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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Suggestion] Enable Weapon Preview


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My level 22 Soundrel who accidently vendored "Flashy" for a new gun that turned out to be a large shiney Hair Dryer agrees with the OP and most everyone posting. ;p


I didn't know mods could be removed at the time.... The store bought 60 dollar packs really need to be packed with a manual... Even an abridged manual would be nice. :(


oh dont get me started on the lack of manuals... *sigh*



i still have my 200+ page manual for Combat Mission :D


it even included a tutorial mission walkthrough... step by step with pictures and everything...



but today when you open a "manual" its just "insert disc into computer to install game"...


well duuuuuh!

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Completely agree with the OP!


Although I'm likely to take any orange saber I come across as I just plan on collecting them, for other characters like my BH, I would love to preview the weapon. Personally I hate those small personal blasters, compared to those that are larger, with a longer barrel, or even have a scope on them.

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  • 5 months later...
Better still, Enable preview zoom in. It's hard to see what a armor looks like from a three inch box from 10 feet away.


Completely support OP and this reply, weapon previews and preview zoom should certainly be implemented!

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This really does need to happen. I can't tell you how many times I have equipped a weapon and it just looked like total crap and then it becomes worthless since its equipped so I vendor it or give it to a companion.
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YES! a million times YES! i can't count how many times i see a weapon that may not be better but i am always looking for a better looking one and i have to buy it just to see what it looks like, of loot and bind it to see what it looks like making it useless for anyone else.
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Weapon preview would be helpful, also the ability to zoom and pan the preview would make life easier. As previewing the Companion face customization in most cases can't be seen properly. We have to rely on database sites too much, which may or may not have screenshots. Edited by RAZIM
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  • 2 months later...
Weapon preview would be helpful, also the ability to zoom and pan the preview would make life easier. As previewing the Companion face customization in most cases can't be seen properly. We have to rely on database sites too much, which may or may not have screenshots.


I agree completely. Implementing a preview with the ability to zoom in/out and rotate to see it from all angles would be awesome. Also, since each weapon has its own unique firing sound (for the guns at least), it would be nice to have a preview of the gun being fired as well. I know that would take a lot more effort, but it would definitely help people, like myself, who have very sensitive ear drums and get irritated by certain sound effects (specifically high pitched sound effects).

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definitely needed. you see it in WoW and tbh.. i do not see why a game that is supposed to move on from a big game like woW, doesn't take some of the better functionality from it.

considering SWOTOR is more "equip what you want and mod it to suit your spec" than WoW... It seems laughable you can not inspect the base item to wear/equip.

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