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What race is yoda...


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As wookieepedia said.


Yoda is what they call a unknown tridactyl specie or something like that.




Now according to the Wookipedia http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yoda Yoda has a greater back story and it is worth reading for some insight to his race and relation with other species.

Edited by Yaesive
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previously, Lucas thought the world was going to end, for serious, so he wasn't ever planning on making the last 3 movies because he thought he wouldn't have time to do them right...come to think of it, wasn't it 12/20/11 that a bunch of people thought the world was ending and lucas was one of them? that's a bit odd....maybe he has changed his mind now so is continuing with writing/ideas......ANYWAY, check this out:



Edited by drealmer
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Yea it's lame that lucas couldn't think of a species name and wouldn't let anyone else because hes all like YODA IS MINE!!!! I love Yodas character and would love to see some more of his species in the game. Even a non-force class. Like a freaking Yoda sniper would be hilarious.
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Master yoda species is unknow but I belive he comes from the planet Dagobah, a plant filled with thick plant life that would make it difficult for larger species to evolve and with his green skin for camouflage would make it the one of the few planets possible for a race like yoda's to evolve on. after 900 years of living we would all want to go home to die.:csw_alderaan: p.s maybe we could see his parents in the game :):)
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previously, Lucas thought the world was going to end, for serious, so he wasn't ever planning on making the last 3 movies because he thought he wouldn't have time to do them right...come to think of it, wasn't it 12/20/11 that a bunch of people thought the world was ending and lucas was one of them? that's a bit odd....maybe he has changed his mind now so is continuing with writing/ideas......ANYWAY, check this out:




thats next year, this year its swtor's release date. next year its the end of the world.

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Yoda is a member of Yoda's race. There is a mandate in place from Lucas that no game, work of fiction, or any other bit of the EU explore this subject or allow a playable character of that race.


He ain't a Jawa.


Ok, if that's true, then it seems to me that George Lucas once again just wants to mess with people and guard his hoard of treasure. Seriously? Nobody is even allowed to name Yoda's race? Now, as for a playable character, it's already been done.


Soul Calibur IV allowed Yoda as a playable character, so that throws that part of your "mandate" out the window.

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Ok, if that's true, then it seems to me that George Lucas once again just wants to mess with people and guard his hoard of treasure. Seriously? Nobody is even allowed to name Yoda's race? Now, as for a playable character, it's already been done.


Soul Calibur IV allowed Yoda as a playable character, so that throws that part of your "mandate" out the window.


I think you are confused. If you look at the other posts here, games are allowed to have YODA as a character, they are not allowed to make other characters of the same species of Yoda that are NOT Yoda as part of their games, books, etc.

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I think you are confused. If you look at the other posts here, games are allowed to have YODA as a character, they are not allowed to make other characters of the same species of Yoda that are NOT Yoda as part of their games, books, etc.


Ah, ok. The way the guy worded it was a bit misleading.

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I say Yoda is a Jawa, what you have to look at is his dress style manor. It just fits there is really no other race in the galaxie currently that fits Yoda. every race in the galaxie is attuned to the force in one form or another. you never get to see a Jawa's face they are always hooded in such a manor that you would not know what they actually look like.

So any other thoughts please feel free maybee we can figure it out.


Check the Star Wars Wiki. It's on there. There's a whole section on Yoda and Yaddle.

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Its funny in WoW when they announced knomes everyone was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! But in SWTOR whenever people found out they could not be a Yoda species everyone is like CURSEEE YOUUUUU LUCAAASSSSS!!!!!!!


Haha see what happens when you make a character green and give him a lightsaber :p

Edited by killaghost
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you make some really good points, but yoda's eyes do not glow yellow like the other jawas. very good question though.


some one mentioned jaws are "rodent" like and if i remember from the pen and paper that is exactly what they were supped to be like but since they keep changing the movies (that is really ticking me off BTW) who knows the Jawas might be all powerful beings from another universe waiting to hear the "question about life the universe and .. everything"

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While Lucas not wanting to reveal any information about this species is one thing, it still seems a little unnatural that others who interact with them don't freak out whenever seeing one of them.


"Hey! It's one of those ungodly powerful creatures that shows up once every few hundred years! OH MY GOD!!!" - Random Jedi

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