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Ok all this QQing about Ops/scoundrel need to stop


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Can people stop QQing about Ops/scoundrel the class is not Op it is working the way it should(high out of stealth burst sub par sustained damage)


I'm going to give you the exact reasons why they are not Op for the people that feel no good argument has been made.


QQ #1 They have too much burst damage and it needs to be toned down.


- have you played a lvl 10-35 Op/scoundrel before they get their burst? The class is lacking in sustained damage and this was done for a reason to balance with their burst. If you remeber back to beta bioware actually nerfed the Op sustained damsge(lacerate, talented shiv, collateral strikes, corrosive dart). So if bioware was to also nerf the burst damage you would be left a gimped class.


QQ #2 They have to much control out of stealth.


- they need the control out of stealth because they dont have a GAP CLOSER their is no real way to quickly close the gap on a ranged class. So if you take away that control Ops would just get knockback and rooted after their opening attack and be sitting ducks for range classes. (again play a lvl 10-35 Ops and you will know what im talking about)


-Also the knockdown gives you a full resolve bar which means you can cc the brains out of an Op and they can only root you for two secs. This gives you a chance to catch up on damage not to mention use your bubble to mitigate already sub par sustained damage.


-USE YOUR CC BREAK(that is all)


QQ #3 They can just vanish when things arent going their way


-First its on a 2 min cooldown, second assassins/shadows also get this ability so I dont know why it would only make Ops/ soundrels so OP, third two hidden strike attacks from cloaking screen is a one shot pony, plus they have to wait for your resolve to go down to get the knockdown effect again. All in all i dont see what the QQ is about this they dont get a knockback ability, a force speed or a friendly force jump type of ability so they should have some way to escape a bad situation.


QQ #4 I can beat any other class but Ops/scoundrel can always kill me.


-This is just crying about stealth classes. Most of the people that say this are probably Sorcs/Mercs(mirror) and they are used to being able to facroll from 30m but dont have good reactions when a melee all of a sudden is in their face. All I can say to yall is L2P.



Final: They have high burst/control for a reason without it not only will they be highly gimped but they will be useless in objective PvP like huttball becuase right now they are good defenders who can help stop the ball carrier flat. But if you take that away they dont have a speed ability, knockback, or a jump ability so their wouldn't be any point in picking them.


If you nerf operative/sorc then people will cry about Mercs/assassins. Then if you nerf them people will cry about Powertech/snipers and the cycle goes on and on nerfs hardly ever end well. The only thing that needs to happen IMO for abalance is Jugg/guardian needs to get more cc breaks and a boost in damage high up in their dps tree. :)

Edited by Romes_Finest
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My level 12 operative gets 2.5k crits in pvp. My full epic sage gets 2700 crits when he pops his 380 power trinket.


When Backtap (The best Imp Operative on my server) pops his trinket. He backstabs my sage for 3.5k.


On top of that backstab costs NO energy... Wth is that.

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great post and well thought out.

people will always cry for nerfs when the game isnt easymode for them.

on my shadow tank i never have a problem with stealthers.

1. i have high defences so their dmg is usually either avoided or reduced.

2. i can stealth as well if they do.

3. i have like abillion cc removers

4. i have a burst speed

5. i have multiple ways of stunning them

6. if they get out of range i can pull them right back to me

7. i can slow them if they try to run again with multiple abilities

8. once they get to 30% health i can burst them down in 2 hits usually


really people l2play your classes. if you have trouble killing someone have a friend make one and learn how to kill them or actually make nice with the enemy and set up fights with them to practice. not everyone is a jerk and most will gladly help someone l2play so that they have an actual opponent.


if someone gets the jump on you and they dont win the fight then they played their class incorrectly or you just know your class very well. they are designed to sneak in and kill you fast.

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With the consumables they hit too hard. How do I recover from 4 hits that hit for around 3.5k-4.9k?


First thing you cant say one class is Op because of consumables because everyone can use them. Next you've never been hit 4 times for 3.5k-4.9k that is just BS because if that was the case then shiv and lacerate has to hit for that much which it doesnt.


Hell I've never seen a backstab hit for more that 2.8k on even lvl geared opponents. Only hidden strike has a chance to hit for that much (crit reliant) and that is just one attack maybe two if an Operative is dumb and waste his vanish for another hidden strike(which means he cant use it again for 2 mins which is an eternity in PvP)

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My level 12 operative gets 2.5k crits in pvp. My full epic sage gets 2700 crits when he pops his 380 power trinket.


When Backtap (The best Imp Operative on my server) pops his trinket. He backstabs my sage for 3.5k.


On top of that backstab costs NO energy... Wth is that.


Smh My guess is your talking about project let me break it down for you


Backstab- 12 sec cooldown/Project- 6 sec cooldown this means you can do 2 project for every backstab


Backstab-4m range/Project-30m range which means you can use project anywhere from 4m-30m.


Backstab-Positional(have to be behind target)/Project -dont have to be behind the target


With all due respect you dont know what your talking about plus your a sage calling for nerfs on a Operative -_-

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/SIGNED and agree



GO play the damn class before you sit there and cry about it. the OP / scoundrel also requires more skill than most sorcs/troopers to maximize the class!!!



my advice GO PLAY ONE if they are so OP most of you wont make it to 36.




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With the consumables they hit too hard. How do I recover from 4 hits that hit for around 3.5k-4.9k?


Working as intended, this is what consumables are for...


side note: my current record is 6036 shoot first crit with my consumables. (Was against a level 27 sorc with no bubble though...)

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although nobody is fully geared and knows what these guys will hit for when they're smacking on a fully geared player i don't think its right that they can burst down somebody from 13k to 0 in a stun. I hear that they weren't built for teams they were built for solo but i have to disagree. they can burst somebody down so fast that it makes the game unfair.
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although nobody is fully geared and knows what these guys will hit for when they're smacking on a fully geared player i don't think its right that they can burst down somebody from 13k to 0 in a stun. I hear that they weren't built for teams they were built for solo but i have to disagree. they can burst somebody down so fast that it makes the game unfair.


If you can show me one instance where an Operative burst somebody down to zero health in the first stun I would eat my words. Otherwise YOUR MAKING SH*%T UP. Only way this can come close to happening is a lvl 50 fully geard Op vs a light armor no bubble lvl 10 even then they couldnt kill him in the first stun.

Edited by Romes_Finest
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All im hearing from people that want to nerf Operative is made up stats where they dont take into account all the variables of PvP. They act like pvp is just 1v1 where Ops always have all their cooldowns and they can just beat on a target that does no defensive cooldowns. smh
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Yeah, and aoe 8 sec sap not out of stealth is working as intended...


Exactly how is flashbang Op man you guys are just looking for anything to say they are Op.


First who the hell would break their stealth just to cc this makes no sence.


Second if your talking about hitting flashbang after they use their knockdown, you do know that the kockdown gives a full resolve bar so you can cc them right. :rolleyes:


Third it breaks on damage and can be messed up by our Dot effects/splash damage.


lol not one of you QQers have made a logical argument about Operatives being Op. its so obvious your venting on a forum because you get beat in PvP.

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Fully in champion and sitting at like 550 expertise you can tell in the first shot if it's going to be a good fight. A fresh 50, yeah, you might not make it up. A geared anything, you get lucky to hit for 3k. Sometimes it's under 2k and you think, oh crap!


If you are decked out and we still wreck you, I can see a point but ask anyone who is and everything is pretty balanced. More so then all other games I think.

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No class should be able to drop a tank spec, heavy armor wearer in under 5 seconds, not to mention all while stunned or on the ground. Let alone by a melee class. Sorry to crap on your super-smart-I-know-PvP post. No sustained damage? Dude, every OP/Scoundrel at 50 that uses the "I win combo" ends the warzone at 300k+ damage if it goes long enough and tops the chart. I'd say that's pretty sustained. I can understand defending your class (and don't pretend like you don't play one, the post was way too well thought out) but damn man, even OP/Scoundrels think their class deserves a nerf. Edited by Newbrax
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Reading this thread is simply hilarious. It's riddled with incorrect grammar and spelling mistakes, indicating that the average age of this thread is probably ~15.


If you don't think ops are op, you're in denial. Their burst is off the charts, and their survivability is reasonably high too. Playing a sin feels pretty gimp when I see myself get opened on and die in ~5 seconds; I have a decent amount of expertise too. I've seen (well geared, i.e. decent amount of 50 pvp gear) ops crit me out of stealth for 4.5k frequently, so this claim that ops that can only crit for 3k is simply fallacious.


You guys will get nerfed, it's only a matter of time.

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To OP I'll just say - you're full of CRAP you clearly don't want your class nerfed but it will happen. You know why? Because poeple don't like dying without having any control over their character. Bioware will shift some of the burst damage to sustained, bump surv a bit and that's that. Same as WoW did with rogues. Then you can actually try and PvP and show some of those "skills" instead of spamming backstab and restealthing after.


You can write page long posts about how you're supposingly right and everyone else don't know how to play their class. Won't change much. This nerf is coming I absolutey guarantee you it will happen VERY soon.

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