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Does Bioware Even Listen to Community Feedback? All Signs Say NEGATIVE


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For 9 months over the course of the ever-mutating beta testing program beta testers have voiced their concerns pertaining to a multitude of game issues ranging from bugs to a lack of features in the GTN to a horrible UI and one that was in need of dire change. Chat bubbles, combat logs, and even macros (although macros weren't as rampantly requested) have been chronically requested since beta.


Lo, here we are, and NONE of that feedback has been implemented or even acknowledged. It has been nearly 2 weeks since this game was released, and there is still no communication from Bioware regarding some of the major issues that players are faced with. Yes, I have read the Dev tracker, and all of the CMs are addressing issues regarding queues (look what happened to them when players began leaving), the Ilum ban, or digital download problems. NO real issues that universally face the community are being addressed.



Well, there's a reason why every good company listens to feedback: a happy customer is one with longevity.






Going to sleep, don't bother flaming me as I will not be reading it.

Edited by Xugos
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Don't bother flaming me as I will not be reading it.


Wow.. opening your very own thread and ending the first post with a line that simply says: whatever you write, I won't read it anyway.


You surely are a very reasonable person that discusses stuff instead of just posting your own very biased opinion over and over.


Newsflash; Even the most minor of changes takes weeks to implement into a running software product because of things like quality assurance processes and such. BW is updating and fixing bugs every week. Most of these were probably those reported during the stress test beta a bit over a month ago, as it takes that amount of time to pinpoint a problem, develop a solution, test it internally in a 'clean' environment, then test it again in a running environment before being secure enough to put it in a patch on the Live environment.


2 weeks after launch and there have already been a number of bug fixing patches. And you dare complain they dont listen to feedback and fix problems?


Go back to your WoW my friend as you have no idea how the real world works.

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Wow.. opening your very own thread and ending the first post with a line that simply says: whatever you write, I won't read it anyway.


You surely are a very reasonable person that discusses stuff instead of just posting your own very biased opinion over and over.


Newsflash; Even the most minor of changes takes weeks to implement into a running software product because of things like quality assurance processes and such. BW is updating and fixing bugs every week. Most of these were probably those reported during the stress test beta a bit over a month ago, as it takes that amount of time to pinpoint a problem, develop a solution, test it internally in a 'clean' environment, then test it again in a running environment before being secure enough to put it in a patch on the Live environment.


2 weeks after launch and there have already been a number of bug fixing patches. And you dare complain they dont listen to feedback and fix problems?


Go back to your WoW my friend as you have no idea how the real world works.


Actually, I won't be reading it because I'm going to sleep within the next few minutes. Edited the OP for clarification.

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My main issue is it just doesn't feel like an MMO, just a dead world. I have a level 28 but struggle to log in to be honest. There are just so many bad design decisions, even with the fluff of a cartoon storyline, it still doesn't compensate for this.


I heard a couple of years ago that the game was in trouble, from a friend who worked at Mythic. Reading through the credits you can see they fired a couple of the main directors part the way through, so they obviously thought so too.


I can't put my finger on it, others already have in more detail, but it's just disappointing to me and I feel sad about that as I have looked forward to it for so long.


I think I will go back to another MMO after the free month and maybe come back if there are some changes. I'm not totally sure of that, but will see how I feel.


It definitely is not near blowing me away like I thought it would. Maybe EA just ruined another studio? Dragon Age 2 was awful too compared to the original. Good things can;t last forever and I think Bioware lost it's way with the EA deal. I suspect some of their employees feel the same.

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My main issue is it just doesn't feel like an MMO, just a dead world. I have a level 28 but struggle to log in to be honest. There are just so many bad design decisions, even with the fluff of a cartoon storyline, it still doesn't compensate for this.


I heard a couple of years ago that the game was in trouble, from a friend who worked at Mythic. Reading through the credits you can see they fired a couple of the main directors part the way through, so they obviously thought so too.


I can't put my finger on it, others already have in more detail, but it's just disappointing to me and I feel sad about that as I have looked forward to it for so long.


I think I will go back to another MMO after the free month and maybe come back if there are some changes. I'm not totally sure of that, but will see how I feel.


It definitely is not near blowing me away like I thought it would. Maybe EA just ruined another studio? Dragon Age 2 was awful too compared to the original. Good things can;t last forever and I think Bioware lost it's way with the EA deal. I suspect some of their employees feel the same.


Yea, EA sucks pretty hard. They destroyed the game i wanted to succeed soo much to beyond recovery (WAR). If u ask me Bioware signed its own doom with the deal.

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A fundemental problem is that a lot of people have come from WoW, expecting Wow in a Starwars Universe. In addition to which a lot of people have come having only played wow very recently. Wow took years to become such a refined game. I don't refute how good a game it was, nay still is, but thats because Blizzard have had almost 10 years to get it right.


Anyone who played Wow from Beta will know how bad the game was back then, it was just new. Nothing had been done on that scale before. The outdoor bosses, the raids, Blizzards epic story telling; but it had so many problems. Constant cockblocking on bosses, including gm intervention to slow progression, intentional bugs left in to break certain fights to halt progression, and it was actually quite hardcore in comparison to what it has become; it took them a few patches to get something as simple as quest markers in the game.


The talent trees on release were pants, broken, balance was dreadful, but they listened to the community even though it didn't seem so at times, and they learnt. And over the years Wow evolved into an absolutely polished game in many regards. Yes people complained about the dumbing down and how much easier it became, but at the end of the day Wow was rarely hard, many of the perceived difficulties came not from content difficulty but from the difficulties of organising 40 people into a fighting unit, and the inherent problems that lie therein.


SW:TOR has just been released, and believe me, it is one of the most bug free mmo's I've ever played. It is incredibly polished in terms of what you can expect to see on release day. Yes the game needs work, yes there are several problems, but aslong as Bioware listen, and I pray they do, this game has the potential to be amazing.


It is not a "wow killer", as banded around so often, it is a different game, Wow has had an amazing run, and Blizzard are rightly proud of what was an incredible feat. I hope Bioware can pick up the baton now and help evolve the mmo genre. It will die an early death however, if Bioware make the mistake of not listening to its community and player base. That was what made Wow such a good game, believe it or not (barrens chat aside!). And it is potentially what could make SW:TOR incredible.

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OFC they are listening and watching trends not jumping on who shouts the loudest. This game was pretty good for a launch game when I compare it to lotro, rift and warhammer. Conan doesnt even get a lookin. I have no doubts they are working to fix the problems but these things take time. Things have to be done is a controlled way otherwise you end up with conan where today's patch to fix one problem, causes another bug and reintroduces 3 you fixed last week. Its very sound principle to make things no worse trying to make things better! This takes time, it takes discpline and it takes coordination and thorough testing and evalution. Yes there are a number of problems and annoyances but just because they are releasing fixes for things that are affecting other people doesnt mean there isnt a large number of people working on your problem. Ultimately its bad practice to allocate resource based on he who shouts loudest.
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I too find it despicable that CMs are merely posting about issues that prevent customers from playing the game they have paid for, and addressing concerns that people could lose access to the game, when they should be posting about UI issues and bugs that prevent people from having sex with their companions.
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Not to beat a dead horse, but the game is only 3 weeks old. Only so much you can do in those three weeks.


Generally speaking, they've done far better for a launch than most all MMO's.


But, while yes, I understand that you're frustrated that they haven't given you exactly what you wanted, even as requested in the Beta stages, you cannot simply assume that because it was not given directly at launch that it never will be, ever.


Queues are an incredibly important thing to address in the first month or two of a launch. If your players are waiting 15 or more minutes, I'd even go so far as to say that every second you waste not fixing that is at least another couple of players that just said good riddance to your game.


While I admit, I'd love to have chat bubbles RIGHT NOW!!!!! I'm willing to wait while they sort out the vast majority of stability issues for the entire playerbase, both now and in the future. Less queue waiting time, none at all, would be awesome for me.


It's greatly frustrating that they didn't address this in beta. In retrospect, they might be kicking themselves in the teeth now. But they now have an incredibly huge obligation to the player base, which is keeping the servers up, stable, online, and playable. That, first and foremost, is an MMO's most important piece. All the rest is kinda candy.


I hope to see a lot of what you've said implemented. I really, really do. But I'm willing to give them time, because they just launched, and they're growing incredibly fast.

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For 9 months over the course of the ever-mutating beta testing program beta testers have voiced their concerns pertaining to a multitude of game issues ranging from bugs to a lack of features in the GTN to a horrible UI and one that was in need of dire change. Chat bubbles, combat logs, and even macros (although macros weren't as rampantly requested) have been chronically requested since beta.


Lo, here we are, and NONE of that feedback has been implemented or even acknowledged. It has been nearly 2 weeks since this game was released, and there is still no communication from Bioware regarding some of the major issues that players are faced with. Yes, I have read the Dev tracker, and all of the CMs are addressing issues regarding queues (look what happened to them when players began leaving), the Ilum ban, or digital download problems. NO real issues that universally face the community are being addressed.



Well, there's a reason why every good company listens to feedback: a happy customer is one with longevity.






Going to sleep, don't bother flaming me as I will not be reading it.


another nub cryer umadbro?

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It's not the Q's or bugs I'm worried about, it's the fundamental design choices they made. Plus other things like crafting being made useless due to not enough money in the economy, people can't buy things and if you craft you won't get your speeder. The money flow issue was raised repeatedly in beta and they should have worked on it. This is just one design example, but there are many unfortunately. It could be fixed by a 15 to 20% increase in monetary loot. They should have fixed that already. Mark my words, they *will* increase monetary flow by 15-25%, I am happy to put a bet on it if anyone will take me up. My guess is it will be in 1.10. But it should have been sorted already, and this has spoiled my 1-50 journey first time around as crafting/economy is broken.


Sharding/instancing: the way things have been instanced has made the world feel really small and ruined the MMO feel. Again, this will have been an early design choice, and a poor one.


I could go on and on, but won't. They have a lot of stuff right. The artwork is fantastic considering they have used a crap engine that will work on crappy old computers as well. The world is huge and would be immersive if it wasn't soi sharded. VO is great (though it gets old quickly.)


I'm just surprised that it isn't a lot better than it's turned out, but I think they lost their way, and you can see evidence of that now it's released.

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For 9 months over the course of the ever-mutating beta testing program beta testers have voiced their concerns pertaining to a multitude of game issues ranging from bugs to a lack of features in the GTN to a horrible UI and one that was in need of dire change. Chat bubbles, combat logs, and even macros (although macros weren't as rampantly requested) have been chronically requested since beta.


Lo, here we are, and NONE of that feedback has been implemented or even acknowledged. It has been nearly 2 weeks since this game was released, and there is still no communication from Bioware regarding some of the major issues that players are faced with. Yes, I have read the Dev tracker, and all of the CMs are addressing issues regarding queues (look what happened to them when players began leaving), the Ilum ban, or digital download problems. NO real issues that universally face the community are being addressed.



Well, there's a reason why every good company listens to feedback: a happy customer is one with longevity.





Going to sleep, don't bother flaming me as I will not be reading it.


You don't seem to understand what the word acknowledge means because they HAVE acknowledged everything you mentioned...


Acknowledgement is not the same as "fix immediately". :rolleyes:

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Plus other things like crafting being made useless due to not enough money in the economy, people can't buy things and if you craft you won't get your speeder. The money flow issue was raised repeatedly in beta and they should have worked on it. This is just one design example, but there are many unfortunately. It could be fixed by a 15 to 20% increase in monetary loot. They should have fixed that already. Mark my words, they *will* increase monetary flow by 15-25%, I am happy to put a bet on it if anyone will take me up. My guess is it will be in 1.10. But it should have been sorted already, and this has spoiled my 1-50 journey first time around as crafting/economy is broken.


LOL, "omg a two week old game has no economy yet". Are you freaking kidding me? The economy is player created, it takes time to grow organically. :rolleyes:


As for there not being enough money, are you even playing this game? :rolleyes:

Edited by iain_b
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Erm I was 400 articifer at 35, and I had my 1st mount at 25. I put off the level 40 mount until 45 as the speed increase didnt bother me too much and I wanted all my crafts at 400. I hit 50 and the next day had enough cash to not only buy the speeder training but the speeder as well. I trained all my skills apart from speeder as soon as I could get to trainer after levelling. Money is stupidly easy to make just from finishing off the quests and doing the dailies. The biggest problem with the economy atm is the very useless trade market interface which makes finding what you are after a huge chore!
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For 9 months over the course of the ever-mutating beta testing program beta testers have voiced their concerns pertaining to a multitude of game issues ranging from bugs to a lack of features in the GTN to a horrible UI and one that was in need of dire change. Chat bubbles, combat logs, and even macros (although macros weren't as rampantly requested) have been chronically requested since beta.


Lo, here we are, and NONE of that feedback has been implemented or even acknowledged. It has been nearly 2 weeks since this game was released, and there is still no communication from Bioware regarding some of the major issues that players are faced with. Yes, I have read the Dev tracker, and all of the CMs are addressing issues regarding queues (look what happened to them when players began leaving), the Ilum ban, or digital download problems. NO real issues that universally face the community are being addressed.



Well, there's a reason why every good company listens to feedback: a happy customer is one with longevity.






Going to sleep, don't bother flaming me as I will not be reading it.


How do you know, its was proven you where a beta weekend tester. Just because a handful of people say they didnt listen does not make it true.




Your Ilum ban is false, it became widespread news and everyone was worrying about it, the right decision was made by SR to address the community not for people leaving... The troll is strong with this one.


Also, Chat bubbles, combat logs, macros are NOT needed. L2P the game. Sick of Carebear WoW players who need addons, as much as you want it to be WoW Xugos, it never will be. Per your rant/review

Edited by darthdoll
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