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[BUG] Incredible hotbar bug! ><


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This bug happens very-very often in the combat, because you are constantly moving and using skills.


Ok, I have 3 hotbar slots. 1 of them binded with CTRL button


And, if I push CTRL and some of movement buttons - that direction of movement stuck and my char continuously moving in that direction.



How to do that:

push movement button and hold it

push CTRL and hold it

press at any skill with keyboard (i.e. "3", so all keycombination will be: Forward+CTRL+3)

release movement button - char still moving

release CTRL - char still moving



and only 1 way to stop it - push that movement direction button once more: If I'm struck while moving Forward I'll need to press Forward again. If I'll press Backward - I'll not go to back, my char will just stopped at place.


It happens only with FORWARD and STRAFE LEFT. I've tested it a lot with BACKWARD and STRAFE RIGHT and it was never happened.


My autorun hotkey settings is unbinded at all.

Please fix this!

Edited by SilverWF
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Got same issue. Glad i am not alone:D . I play melee jug, so almost always I have right button pressed. And when i press forward(W) + one of my abilities mapped to cntl + something - my char keeps running, sometimes backward :eek:. I think there is an issue with the command que. Submitted several ingame tickets, but it didnt helped. Their customer service rly sucks. Edited by RUDI
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No, i am from eu.


I thought about autorun too, so I looked into keybindings and removed almost all of them, didn't help me.


And also my keybind cntl + f2 is not working;) Why that keybind is not working? This is the most hilarious. Devs really screwed with development, something says to me that there could be some hardcoded keybinds:))


I have one more issue about my sound turns off, also tried to remove the keybind for that -> didn't help, also tried to set different keybind - same story.

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who the hell uses x to strafe? welcome to 2012, use qwe for movement and be pro.


i didnt even realise x strafed lol. ive used qwe for years. as for the OP, if you have an issue and post it here, dont jump on the first guy to give you some advice. its a fast way to get ignored by those of us whove been here for a while. just some friendly advice.

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I got only one ability under control modifier for this reason. Tbh alt and shift are much easier

Yeah, I'm using Shift already.

And ALT - when you tabbing enemies you want to get your worktable instead of selecting enemy? :D


In the incredibly dynamic PvP-combats you always pressing a lot of buttons at the same time and this CTRL-bug makes PvP rly hard to anyone who know how to play PvP properly.

Sure, some "I have 2 hotbars and I'm OK" or "I'm lol-clicker" didn't affected by this bug. But, I'm not talking about them.


Fix this bug please!

Edited by SilverWF
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hey, happens to me too. although with me, it's got nothing to do with the ctrl modifier. I don't use it. I use the nostromo gamepad and a razer naga mouse.


i use arrow keys bound to the nostromo joystick to move. i get stuck going in one direction sometimes too. try it with combinations of other keys. it may simply be entering more than two keys plus movement at once makes it stuck.


i hate it too, because i may get stuck running too far forward into a group of mobs, or sometimes get stuck running and i'm not able to cap an objective in pvp, until i realize it and "fix" it, the same way you do, by entering that movement key again.

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Maybe I am weird, because I have always used the arrow keys for movement. I do know on occasion and I always thought it was a sign my keyboard or mouse was going even tho I just purchased new ones where my hotbar would scroll up or down or get stuck spinning around. What I found is smacking the left shift key seems to always fix the issue, of which I have no understanding of why it happened in the first place, other then I was using the arrow keys and the mouse at the same time durning combat. And yes I have everythign at default, don't use macros or keybinds, for I am a clicker till the end.
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Please fix that bug!


You've been asking for this to be fixed since 1-4-12 shortly after the game went live on 12-19-11. Sadly it must be something very low on the priority list or a bug that affects so few users it is not a major concern. Bumping the thread won't elevate the priority unless more people join you by having the issue, or issues close to it. This definately isn't the only bug in the game that has persisted since beta that needs attention, but they have started to correct some of them every other patch.

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Seems like they are fixed it

CTRL from keyboard works well, but my side button on mouse with binded CTRL still stopping me when moving forward

But I've found solution: binded alternative keybinding for "Forward" as "CTRL+W" :D

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