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How do people level to 50 in 4-5 days?!?!?


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Or they are college students who got the holidays off who played the beta for 5 months so they knew all the quests/story already and could just space bar through everything because they knew what was being said.



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So you have spent one-third of the past two weeks playing a game?


The problem isn't BW allowing you to level too quickly. The problem is that you devote as much time per week as the average person does to sleeping or working as you do gaming.


This also.

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^This lol.



I leveled to 50 in about 7 days (RL) because i had the holiday weekends off. Thankfuly i played beta until level 26 so i got to skip a lot of sotryline i already knew. Once i got around 26/27 i started paying attention more to the story (which is quite facinating).


Also, it was around the time where there were less level 50's (or none) in the Warzones. I used PvP to level pretty fast while doing class quests. Lately though, if you go into a Warzone below level 30-35 (until they put 50's in their own brackett) your gunna be hated by teamates lol.

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Ignore all the ignorant individuals going "no life" or something along those lines. Fact of the matter is, leveling in TOR is piss easy. You'll find yourself over-leveled for pretty much every single planet you find yourself on, assuming you play all the content. You need not skip dialogue or anything like that. If you simply play the game normally, but play for a fair bit of time each day (many hours, at least 5) then you will find yourself at max level real quick. For most planets you can power through them in 3-5 hours, max. And that's when doing EVERY quest and watching EVERY cutscene. Throw in pvp and space (especially space, goddamn space gives tons of xp) and you'll rake in the levels fast as hell.


Bioware themselves even said weeks ago that all the lvl 50s got that way via quests. And contrary to popular belief, but cutscenes don't drag on for hours, so even if you watch every single one you can still get through them in a minute tops. TOR's just a really easy game to level in.

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They basically find the least fun way to play the game.


Exactly. Winner winner chicken dinner!

Ever notice it is those who hit lvl cap that fast are the ones that go to *****in and whining and spreading hate on the forums about the game?

If I had to play an MMO with that kind of pressure to hit lvl cap that fast I would be so pissed off there would be no way I would get any enjoyment out of the game at all. People who do this should not even be playing an MMO, let alone one that is brand new. Most of the real patches and game fixes won't even come out untill after the free month and subscription money starts rolling in. The people who lvl like that has already ruined thier own experience before they even start. I have been playing since before launce and chillin out still rolling alts and My highest lvl is only 14 and am still having a blast! Can't wait to see this game in 6 months.Personally I would love to go on a crusade and travel the world in search of these morons who lvl this fast and kick them in the balls with steel toed boots! That would give me much satisfaction indeed!

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Ignore all the ignorant individuals going "no life" or something along those lines. Fact of the matter is, leveling in TOR is piss easy. You'll find yourself over-leveled for pretty much every single planet you find yourself on, assuming you play all the content. You need not skip dialogue or anything like that. If you simply play the game normally, but play for a fair bit of time each day (many hours, at least 5) then you will find yourself at max level real quick. For most planets you can power through them in 3-5 hours, max. And that's when doing EVERY quest and watching EVERY cutscene. Throw in pvp and space (especially space, gosh darn space gives tons of xp) and you'll rake in the levels fast as hell.


Bioware themselves even said weeks ago that all the lvl 50s got that way via quests. And contrary to popular belief, but cutscenes don't drag on for hours, so even if you watch every single one you can still get through them in a minute tops. TOR's just a really easy game to level in.


I don't know but I have kinda settled on Trooper class and have been playing him exclusivly now for about 3 days 6-8 hrs a day 4-5 hrs during the nights and am only lvl 14. I feel that so far lvling in this game has been actually slower than most games I have played in many years...at least from the beginning ... only have just left my origin world tonight....took a couple or 3 hrs just to get my crew skills set up and Coruscant is totally overwhelming me ATM. I am always getting lost.

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Exactly. Winner winner chicken dinner!

Ever notice it is those who hit lvl cap that fast are the ones that go to *****in and whining and spreading hate on the forums about the game?

If I had to play an MMO with that kind of pressure to hit lvl cap that fast I would be so pissed off there would be no way I would get any enjoyment out of the game at all. People who do this should not even be playing an MMO, let alone one that is brand new. Most of the real patches and game fixes won't even come out untill after the free month and subscription money starts rolling in. The people who lvl like that has already ruined thier own experience before they even start. I have been playing since before launce and chillin out still rolling alts and My highest lvl is only 14 and am still having a blast! Can't wait to see this game in 6 months.Personally I would love to go on a crusade and travel the world in search of these morons who lvl this fast and kick them in the balls with steel toed boots! That would give me much satisfaction indeed!


I've hit end game, I was one of the first to do so, I have cleared all the raid content except 3 encounters on nightmare (all done on hard), and I have done nothing but go to the forums and compliment bioware on their rich and diverse end game. While it is currently extremely buggy it also shows great potential for the future of raiding in this game.

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I've hit end game, I was one of the first to do so, I have cleared all the raid content except 3 encounters on nightmare (all done on hard), and I have done nothing but go to the forums and compliment bioware on their rich and diverse end game. While it is currently extremely buggy it also shows great potential for the future of raiding in this game.


Congrats ! You are a rare breed then. Are you planning to continue to play other classes or are you done?

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Congrats ! You are a rare breed then. Are you planning to continue to play other classes or are you done?


As soon as I completely max out my character in T3/battlemaster gear possibly, but I'm not really an alt person.


Not to mention they are already releasing new content with the next patch.

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I don't know but I have kinda settled on Trooper class and have been playing him exclusivly now for about 3 days 6-8 hrs a day 4-5 hrs during the nights and am only lvl 14. I feel that so far lvling in this game has been actually slower than most games I have played in many years...at least from the beginning ... only have just left my origin world tonight....took a couple or 3 hrs just to get my crew skills set up and Coruscant is totally overwhelming me ATM. I am always getting lost.


Then you're just bad at the game. I mean no disrespect, but that's just how it is. I was on my trooper earlier and I cleared half of Taris in 2 hours. I cleared all of Coruscant in 4-5, cleared Ord Mantell in like 2 hours. I'm lvl 23 with prolly 12 hours total play time. Then again, trooper just rofl-stomps his way through anything and everything. But my agent is comparable.


However the main difference might be the fact that you're apparently going solo. With all of my characters I've always played with friends. This allows us to power our way through everything. So all those lvl 50s may very well have been playing with friends/guild mates, or just made better use of their companions.

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Then you're just bad at the game. I mean no disrespect, but that's just how it is. I was on my trooper earlier and I cleared half of Taris in 2 hours. I cleared all of Coruscant in 4-5, cleared Ord Mantell in like 2 hours. I'm lvl 23 with prolly 12 hours total play time. Then again, trooper just rofl-stomps his way through anything and everything. But my agent is comparable.


However the main difference might be the fact that you're apparently going solo. With all of my characters I've always played with friends. This allows us to power our way through everything. So all those lvl 50s may very well have been playing with friends/guild mates, or just made better use of their companions.


half of Taris in 2 hours? I smell BS.

Edited by KippTabor
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As soon as I completely max out my character in T3/battlemaster gear possibly, but I'm not really an alt person.


Not to mention they are already releasing new content with the next patch.


Still I couldn't play that way even if I knew how. It would just kill the fun for me way to quick to justify the price of admission! I plan on playing this game for at least 3 yrs or so and watching the game develop. I don't even have any interest in Guild Wars 2 anymore.

Played WoW for 3 yrs and never did hit lvl cap. But that was way back at release. WoW was an awesome game in the begining until Blizzard went mad with greed and massacred thier own creation. Can't stand WoW after BUrning Crusade came out. Another thing is I don't see how anyone could even compare this game to WoW. For me it is nothing like WOW, if it was I would not be playing it. (Similar gameplay mechanics as far as the controls but that is all)

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Still I couldn't play that way even if I knew how. It would just kill the fun for me way to quick to justify the price of admission! I plan on playing this game for at least 3 yrs or so and watching the game develop. I don't even have any interest in Guild Wars 2 anymore.

Played WoW for 3 yrs and never did hit lvl cap. But that was way back at release. WoW was an awesome game in the begining until Blizzard went mad with greed and massacred thier own creation. Can't stand WoW after BUrning Crusade came out. Another thing is I don't see how anyone could even compare this game to WoW. For me it is nothing like WOW, if it was I would not be playing it. (Similar gameplay mechanics as far as the controls but that is all)


i agree with the sentiment. if bioware is capable of stomping out the game-destroying bugs that are affecting some players, I'll be locked in at least until world of darkness online.

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Exactly. Winner winner chicken dinner!

Ever notice it is those who hit lvl cap that fast are the ones that go to *****in and whining and spreading hate on the forums about the game?

If I had to play an MMO with that kind of pressure to hit lvl cap that fast I would be so pissed off there would be no way I would get any enjoyment out of the game at all. People who do this should not even be playing an MMO, let alone one that is brand new. Most of the real patches and game fixes won't even come out untill after the free month and subscription money starts rolling in. The people who lvl like that has already ruined thier own experience before they even start. I have been playing since before launce and chillin out still rolling alts and My highest lvl is only 14 and am still having a blast! Can't wait to see this game in 6 months.Personally I would love to go on a crusade and travel the world in search of these morons who lvl this fast and kick them in the balls with steel toed boots! That would give me much satisfaction indeed!


Instead of bashing them maybe you enjoy leveling they dont. Maybe they enjoy raiding with 15 other people that cannot be done for the first 49 levels. Just because you are slow as molasses doesn't give me the right to make fun of you nor you the right to think you are better then them(which you aren't).


Maybe i should say slow *** people like you shouldn't be playing games because you ruin the game for people like me who wishes there was more to do at endgame where people spend most of their time in MMO's.


What developers need to realize is that leveling is only about 5-10% of a MMO and putting so much emphasis on that hurts them in the long run.


within the first week of launch I had cleared with my guild of other like minded individuals all of the normal raids and 4/5 Hardmode 8 man.


I leveled in 3 days 3 hours taking a little less then 4 days. I also played through the game from 1 to 50 in beta 2 twice listening to all of the story quests. So the 3rd time through did i miss a single thing NOPE.

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It's called being unemployed. Also many already went through the side quests in beta and skipping the dialog in those speeds things up. I had already played through the empire side twice in beta, though with my first play through during EGA I didn't skip any since I wanted to try alternate replies. Second play through I've been skipping a ton, in fact I've skipped a large number of missions altogether. Mostly playing through for the class story lines at this point.
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Still I couldn't play that way even if I knew how. It would just kill the fun for me way to quick to justify the price of admission! I plan on playing this game for at least 3 yrs or so and watching the game develop. I don't even have any interest in Guild Wars 2 anymore.

Played WoW for 3 yrs and never did hit lvl cap. But that was way back at release. WoW was an awesome game in the begining until Blizzard went mad with greed and massacred thier own creation. Can't stand WoW after BUrning Crusade came out. Another thing is I don't see how anyone could even compare this game to WoW. For me it is nothing like WOW, if it was I would not be playing it. (Similar gameplay mechanics as far as the controls but that is all)


It's not for everyone, but that's whats great about games, you can play them how you want. I will occasionally take it slow if I'm playing with real life friends of mine, but my normal goal is to do world firsts. Nothing beats the thrill of knowing you were the first to do something. It's a completely different way of playing than 99% of the people out there would consider fun.

Edited by MercArcher
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