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SWTOR More Active Players than WoW!


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Uhm, doubt you have any idea what you are talking about.

Most games to-date are for consoles. How do you think they get in enough money to make a sequel?


Console outsells PC everytime. Therefore developers make games to suit Console players before PC.


Before you start to talk, learn more about the subject at hand. Games.


Right, so you're saying Counter Strike is a console game because it came out on Xbox at one point.


Oh, and Skyrim is a sequel. Trace it back, Arena wasn't made for NES. Where'd that money come from then!?


You still haven't responded to your OP of misinformation either.


Before you start to talk, you might want to learn about the subject at hand.:rolleyes:

Edited by Arkimor
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World Of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft has total of 266435 players weekly average logged on peak hours in US and EU regions combined.

Link: http://www.warcraftrealms.com/weeklyfactionactivity.php


Star Wars The Old Republic:

The firm estimates that TOR has approximately 350,000 peak concurrent users spread across 215 servers.

Link: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/03/research-firm-swtor-has-350-000-peak-concurrent-users/


Source: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1057141-SWTOR-has-more-active-players-than-WOW-atm-in-US-and-EU-regions


Just found it, take it for what it is. But kinda neat anyway, if it's true ofcourse.

I don't care about either, as long as BioWare gets enough money to give us expansions and me a new car, boat & house.




Sorry to tell you but Warcraft realms is not at all accurate. It works off people that have there addon installed, and not many people have the addon.


Sorry bud bad info there.

Edited by DjVybz
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To get the feel of how many WoW players are online go to their Major Cities on each side and each server. They are packed. Not taking sides but speaking what is true. Plus your source for WoW is extremely outdated, I would never trust that.


So they sit in the capital cities still? No one is out exploring the world?

They should delete all the content and only keep dungeons in WoW.. and capital cities.


Everytime i have tried WoW 1-40 is deserted. You are lucky to see anybody..

I don't want people in capital cities i want them out in the world.


Too much to ask i guess. And 3 servers i played on are Dead. yes dead.

You should read WoW forums now and then... Will blizzard ever merge servers?

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I don't know why people keep bringing up China like it makes WoW somehow less of a juggernaut.


The fact is that WoW for a long time had over 4 million paying subscribers in the NA and Europe and it peaked at over 6 million paying subscribers. That's over $700 million a year in revenue just from those sources and at one time WoW was generating a billion dollars a year. Why people try to downplay that as anything other than friggin amazing just baffles me. And the way you know it's friggin amazing is that any time a game gets to with a quarter of those numbers people start raving about how amazingly popular that game is.


A lot of people are (were) addicted to World of Warcraft, but were sick of the game and wanted to play something else. This game both uses classic World of warcraft mechanics, and adds so much more.


Right now, World of Warcraft is quickly going downhill. It's losing subscribers instead of growing. This game has over a million players on the first month. If it keeps growing, it is going to overthrow World of Warcraft in the USA easily. I think that is why World of Warcraft is making an Asian themed expansion, to be honest... they are throwing in the towel and marketing where they will milk the most money. It's almost sad.


Either way you can debate a lot of things, but WoW is without a doubt losing subscribers and going downhill -- this is not debatable, it is a fact -- while SW:TOR is currently quickly gaining subscribers and is doing great. To be fair, SW:TOR has only been out for a month, we'll see how it fares in the near future. I will still be here, but I can't speak for anyone but myself.

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Actually they do, in China they pay per hour cause the game time is limted there and Blizz aint allowed to ask monthly price when they cant play as much as they want.


This also means that their sub never really expires since they don't actually have a sub. At least that's the way I understand it. If that's the case, it really makes one wonder how most of that 1.3 million sub loss could come from China (admitted by Blizz's own CMs). I smell shenanigans.


The whole sub number thing is bogus anyway, to be honest. It's all overinflated numbers to please investors and fool gamers. Guild Wars, for example, has been F2P since it launched, which means it has never lost a sub. Any idiot can figure out why their numbers continue to grow. Not sure why we as gamers put so much stock into this. You don't need millions of players to have a healthy game population anyway.

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Pretty much all I can say to that.


This board reminds me so much of the AoC boards when that game launched.


This is nothing like AoC. The boards, the game, everything ... not even close.


I'll be glad when the free 30 days is up. I grow tired of the complete lack of common sense seen on these boards.

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Who gives a ****? :confused:


After the first free month come again.I doubt it will have more active players than WoW then.


And how do you know this? After leaving WoW, I have now seen almost 130 members of our 225 member guild in WoW transfer to SWTOR. Of that 130, only 2 say they're going back to WoW. The rest are absolutely in love with SWTOR, myself included. More and more are contacting me and coming over daily. 4 more came over last night with another 2 or 3 tonight possibly. Word of mouth is spreading ... the 2 that went back were having computer issues with SWTOR btw. So ya ...


If this is any indicator of what the future looks like for SWTOR, things are looking pretty good. Remember too, this is Star Wars. There are a ton of people that will stay just because it is Star Wars. Therefore, in my opinion, that alone will ensure the success of the game. Now it's up to Bioware to continue to deliver a quality product. Future looks good though from my eyes.

Edited by Alkiii
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Pretty much all I can say to that.


This board reminds me so much of the AoC boards when that game launched.


Aoc is a bad game. After first island, it's terrible.


Swtor will have some bumps to subs in next months;


1- Star Wars Episode 1 - 3D will be realeased by 12.02.2012. Means there will be new Star Wars fans. Potential new Swtor players. I remember i was playing all Star Wars games like crazy after i saw Revenge Of The Sith.


2- 1 or 2 weeks trial. Swtor trial will be the best MMORPG trial to date, because some people keep bashing the game and the game actually is very good, a lot of People will come to try trial with their expectations low and will get hooked.


3- Swtor didn't release in all countries yet. In my country you can find a stand for WoW in every game shop. But you can't buy Swtor yet. Probably it will be here around Episode 1 - 3D hits the theatres.

Edited by Jieljak
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Aoc is a bad game. After first island, it's terrible.


Swtor will have some bumps to subs in next months;


1- Star Wars Episode 1 - 3D will be realeased by 12.02.2012. Means there will be new Star Wars fans. Potential new Swtor players. I remember i was playing all Star Wars games like crazy after i saw Revenge Of The Sith.


2- 1 or 2 weeks trial. Swtor trial will be the best MMORPG trial to date, because some people keep bashing the game and the game actually is very good, a lot of People will come to try trial with their expectations low and will get hooked.


3- Swtor didn't release in all countries yet. In my country you can find a stand for WoW in every game shop. But you can't buy Swtor yet. Probably it will be here around Episode 1 - 3D hits the theatres.


I'm going to put emphasis on #2. Why? Because I came into this game as a WoW fanboi who really wasn't interested at all. I remember my first beta weekend invite. I said, "well, that's nice ... I'll try it out but I know I won't like it."


Today, all my WoW accounts are closed, I have 3 Collector's Editions, my wife is addicted worse than I am (she despises MMO games) and I cannot be more happy with this product. Sure, there's bugs and little mishaps here and there, but it's to be expected. This is a huge release and it's still young. Give it time.


I came into it thinking it would suck and today I can't play anything else. NOTHING else. I never thought I would see the day when I would leave all the 7+ years of emphasis placed on my character die because of a new game.


SWTOR has delivered for me and my family ... and it's still in Vanilla. ;)

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Over 3 million people playing currently, are you seriously trying to compare WoW's playerbase to swtor's?


Actually, that's not 'players currently playing' that's 'characters over level 10 seen in the past 30 days'. This:


I'm no WoW fanboy, I left the game once cataclysm destroyed it but, to try and compare WoW's active player's to Swtor is like trying to compare the IMAX to the 2 dollar movie theater.


Is not really accurate. It's more like comparing a well-known and established cinema to a cinema that's just opened across town that's attracting a fair bit of interest. The regular customer base is not anything like as large as the old cinema yet, and may never be, but it has the potential to at least turn in a decent bit of money, if the features and service are right. SWTOR has a bit of work to do to make the features and service right, such as making the UI a bit more customisable and adding things like in-game anti-aliasing, but Bioware are working on improving the game.

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No game will ever top WoW because their rabid drones will do all they can to tear down anything that comes out. The only way a game will ever topple WoW is for it to remain in beta 7 years and release expansions and content before ever going live. Then it will have the time to mature into the game WoW is for those people. I personally will never sub to WoW again. The LFR tool will be the demise of that game as essentially there is absolutely nothing to do in that game any longer. People complain about SWTOR having no end game?


This game has a year or more content for me compared to a game that requires you to log in once a week for 2 hours to do all of your content then repeat it next week. So if people find more enjoyment in that game then fine, I'm sure there are plenty of people like myself that still has a whole other faction and a several classes to lvl in SWTOR. This game will be just fine without the doom and gloomers and they can have their number 1 MMO of all time, because if SWTOR sucks then there is no word to describe how horrible WoW has become.

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For a perspective;


When they were reporting 11 million subs, the Chinese were 50-60% of their total subs. Those subs amounted to a mere 6% of their total revenues from WoW subscriptions.


WoW at it's peak only had 4m EU/US subs. This was right after Cataclysm. It's dwindled exponentially since then. Rift took over 1m of their subs alone.

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WoW at it's peak only had 4m EU/US subs. This was right after Cataclysm. It's dwindled exponentially since then. Rift took over 1m of their subs alone.


Not true. Most of the WOW sub losses have come from Asia not EU/US. Blizzard has shared this with the investor community at earnings release.

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For a perspective;


When they were reporting 11 million subs, the Chinese were 50-60% of their total subs. Those subs amounted to a mere 6% of their total revenues from WoW subscriptions.


Where can I get this information from? Do you have a link?


If so can you message me, since I cannot find my own posts on this form since it is not working, I dont expect to ever be able to find this thread again.

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