playing WoW because I got bored.


Winner. I quit WoW for LoTRO. Better community and much more mature playerbase. Night and day different from the WoW community and the elitist jerks that seem to be congregated there in 2008. And, by most accounts, it's only got worse since then.


Not missing it, to be honest.

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it's not about proper Englisch, but rather a matter of absolutely wrong words. then/than is just a pet peeve of mine.



and again, all the person in question did is state how their opinion is more important because they registered on this website earlier. if you troll, you get trolled back.



and now excuse me while I point and laugh at you (:


Capitalize the "a" in the word "And".*


Capitalize the "I" in "If"*


Oh my goodness! I can do it also! HUEHUEUHUEHUE

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Never played WoW because I was against the idea of paying a monthly fee for a game.


Then I saw the graphics on AoC and thought it just might be worth it. But the game was always lagging and crashing.


After 2 weekends of flawless beta testing on my laptop and being a Star Wars fan as a child I knew this was the place for me.


I can honestly say I don't see myself going anywhere anytime soon unless Uncle Sam deploys me. And even then my laptop is coming with me. Can't wait till I get my email, whenever that may be. (Purchased Nov. 27th)

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Never played WoW because I was against the idea of paying a monthly fee for a game.


Then I saw the graphics on AoC and thought it just might be worth it. But the game was always lagging and crashing.


After 2 weekends of flawless beta testing on my laptop and being a Star Wars fan as a child I knew this was the place for me.


I can honestly say I don't see myself going anywhere anytime soon unless Uncle Sam deploys me. And even then my laptop is coming with me. Can't wait till I get my email, whenever that may be. (Purchased Nov. 27th)


Well that seems fair. You haven't been worn out by WoW before so TOR feels fresh. Hope you have a great time playing it :)

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@enitan Thanks :)


Heh that actually sounds pretty cool ill have to try it out someday.


I do kinda believe that also with blizzard. They aren't a bad company i think its just they're in a weird spot with 2 mmos. They want to put more money into titans but at the same time need to put alot into WoW to keep it running well but then need to move the WoW players over if possible and then running 2 HUGE other games with SC2 and its expansion release and Diablo 3


I'll be honest with you, LotRo isn't for everyone, same as every other game out there, and since the last add-on lots of people were unhappy (I guess that's a common MMO disease. laugh) I personally just love it because it's so detailed and full of little gimmicks. and the first time I met Gandalf I felt like a little kid. (could be me playing a hobbit, he looked huuuuge. lol)


I'm actually looking forward to seeing what will happen. I guess we'll get a similar thing with GW2 coming out. though obviously that will probably be more like EQ2 (as in: same franchise, not success *cough*)


I just think it's a little childish what people do here. and I'm a bit concered, really, because honestly...? my biggest reason to not play WoW was always the overall community. and I really don't want this elitism here. if it ever happens I'm back to Middle Earth

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Honestly everything i've seen from D3 so far just makes me want it soo much more. I signed up for the year of wow actually because of the D3 offer and chances are with me being in the guild im with for 5 years another year isn't going to hurt me playing with friends.


But as i stated earlier WoW can come back roaring if blizzard puts the time and money back into it. You can't argue with the Fact blizzard has one hell of a track record for Games and considering they've made the Biggest MMO in history. I've never had one problem with blizzard company has some great customer service and i've enjoyed all the time i've spent there.

not playing D3


A) require constant internet conection


B) Real Money AH


In my OPINION!!! of course. I do think blizzard is the one of the best game developers ever. EVERY SINGLE GAME THEY HAVE MADE, has revolutionized the gaming industry, every single one. WC, won game of the year and was considered the pinnacle of next gen RTS at the time, sc2 pioneered e-sports, DEFINETLY. Diablo series is regarded as one of the best, and WoW is widely regarded as the most successful/best MMO ever made.

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Honestly everything i've seen from D3 so far just makes me want it soo much more. I signed up for the year of wow actually because of the D3 offer and chances are with me being in the guild im with for 5 years another year isn't going to hurt me playing with friends.


But as i stated earlier WoW can come back roaring if blizzard puts the time and money back into it. You can't argue with the Fact blizzard has one hell of a track record for Games and considering they've made the Biggest MMO in history. I've never had one problem with blizzard company has some great customer service and i've enjoyed all the time i've spent there.


I did the same thing, the Diablo series has always had a really big soft spot for me (so have the orig. warcraft I, II, III) from what I have seen I am waiting for it with baited breath. I took the year membership because wow had been going decently for a good while so I paid it off for a year so why not get it for free?!


Yes wow could come back roaring like that and I have enjoyed my time there as well for the most part, but there are inherient flaws with what is going on with the way that they are just up and giving stuff out, it is creating a lot of these players who feel "entitled" to have an easy sauce go and full clearing of content. IDK if you were on for first day of 4.3 but I saw guilds who were server rank 50-100 have server second, third and fourth kills oneshotting the content. Yea easysauce stuff is great, but after you get through that first night of the new content the newness of it is gone and its back to the grind with no major sense of accomplishment because you really didn't have to work for it. The most you did was go out and fly around and farm up a few stacks of herbs/fish for raid supplies

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I just think it's a little childish what people do here. and I'm a bit concered, really, because honestly...? my biggest reason to not play WoW was always the overall community. and I really don't want this elitism here. if it ever happens I'm back to Middle Earth


Well that's good reasoning. Why didn't you just say that to begin with when you came to this post? We could have had a good discussion regarding your opinion of MMO communities instead of you attacking me for supposed "trolling"

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