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WoW had TEN TIMES the amount of bugs on release than SWTOR does


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The thing is Blizzard gave us free days credited to our accounts when the servers blew a **** pipe, bioware hasn't givin anything to those players who cant play for reasons like getting there character stuck at a loading screen, or chugging along at 1-10FPS so until Bioware gives something to the community to make up for those bugs that stop people from playing and enjoying the game they paid for people are going to ***** and moan
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Are you sure? Because I seem to remember the game being so unplayable that blizz had to take the servers down and add a few days to everyone's account because they couldn't get their crap together.


I remember getting free time back then for various reasons to the tune of the game being broke as hell, none of which I can specifically remember anymore. WoW had so many bugs in Vanilla. Not many would know, because Vanilla subs peaked at 4 million, and less than a few percent of that experienced the latest raid content soon enough to experience the bugs. Most people didn't experience anything in that game until content was fixed and/or nerfed. The reason WoW no longer has many bugs these days is because Blizzard takes few risks and develops content at a snail's pace. They wait until other companies try new systems and ideas before incorporating them into their own. Rehashing old content and old models with very little new and fresh. It's easy to remain relatively bug free with such practices.



If anybody wants to make comparisons, WoW was a 4GB install when it launched. Not really much to fix up when problems did happen. SWTOR is almost 20GB. Have fun being bug free with that much data. I think Bioware did quite well considering. It doesn't matter that it's release was much later. When you're launching a game that huge to start with, there's going to be problems. Anybody who has given an MMO a fair shake on launch will understand that this game has had a fairly smooth launch when compared to MMOs released over the last few years. Every MMO I have dabbled in has had it's fair share of problems, SWTOR is no different. What everybody should be watchful for is how Bioware responds to the problems.

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that's a lie and you know it. now get a clue and get lost


^ This (wo)man knows what's up.



WoW did not have "TEN TIMES the amount of bugs on release" as SW:TOR current does at all. WoW was pretty spotless in terms of bugs during its launch. Enough lies.

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^ This (wo)man knows what's up.



WoW did not have "TEN TIMES the amount of bugs on release" as SW:TOR current does at all. WoW was pretty spotless in terms of bugs during its launch. Enough lies.


You did not play wow@ launch.

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I played WoW in Beta and then from day one, and your totally wrong.


Ofc WoW had bugs, but nothing compared to this game. That being said, WoW was also 7 years ago, you saying you dont expect MMO's to get better over time ?


Personally im disapointed in the amount of gamebreaking errors in swtor, not to mension the fact Bioware couldent even make a account system that worked in a secure and safe way.


I played wow from day one, and i think you're mistaken. We had a group of 4 of us who all signed up together and we actually ended up rerolling new toons on 4 different servers in the first two weeks because none of them were stable enough to consistently play on. The lag was awful, they crashed repeatedly, and the game had it's fair share of bugs. Granted SWTOR has bugs like any other game, but as far as game breaking bugs goes, they are doing pretty good so far.


That being said, I'm surprised they didn't fix more during this weeks patch. I can think of a handful of a minor bugs that i see regularly that can't be very difficult to fix.. unless they just didn't add them to patch notes


If they would just save my enable cover bar setting , and when you queued for warzones as a group, recreate the group automatically after, I'd be plenty happy.

Saving my Enable Cover bar setting for smuggler??

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Wow was release at 2004


@ 2004


1) we had no ipads (2010)

2) we had no iphones (2007)

3) there was no visual studio 2005

4) there was no visual studio 2008

5) nobody talked about NOSQL

6) we had no reddit

7) world population was 6.38 billions (now its aprox 7)

8) we were still using windows XP

9) Steve Jobs was alive

10) United States did not have a Black President.


Not fair to compare wow release with swtor release. Technology, methods and culture have moved on.

Edited by Malygnos
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Consider 2 things:


1) WoW was 7 years ago. Computer technology is like dogs: 1 year counts as 7


2) WoW is not and has never been a good game, although it has some awesome features BW should definitely copy from it


That being said, you must consider Rift, a game from a minor company, which released with virtually no bugs. Rift is failing for lack of PvP, but it has never been affected by major bugs.

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I played wow from day one, and i think you're mistaken. We had a group of 4 of us who all signed up together and we actually ended up rerolling new toons on 4 different servers in the first two weeks because none of them were stable enough to consistently play on. The lag was awful, they crashed repeatedly, and the game had it's fair share of bugs. Granted SWTOR has bugs like any other game, but as far as game breaking bugs goes, they are doing pretty good so far.


That being said, I'm surprised they didn't fix more during this weeks patch. I can think of a handful of a minor bugs that i see regularly that can't be very difficult to fix.. unless they just didn't add them to patch notes


If they would just save my enable cover bar setting , and when you queued for warzones as a group, recreate the group automatically after, I'd be plenty happy.

Saving my Enable Cover bar setting for smuggler??


Server stability is not the same as bugs. We all know that WoW had server problems for the first few weeks.


Bioware has handled the launch very well. No one who is being fair can really criticize them there.




Bugs in software =/= problems with not enough hardware.

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Difference is that Bioware has EA backing them up, the second biggest publisher in the world, Blizzard did not have such huge support.


At the time WoW was released Blizzard was being backed by Vivendi so don't know why you think it didn't have huge backing, it still does although it's not as direct anymore. Vivendi is the major shareholder, 52%, in the merger of Activision Blizzard back in 2008. At the time Vivendi was the biggest name in mmos. So Blizzard's support was just as huge as Biowares.

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all your ******* saying wow came out 7 years ago it doesnt matter its not the same company wow was blizzards first mmo and this is biowares first mmo thats what u should be comparing this game now is better then wow a game thats been in the work for 7 years all u do in wow is sit in org all day with ur finger in ur butt and que
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I remember when WoW first started on release and as soon as i logged on my character was half in the ground and completely stuck. Swtor has had an amazing release compared to what wow had. Anyone that says otherwise is either a wow-fanboy or mentally retarded.
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I played WoW in Beta and then from day one, and your totally wrong.


Ofc WoW had bugs, but nothing compared to this game. That being said, WoW was also 7 years ago, you saying you dont expect MMO's to get better over time ?


Personally im disapointed in the amount of gamebreaking errors in swtor, not to mension the fact Bioware couldent even make a account system that worked in a secure and safe way.


total rubbishe story looking trough tinted glasses.


Here since you want to remind the old days ..

Paladin beta last day on release the whole class was revamped .

All paladin did was seal of the crusader and auto attack things to death !!

Working as intended right !!!


Stunlock bosses for easy free epics and blues..

Wait lets not forget every hybrid was a healer in the endgame.

And all you do at raid was put a penny into your keyboard and cyber while raiding.

Cause lag was horrible .


Oh that and 40 people in one zone , all you could do was sit and roleplay .

Oh loot bug , every time that happened the server reseted ... and kick everybody off .

Oh do I have to go on what kind of bugs there were in the first month of wow ?

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total rubbishe story looking trough tinted glasses.


Here since you want to remind the old days ..

Paladin beta last day on release the whole class was revamped .

All paladin did was seal of the crusader and auto attack things to death !!

Working as intended right !!!


Stunlock bosses for easy free epics and blues..

Wait lets not forget every hybrid was a healer in the endgame.

And all you do at raid was put a penny into your keyboard and cyber while raiding.

Cause lag was horrible .


Oh that and 40 people in one zone , all you could do was sit and roleplay .

Oh loot bug , every time that happened the server reseted ... and kick everybody off .

Oh do I have to go on what kind of bugs there were in the first month of wow ?




Most of those were intentional design decisions. Other than loot lag. Not bugs.




I remember when WoW first started on release and as soon as i logged on my character was half in the ground and completely stuck. Swtor has had an amazing release compared to what wow had. Anyone that says otherwise is either a wow-fanboy or mentally retarded.


Yes. No one has gotten stuck or fallen through the world in TOR.....oh wait.

Edited by Krabcakes
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Rift did not...and it was by a smaller company than bioware and blizzard....Crazy my expectations are based more on something this year than 7 years ago....but thats just me


I agree with this post.


Rift may have had some issues, but it still probably has the smoothest release in MMO history.

And as another person said, Trion patched the game every few days with just a few hours of downtime. And at times it was just a server reset and not any downtime at all. And that was mostly at night-time too.


The game may follow the MMO template a bit too much, but they still did a few really neat and innovative things in the game.


Compered to EA and BW, Trion is a tiny company giving out a small budget game.

And the advertising difference.


But I will still compare Rift with SWToR because Rift is the MMO with the closest release date to SWToR.

And still IMO, and mostly many others too, Rift did manage to pull it off better than SWToR.


Then I ask myself, can you really say SWToR is the best just because it is fully voice acted and have a nice (but way to small) story?


When a small game like Rift can do that well, should not you expect the BIG companies releasing the BIGGEST and most expensive MMO to top that game by a mile?

Trion have used 50 million USD on the game and 5 years.

EA/BW has used 300 million USD? And 6 years.


No, I would not say WoW can be used to compere the game. But when you compere SWToR against Rift I find that SWToR does not live up to what it should be and do.

If people actually can compere a small game like Rift against a giant like SWToR, and be on the same level if not actually doing better, then BW/EA have done something wrong.

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All the people claiming they were "there" when WoW launched and it had no bugs I'm afraid I will have to call out. I still recall being dumped off the boat into the ocean for MONTHS trying to get from one continent to the other to do my succubus quest. So far, I haven't fallen throught the map once yet in SWTOR; which, still has happened to me in WoW. People looking for something other then WoW shouldnt be upset when the game doesn't mirror it. SWTOR offers something no other MMO I have ever played offers and thats a story. Not only an incredible story, but one the player can mold however they choose, giving their avatar any personality they want.

Want to be bloodthirtsy? Go ahead. Want to be a Patriot? click away. Want to be greedy in search of filthy luker? Option available. I get the funny feeling the people complaining about the game are the ones that mashed SPACEBAR to 50. I absolutley LOVE the choose your own adventure style to the game and the questing has no equal.

I can't say SWTOR has no bugs as I am not 50 and haven't done any of the dungeons yet. I can say that this is one game I will not mind doing every quest in and not to get some title like "Loremaster". Rift experienced the same issue as SWTOR is now. Thousands of people wanting it to be identical to WoW but trying to get in at the ground floor to establish themselves as top dog. Eventually they all go back to WoW and SWTOR will be left with a solid core of players that love it for what it is.

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The date comparison doesn't cut butter. There's no cut-off date where bugs started becoming less numerous, or something. It's nothing to do with tech. There will always be bugs for as long as there is software, and I don't know why people keep saying "It's been so many years, you can't compare a game made for release in 2011 to one made for release in 2004!" as if there's been some leap in tech where many bugs are eliminated by virtue of being 'new'.


WoW did, and has, bugs. TOR has bugs. Whoever expected an MMO upon release to not have bugs was kidding themselves and needs to wake up- these are massive games made to deadlines and obviously a lot of bugs will slip through the net.


That being said, it could be argued that companies should not set deadlines at all, but that's another kettle of fish all together (if you'll pardon the terrible phrase).

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Funny that no one actually mentions this.


I played WoW on release and it was pretty pants. They took a while to get on their feet. I am a bit tired of reading all of these posts moaning about how crap and boring this game is.


This game is simply filling a gap in the market and is not trying to be the next big, end game-elicious and raid-tastic game which everyone is expecting. Don't like it? Don't play.


No, it didn't. It was nearly bug-free. It had server population issues and crashing due to heavy volumes of players though.


But bugs? Hardly any, especially that affected game play.

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