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How do people level to 50 in 4-5 days?!?!?


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I've heard of people levelling to 50 in 4-5 day?




I am now level 26. I find i can get one level a day if i play 3-4 hours/day


How did people get to 50 so fast?


how we level to 50 in a few days?


participated in beta, therefor know the whole story of 2 characters


game goes live - spacewars 3-5 days and you are lvl 50 and got nothing to do


They basically find the least fun way to play the game.


owning noobs is our and especially my purpose of gaming... just wasting time doing casual nerd stuff is for nerds, i only invest a few evenings playing games per week(my job affords around 50 hours/week) therefor i want quality gaming and competition


No life.


look above

Edited by Finaly
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Not much sleep, or not much getting up from you computer chair at all for that matter. And lots and lots of spacebar.


I got to 33 in 3 days without really trying or being super hardcore about it... I was just enjoying the game and found myself there. Since then I have slowed down quite a bit and been trying other things.

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Their mother's bring them food, and bed pans....that's all they need.


5 days doesn't even break their showering schedule...


Is that what you wanted to hear? Who cares how other people are playing the game, if someone wants to max out in 4 -5 days...so be it.


Personally I think they are missing out on a great game, but I really couldn't care less.

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Not much sleep, or not much getting up from you computer chair at all for that matter. And lots and lots of spacebar.


I got to 33 in 3 days without really trying or being super hardcore about it... I was just enjoying the game and found myself there. Since then I have slowed down quite a bit and been trying other things.


if you enjoy the story it takes around 2-3 weeks to get to 50 - depends on the hours played/week

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I reached level 50 in 5.5days /played, and by the end of it did feel a bit like a zombie clicking on stuff like a factory assembly line job... fortunately I took a days break when I hit 49, and so when I finished both Corellia's main plot and my class plot and got 50 somewhere along that line, I was fresh to it again.


I disagree that I did it in the 'least fun way', although obviously 5.5days /played is a lot longer than just 4-5 days chronologically. I listened to every quest giver where the dialogue wasn't a repeated phrase, though I did skip quickly through most of the alien language dialogue because I read the subtitles quite fast.


I played as fast as I could so that I didn't have to compete with too many other players while questing, also I'm on a PVP server, so wanted to get through most zones before they became too populated. Also I wanted to pick a particular legacy name for my smuggler which I knew would be taken quickly (yes, Solo). Also, I was kinda competing with another Scoundrel in my guild ;)

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Those that played in Beta know the classes and quests very well. In one power gaming session a close friend of mine got to level 30. How? He knows the game, exactly where to go, what choices to make and how to get in and out quickly with little downtime.
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I got to 50 in about 4 game days because that's my idea of fun: Getting to the max level in the least amount of time (although I know people that have done it much faster). It was a decent challenge.


However, I never skip the class (i.e. main) or companion storylines. Those are interesting enough for me to keep watching. I could care less about the side missions that's on the planets.

Edited by xGBox
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I got 50 in 5 days exactly. Did I "Power through" skipping all the scenes and such? No! Did I cheat or use Warzones? Nope. I just had 5 days off and played through them until I hit 50. It's not that hard... This is by far the EASIEST MMO to level in. If you cannot get to 50 in 5-6 days of playing, then it must be your first MMO or you don't fully grasp the concept of MMO leveling. :D
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I got 50 in 5 days exactly. Did I "Power through" skipping all the scenes and such? No! Did I cheat or use Warzones? Nope. I just had 5 days off and played through them until I hit 50. It's not that hard... This is by far the EASIEST MMO to level in. If you cannot get to 50 in 5-6 days of playing, then it must be your first MMO or you don't fully grasp the concept of MMO leveling. :D


You can power level to 85 in WoW waay faster than you can hit 50 in SWTOR. 85 levels in WoW takes less than 72 hrs if you know what you're doing. Can't say the same for SWTOR. :)

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You can power level to 85 in WoW waay faster than you can hit 50 in SWTOR. 85 levels in WoW takes less than 72 hrs if you know what you're doing. Can't say the same for SWTOR. :)


Well, you don't get a total of +45% XP in TOR yet.

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