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We need something like Gearscore.


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I despised Gearscore in WoW, and if it appears here I will explode. All that horrendous thing does is create drama. By using gearscore, only people with the 'correct' number will be permitted to do Ops/Flashpoints/whatever. Others will be left out in the cold. While some might adapt, others will STILL be left out in the cold. Forgive me, but that's just fugged up. :/
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and gearscore actually tells you this .... how?


The person I was quoting said he was glad there is no gear score or dps meter. Both of those addons are useful tools for telling you how effective someone is playing their character. Gear score will tell you if that person is using the right mods and spec, while a dps meter will tell you if the player is using the right rotation.

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easy.. the one thats dead or is always in the wrong place is the one...


other than that NOTHING in SWTOR or any game for that matter is that hard that only the top tier gear is valid..


If high end raids are so easy that anyone can do them regardless of how much damage they deal then operations are going to be very dissappointing. If DPS doesn't matter then half your raid could wipe on stupid stuff and you still complete the encounter.

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Personally, I've played with some horrible players, not that they were bad individuals, but they just didn't understand the mechanics of groups. Still, even with them breaking CC, AOEing when they shouldn't, and even heading directly for the boss instead of clearing the trash mobs around them first, our groups have found ways to compensate and come out on top. Sure it may be by the skin of our teeth, but in all honesty, makes things a bit more interesting than the robotic motions of an organized group. If anything, it really shows how good you really are, when you can compensate for an inexperience player.
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coming from playing wow for over 5 years, doing all the class/tbc/wotlk h/m raids, i can assure you gearscore is a horrible idea, all it done was brought out the big ******es in people who didnt want average geared players to join there group for a very casual/raid/dungeon, so no, gearscore does nothing but add epeen to those with no job no life so they can prance around in the major cities knowing others inspect them and go zomg his gearscore is twice mine!!! he is sooooo cool


i managed to raid 40mans in wow, i managed to clear all of sunwell and be in a guild first on my server, yes it required work and dedication but no we did not need gear score.


what you are missing is the obvious, for typical flashpoint/operations, you will have an easy ride, no need for gearscores, and for the much harder content that requires everyone being 100% focused and decently skilled, well this is a no brainer, you do that with a guild all on voice and everyone will be actually trying, as for non guildies trying to do this content, they will fail with or without gearscore as its not ment for that type of group.


make some logic to backup why wow suddenly became amazing when gearscore came out, all i seen was nothing but elitist jerks and bully's.



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There is no way to tell skill with gearscore either!


Dear Bioware,

We have it covered just fine here. If the person is of level, we'll give him a shot. We aren't going to desciminate. If they suck we'll boot them and fine someone else. We did this before in other MMOs. Just give us a way to port new peeps in, no need for us to wait forever for new tank to fly and ride out to us.

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Smuggler with epic and orange gear: " Check my gear!"

Me: "Nice!"

Smuggler with epic and orange gear: " Check my blasters!"

Me: "Cool!"

Group Enters FP....

Me: " Ok so smuggler, could you slice the droid on the right side plz?

Smuggler with epic and orange gear: "You mean scavenge?"

Me: ":("

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.



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Nope. Do not NEED. Nor, do not WANT.


Gearscore in WOW is not an indicator of skill. It was in vanilla (when there was no gearscore and epics were HARD to get), stopped being so in BC when epics literally began to rain from the sky and land in even the crappiest player's laps.

Edited by Thradar
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There's already something like gearscore in the game. It does require you to get face to face with the toon though, plus you need to know a bit about stats in general but for a pro player that shouldn't be a problem.


It's called "inspect."

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GO BACK TO WOW.. we don't want that crap here..


seriously ****.. no really..


GS and Arenas and all that crap literally sucked the life out of WoW..

We have a game here that none of that matters and it shouldnt.. its a GAME.


I knew people with awesome gear... and they still sucked.. and I knew guys in crap low level purps that were 5x the players those idiots with the high GS had..


No need to get angry, asking for Gearscore is as viable as the stupid ability responsiveness everybody is whining about. Get an ALienware and most problems will be gone.

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.



I hate myself for this.... but can you please go back to wow.

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instead of gearscore, you should be allowed to audit a player's finances. it's the best indicator of skill.



Like I said, gaming or professional wise, I strife to be at the top or at least compete with the top.

It's ok if people are happy with a regular 9 to 5 job, those that doesn't want gearscore. But others are in the management of big companies and make a very good living. Those would like to have gearscore.


Both can live happily next to each other.

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nope. We don't need SWTOR turning into a purebred MMO. It's got the MMO elements bad enough as it is. we don't need no stinking gearscore, third party modding, or damage meter.

the world doesn't need another soulless MMO. there are plenty enough of them around as it is.

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Gearscore's use was abused and most commonly used as a form to skill gauge, which was never its intended purpose. Gearscore's purpose was to quickly access one's raw attributes to determine if they would be able to survive hard dungeons.


But let's not delude ourselves into condemning Gearscore for peoples misuse. People were judging other people's skill based on gear long before there ever was an addon even close to Gearscore. And not having an addon like Gearscore will not stop others from judging skill based purely on someone's gear.


Either way addon or not, it will happen just like it happened to WoW. Because people want to be on the top. (Remember all the "look at me, i'm the first level 50" threads a few weeks back?) It all a competition.


But the storm has already begun and there is no way to stop it.

Edited by Shadouplus
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