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Naming is one of the biggest issues:


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Can you post a link to confirm please? I had not seen this posted elsewhere. TY!


FWIW I just tested that and I was able to create characters on 6 servers, so I don't think that is correct, at least entirely.

Edited by Skoobie
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Maybe it is my military background that allows me to hurry up and wait(so i dont mind waiting a day or two) but are you seriously upset about not getting those names specifically? please tell me your joking... Please go back to WoW or Rift...


I'm not joking... it's the principle... it's not even so bad that 1 guy on 1 server gets a name before I even see the loading screen..... but to further rub mud in the wound they then get to lock it down on several other servers. It just reeks of BS to me. It ain't right. Yet Bioware has said not a damned thing about this issue... and yes: to me this is a game breaking issue. It really bothers me immensely that some ****** will be locking up names on several servers even before the game goes live. It's not enough they get the early access... AND the name they want... but then they will lock it out stepping on others' fun just to spite.



Ya: I get it. I'm not normal. Who is? But this one just chafes me so hard and raw.


(Oh and I quit WOW like... years ago... same with Rift not sure how long it's been since I played that.)

Edited by FadeXF
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I'm not joking... it's the principle... it's not even so bad that 1 guy on 1 server gets a name before I even see the loading screen..... but to further rub mud in the wound they then get to lock it down on several other servers. It just reeks of BS to me. It ain't right. Yet Bioware has said not a damned thing about this issue... and yes: to me this is a game breaking issue. It really bothers me immensely that some ****** will be locking up names on several servers even before the game goes live. It's not enough they get the early access... AND the name they want... but then they will lock it out stepping on others' fun just to spite.



Ya: I get it. I'm not normal. Who is? But this one just chafes me so hard and raw.


Why do you deserve your name more than someone else?

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Name 1 popular MMO that released even 1 day "pre-release" .... go ahead. I'll wait. The industry norm does NOT involve pre-release in this genre.
Not exactly "release" but similar: Lineage II (and it has been quite popular in it's time)


You could beta test the game (though the beta was public not many people knew about that) for one full month. Then the game went live (and lots of new players joined)- now guess what: You could keep your beta characters!

Edited by Aiwan
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Why do you deserve your name more than someone else?


I deserve the name if the gates opened at the same time... and I was able to secure the name before someone else when EVERYONE had equal access at the same time... or at least talking a few HOURS of each other.


Right here we are talking the case of a very tiny percentage of the population getting DAYS and DAYS before anyone else... and the reality here is that if you wanted to be a true ***, you could sit all day looking at the server lists... and the moment one came up you could continue to name lock all you like... AND THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. You know it. I know it. And it's not fair.


Before my email even gets to me a server will show up on the list. And some ****** is going to lock down names. And it's not right.

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Still ridiculous. Considering any other release of any MMO to date didn't have up to 7 days to lock down names before anyone else ever gets a chance.



The fact you can lock down 5 servers is ridiculous to me. Especially during such a sensitive time where this game isn't even supposed to be out yet.


1 name. 1 server. Until the 21st.


Should have pre-ordered on July 21st my friend

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Not exactly "release" but similar: Lineage II (and it has been quite popular in it's time)


You could beta test the game (though the beta was public not many people knew about that) for one full month. Then the game went live (and lots of new players joined)- now guess what: You could keep your beta characters!


Right... but do you really think that is a true test of the Genre? What about Everquest... Ultima Online... Everquest2... WoW... DAOC... Age of Conan... Warhammer... Rift... any popular MMO.... no. None of them had pre-release.


Lineage2 was terrible. Not even sure did that game last a week or something?


The gaming industry standard is to NOT pre-release but allow everyone equal access on a release date announced to everyone.

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Naming is semi-important to me too. I have a massive list I draw from like many people do. It's my own hangup, but it does bug me that a name I really like just sits in reserve for a long time or indefinatley and nobody is actually using it.


Most MMO's follow a one name setup, but allowing a space and then a surname really helps to allow people to get a name they want. It was one of my favorite features about Guild Wars/Fallen Earth. I wish they had done that here.


John Smith

John Jones

John Green


3 players get to enjoy the name John, but are still seperate players. I just think it works better.




I know, I know - wish in one hand...

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Should have pre-ordered on July 21st my friend


Maybe had I known this game existed at that point. See... here inlies the problem... I didn't really even hear about this game until BETA when one of my friends mentioned it. They said it was good... so I pre-ordered then.


So... just because I OBVIOUSLY live under a rock (amirite and amidoingthisrite??) I should get punished out of names.... wait... what?? How did this suddenly become MY fault that Bioware had no plan in place for name-locking on their servers.... oh rite! I am talking to a fanboi. MY BAD... carry on... carry on....

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I deserve the name if the gates opened at the same time... and I was able to secure the name before someone else when EVERYONE had equal access at the same time... or at least talking a few HOURS of each other.


Right here we are talking the case of a very tiny percentage of the population getting DAYS and DAYS before anyone else... and the reality here is that if you wanted to be a true ***, you could sit all day looking at the server lists... and the moment one came up you could continue to name lock all you like... AND THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. You know it. I know it. And it's not fair.


Before my email even gets to me a server will show up on the list. And some ****** is going to lock down names. And it's not right.


The race for names started with the pre-order. The person who got "your" name fought for the right to do so, raced to the finish, and won. You, in your ignorance, started too late and lost. Sounds perfectly fair to me.


You're like the runner who joined a race at the halfway mark and demanded everybody go back to the beginning so it's fair for you. Booho. The real race started already. And guess what? You lost. Fair and square. Because the person who got your name wanted it more than you, fought for it harder, and deserved it more.


If you're so competitive about something, you shouldn't complain when you lose. Me, I don't care about names. And frankly, I pity the people who worry about something so arbitrary.

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I'm not joking... it's the principle... it's not even so bad that 1 guy on 1 server gets a name before I even see the loading screen..... but to further rub mud in the wound they then get to lock it down on several other servers. It just reeks of BS to me. It ain't right. Yet Bioware has said not a damned thing about this issue... and yes: to me this is a game breaking issue. It really bothers me immensely that some ****** will be locking up names on several servers even before the game goes live. It's not enough they get the early access... AND the name they want... but then they will lock it out stepping on others' fun just to spite.



Ya: I get it. I'm not normal. Who is? But this one just chafes me so hard and raw.


(Oh and I quit WOW like... years ago... same with Rift not sure how long it's been since I played that.)


I just do not get the rage for it but everyone has their opinions... If it bothers you this bad maybe this is not the game for you. I just leave you with this when BW said EGA and if you didnt pre order within the first month did you really expect to be playing day 1 EGA?

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I have news for you...'Banker' and 'Auction' are not *cool* names. If that's the gating factor for you to *love* or *hate* a game on the first day of release, then you have more problems than an MMO can alleviate.


I suggest that you seek professional therapy right now, as you have a problem.


There are many cool names that you can get in any game. If you have your heart set on the top 1% of generic gaming names, then yes, you will be disappointed. In turn, if that ruins a game for you, then you have major mental issues. However, if you are flexible in the names you want assigned to your toons, you'll be much happier.


Be flexible. Be adaptable. These traits will serve you well in life. Learn to embrace them and you will be a much happier person as you grow older...like me...and so many others who have learned these valuable life lessons.


May the force be with you.

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The race for names started with the pre-order. The person who got "your" name fought for the right to do so, raced to the finish, and won. You, in your ignorance, started too late and lost. Sounds perfectly fair to me.


You're like the runner who joined a race at the halfway mark and demanded everybody go back to the beginning so it's fair for you. Booho. The real race started already. And guess what? You lost. Fair and square. Because the person who got your name wanted it more than you, fought for it harder, and deserved it more.


If you're so competitive about something, you shouldn't complain when you lose. Me, I don't care about names. And frankly, I pity the people who worry about something so arbitrary.


Hate to double post but this.. Sorry man but SWTOR stuff has been around everywhere on the internet and if your into MMOs and gaming i am sure you herd some buzz even within a month or 2 after the EGA was announced

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Well, realistically speaking, there was nothing preventing them from implementing the EA in one of two ways:


1) Only allow players to create a single character/name per server/per account until the 20th




2) Allow everyone who preordered, through their web browser, to create and reserve a single character name at the same time (the 13th), and allow those with the earliest preorders to access early gameplay faster.


What is the problem with that?

Edited by Xyrloc
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I'm wondering...


If you are already having issues with not being able to name your character the first day someone is able to play - what about naming your legacy (at the end of chapter one)?

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Most of the people responding to me in this thread obviously have ulterior motives.


I'm not biting.



Not one person has issued a valid counter-argument to: "name-locking on all servers is bad... and not fair... and Bioware should have had a plan in place to prevent it."



So whatever. Carry on trying to bash me... or get a rise out of me. You're wrong, I'm right. <shrug> Don't bother me none.

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