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Why this game will end up like rift.


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Subject: Why this game will end up like Rift

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I have played this game for 7 days now.


All I can say is go away. We do not need your crystal ball projections.

Edited by Sunsliver
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Just wanted to point out: All of Wrath of the Lich King's entry content was cleared within 48 hours of the game's release.


And Cataclysm was a buggy, unfinished release that drove a large group out of the game. Oddly enough that's when I actually subbed again after quitting at launch. :D


But Cataclysm had a lot of issues. Graphics which weren't finished, patch after patch. But I didn't mind. I played to 85 on a orc Rouge in PvP and had fun. :)

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Obviously you do not understand. Fine, pay your cash and get all the junk that you are served.


In case you want to learn something.


You want a super-duper DPS spec to go do your quests, grind for resoiurces, or whatever else solo content there is. When grouped to do instances you want to switch into your tank or healing spec. Event during end game raiding you switch specs according to the next boss fight. Especially in 10-man raids where each man counts.


It is unbelievable that there is no dual spec in a combat and talent system taken straight out of WOW.

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2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


As far as I know if you are rezzed before looting the boss you can get loot. I haven't had anybody not do this for me if I had died at a boss (its an old holdover from the days of WoW when you indeed could not get loot while dead) but I would imagine if you don't get loot when dead in a FP it is a bug that will be fixed.

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You should have played WoW when it came out. The game was a joke and everyone was lv 50 in 14 days.


Bwaa bwaa.


So they still had another 10 days to get to the level cap? If you're going to troll at least have a little bit of knowledge to make it credible ;)

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proves that you didn't play wow, first it's lvl 60 to the maximum, and no it needs more than 15 days for a regular guy like me, not a no lifer to get to max level.

your doing it wrong if it took you 15 days.


i beat that and i work over 60 hours a week.

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Ive died during a bossfight and been able to receive loot just fine. you probably released when someone looted the body.



Anyway swtor will not end up like rift because...


Its not rift.


Its got a meaningful story that is easy to grasp, but rewarding for those that dig.


The world will be ending in a little over 12 months from now.

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And Cataclysm was a buggy, unfinished release that drove a large group out of the game. Oddly enough that's when I actually subbed again after quitting at launch. :D


But Cataclysm had a lot of issues. Graphics which weren't finished, patch after patch. But I didn't mind. I played to 85 on a orc Rouge in PvP and had fun. :)


so basically if other games released bad content, this game should just be as bad as they are right? that's a super invalid point. bioware should have LEARNED to avoid these mistakes, not repeat them..

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so basically if other games released bad content, this game should just be as bad as they are right? that's a super invalid point. bioware should have LEARNED to avoid these mistakes, not repeat them..


What bad content? You're sure trying to whine. :) This game is light-years ahead of WoW and if compared launch to launch WoW was a disaster.

Edited by Daeborn
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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


I've been playing the game for like 7 days now, my character is level 36 at the moment. having finished all quests of Darmund Kaas, Tatooine, and many quests here and there, completed my legacy quest line and going further with the story quest line.


Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what?


Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.


And this concludes my whining.


this game is going to fail with a big boom... as rift had not that many subs and had not even close that amount of money for developing

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1- NPC conversations in quests: I enjoy them and am glad they are in game. Different people like different things.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: This is not the game for you. This is not going away.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: I would like this added as well.


2- Flashpoints: This is a bug. Sometimes there is no loot after a wipe and sometimes there is. We wiped twice on hard mode Boarding Party last night and still looted the chest. They need to fix this asap.


3-PVP: I don't PVP so feel free to complain :)


4- companions: Not useless at 50. As a healer, they kill mobs for me as I do dailies. If you aren't a healer, then they heal you or make your killing go faster. They are required at 50. They just aren't used in Flashpoints/Ops/PVP.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): My reusable, 2-hour Aim stim would disagree with your uselessness statement. My guildmates seem pretty happy with the stuff they are crafting as well. I imagine they may need some balancing here especially as people get high level gear.


6- Walking: Yeah, there is too much transitional content. They need to take out some of the shuttle bays, let us mount in spaceports, etc. Useless timesinks are bad.


7- Content: I had friends go from 80 to 85 in less than 24 hours at Cata's launch. I did it in less than three days. Your WoW comparison is patently false. I have played that game for 7 years. I am still raiding Deathwing when not playing TOR. This game has a massive amount of content. Far more than any of the WoW expansions taken individually. Don't make demonstrably false statements, please.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: Yeah, a lot of people are having issues and these need to be addressed.


My friends and I are having a blast. I would suggest you find something else that makes you happy. Good luck :).

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What bad content? You're sure trying to whine. :) This game is light-years ahead of WoW and if compared launch to launch WoW was a disaster.


you guys truly live in a dreamworld... comparing a launch from 2004 with a launch from 2011... go grow up - get a leading position in a company that has competition - after that you see prolly you are talking squat


this game is going to fail in lightspeed and is indeed not lightyears ahead of wow, face the truth fanbois - and i don´t even like wow anymore

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this game is going to fail with a big boom... as rift had not that many subs and had not even close that amount of money for developing

really, i dont think you understand that your not on the blizzard forums, the fanboys over here arent little kids.


they dont care if the game fails. if it does, they will find something else to play. no big deal.:D

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Rifts mass exodus came from bowing down to the playerbase and requests. Much of what they were whining about was given to them by Trion and in the end, no one stayed because it became 'just like WoW'. These changes were: Dual Spec, Server Transfers, LFG tools, PVP stuff, and everything else being demanded on these boards. Trion gave it all to them, and in the end, they all just went back to WoW where they were already established.


It was so close of a WoW clone, the people realized: Why am I fighting to become uber in a clone of the game I'm already uber? Trion made many mistakes in the first month, mistakes I haven't seen BioWare repeat, nor would I expect them to. I'm not the type that says: I'm here till they do 'XXX', I'm here for entertainment, and I can't honestly say how or when that entertainment value would end. At this time, I can forsee things that may take away from my entertainment value, but it would come from abuse of changes, not so much the changes themselves. I know gamers are a fickle lot and will guaranteed abuse the ruleset handed to them.

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I really cant understand what drives people who dislike so many things about this game to come here and flood the forums with them all. If your gripe is qith just some minor details and bugs, ok, they can be changed/fixed, but some people seem to just dislike the whole friggin game. Do us a favor AND LEAVE. Thank you.
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What do you mean "end up like rift" rift is a great game imo and i would still pay and play for it if i had the time.


and i haven't had much time to play tor aswell i'm only level 19 and i got in at early access.

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you guys truly live in a dreamworld... comparing a launch from 2004 with a launch from 2011... go grow up - get a leading position in a company that has competition - after that you see prolly you are talking squat


this game is going to fail in lightspeed and is indeed not lightyears ahead of wow, face the truth fanbois - and i don´t even like wow anymore


You guys? I am enjoying the hell out of this game. Lvl 45 on Voss and having a great time. How about you take your petty gripes and move on? That would improve the game vastly imho. :)


Bye... :D

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1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.



I completely agree with this.

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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


I've been playing the game for like 7 days now, my character is level 36 at the moment. having finished all quests of Darmund Kaas, Tatooine, and many quests here and there, completed my legacy quest line and going further with the story quest line.


Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what?


Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.


And this concludes my whining.













You have ADHD and you are afflicted with the new disease I call "self-entitlement syndrome." Now pack your things and leave. Why you have to come here to make a rant like this makes no sense to me. Go bump your chest with your boys and tell them how upset you are about how much walking you have to do in a video game. I'm sure your bromance will develop into a beautiful relationship ...


Now go.

Edited by Alkiii
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