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lolnoob sorcerers


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Because hitting the lightning button isn't dumb enough.


I'm glad you can read, and your short term memory is enough to remember that I'M A HEALER!


How difficult of a concept is that to grasp. Should I have your Mom add that into your hooked on phonics curriculum?

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I'm glad you can read, and your short term memory is enough to remember that I'M A HEALER!


How difficult of a concept is that to grasp. Should I have your Mom add that into your hooked on phonics curriculum?



Cool, you're a healer. No one cares.

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L2p issue?


Yup, clearly... As a matter of fact, I find Sorcs to be one of the least dangerous ACs to face in WZ. Not to say they are weak, they can overpower you here and there (provided you did not crit their cloths faces to death in first 5 seconds), but then you can simply run away and there is very little Sorcs can realistically do to keep you from doing it.

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Cool, you're a healer. No one cares.


Cool, your bad. no one cares. Sorcs aren't OP, you're just that bad. Stay small kid.


Cant kill a healer with a 30% healing debuff, try adjusting your helmet, and keybind snipe to the left side of your keyboard. Smash away.

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#1. I did level as a healer. With Khem Val, it's pretty enjoyable.


#2. If a geared/skilled Operative,Scoundrel, Assassin, Shadow, Sniper, Commando, find me alone in a WZ, I will try and escape, not stand and fight. With the 30% healing debuff, they will usually wreck my face.


#3. Notice in the above statement i say "geared/skilled". It's not my fault you don't fit into this category. The game isn't broke, you are.



Strange when I meet certain Healers, which are even lower lvl than me I cant kill them at all. First the bubble stops your opener and your backstab, after that the dmg output isnt enough to take them down since your interrupt is longer on cooldown than their next heals. Iam not sure what lvl are you at the moment but good geared Healers are very hard to take down and Operatives dont have time for long fights or they die. Healers, escpecially force user, are one of the most powerfull classes in this game currently for sure if they are geared and reach a certain lvl.




Iam max pvp geared for my lvl...

Edited by BobaFurz
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1. Use hidden Strike

2. Use backstab

3.?? dance party??

4. Profit



^ thats the Operative version


oo heres another one


1. Use Strike

2. Use backstab/ voltaic slash

3. ??

4. Profit


^ thats the Assassin version


Ooo snap i got another one


1. Use Tracer Missile

2. Use tracer missile

3. Instant cast heatseeker, rail shot

4. Profit


O wait theirs more


1. Use snipe

2. use snipe

3. use snipe

4. profit


O I think i found the best one


1. L2P

2. L2p

3. L2P

4. rage cause you couldnt do 1 through 3




i noticed you didnt have one for JK...just sayin..

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Strange when I meet certain Healers, which are even lower lvl than me I cant kill them at all. First the bubble stops your opener and your backstab, after that the dmg output isnt enough to take them down since your interrupt is longer on cooldown than their next heals. Iam not sure what lvl are you at the moment but good geared Healers are very hard to take down and Operatives dont have time for long fights or they die. Healers are one of the most powerfull classes in this game currently for sure if they are geared and reach a certain lvl.


Gee, this mysterious information about my level wouldn't be in my sig block would it......


Maybe you should look at your DPS rotation,gear, skill tree. Also, world PvP is much diff due to the 30% healing debuff in WZs. In a duel out in the world, I am dam near unkillable lol. I also have 390 expertise atm i believe. Either way, I can put up a fight in WZ, but as soon as a 2nd guy gets on me, its flee or die...

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Gee, this mysterious information about my level wouldn't be in my sig block would it......


Maybe you should look at your DPS rotation,gear, skill tree. Also, world PvP is much diff due to the 30% healing debuff in WZs. In a duel out in the world, I am dam near unkillable lol. I also have 390 expertise atm i believe. Either way, I can put up a fight in WZ, but as soon as a 2nd guy gets on me, its flee or die...


I am valor 41 and know my class a bit and what I can do or not with the dmg I dish out, but there are healers out there when you do even 1.8-2k+ crits on them they just dont go down and heal up a lot, the interrupt is only one time useable due to longer cooldown. If you are damn near unkillable in world pvp and even harder to take down, I guess I know who is OP from us both. Do we get also 30% more dmg in world pvp ? :D But there is one thing, Iam not yet lvl 50 only some lvl away and I would be happy to have a chance to kill you guys, sounds like there probably will be one. Its strange in another thread a sorcerer with 450 expertise did say he lolaughs at operatives when 1k dots ticking on them and they cant take em down, cant imagine how it is with guard buff from a jugger.... my alt is a sorcerer, lower lvl but I know how powerfull this class can be.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I am valor 41 and know my class a bit and what I can do or not with the dmg I dish out, but there are healers out there when you do even 1.8-2k+ crits on them they just dont go down and heal up a lot, the interrupt is only one time useable due to longer cooldown. If you are damn near unkillable in world pvp and even harder to take down, I guess I know who is OP from us both. Do we get also 30% more dmg in world pvp ? :D But there is one thing, Iam not yet lvl 50 only some lvl away and I would be happy to have a chance to kill you guys, sounds like there probably will be one. Its strange in another thread a sorcerer with 450 expertise did say he lolaughs at operatives when 1k dots ticking on them and they cant take em down, cant imagine how it is with guard buff from a jugger.... my alt is a sorcerer, lower lvl but I know how powerfull this class can be.


If a healer is spam healing themselves and keeping themselves alive, they aren't attacking you. They aren't OP. If you can't heal a healer in warzones who is just trying to tank your damage with that debuff you are bad.

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dang... you can easily get 6 medals with just pressing 3-4 buttons like a nooob xD....


That's...actually pretty accurate.


The 2.5k heal medal - pop bubble (1 key) and run into the fire.


The killing blow medal - any spell (1 key).


The 75k damage - again any spell (1 key).


And the 10 and 20 kill medals, while doing the above.


That's 5 medals, with 3 keys, maybe even 2.




Then again, I can do the same on my Powertech. Guard a guy and follow him around - 2-3 medals, with 1 keypress. Help him kill, 2 more medals easy. And if you manage 75k in a match, that's another medal for a total of 6+.


Dunno what your point is. Most classes can do it.

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If a healer is spam healing themselves and keeping themselves alive, they aren't attacking you. They aren't OP. If you can't heal a healer in warzones who is just trying to tank your damage with that debuff you are bad.


Yeah and you are very bad ...claiming something without any infos about yourself..love these people who just cant discuss but throw a l2p to the people, often those who have no clue.

Edited by BobaFurz
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1)level sorcer to level 20

2)get the talent that removes force lighting coolddown

3)use force lighting all the time at every target and use shield/speed when ur in danger





dang... you can easily get 6 medals with just pressing 3-4 buttons like a nooob xD....


1) login Operative lvl 50

2) find noobs like you in WZones

3) no medals for joo

4) ???

5) profit

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1)level sorcer to level 20

2)get the talent that removes force lighting coolddown

3)use force lighting all the time at every target and use shield/speed when ur in danger





dang... you can easily get 6 medals with just pressing 3-4 buttons like a nooob xD....




If someone has ever killed you by solely spamming TkThrow/Force Lightning, you are bad and you should feel bad.


More importantly...3-4 buttons huh? That's weird. I could swear I use Force Potency, TkThrow, Mind Crush, Weaken Mind, Sever Force (when I get it at 40) Project, Force in Balance, Disturbance/Telekinetic Wave (depending on spec/proc being up/Mind Crush on CD), Force Lift, Force Stun, Force Slow, Force Wave, Force Armor, Restoration, Force Speed, Mind Snap, and Deliverance quite often in pvp. So did you learn how to count in kindergarten or am I doing it wrong?

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I've been hit with instant cast whirlwinds. Whether its an ability cd or a proc iunno. But yeah, it's definitely there.



Either way. Spam instant cast ranged stuns and hit lightning button. Grats.


Yes, there is a talent in Balance that allows you to cast it instantly, and it stuns for 2 sec when broken. The fact that you have no idea where it's from/what's doing it is pretty telling imo. Sounds like a L2 know what you're fighting.


Oh. And btw. Force Lift and Force Stun are our only stuns. Spam 2 stuns that are both on a min CD? Kay.

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No, you have to be a horrible gunslinger if you cant destroy people


A lv50 decked out in PvP gear slaughtering low levels. This is clearly news.


People are just annoyed with the current situation where lv50's in PvP gear, no matter what class, can just faceroll anyone not in PvP gear.

Edited by Amythiel
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1. Use hidden Strike

2. Use backstab

3.?? dance party??

4. Profit



^ thats the Operative version


oo heres another one


1. Use Strike

2. Use backstab/ voltaic slash

3. ??

4. Profit


^ thats the Assassin version


Ooo snap i got another one


1. Use Tracer Missile

2. Use tracer missile

3. Instant cast heatseeker, rail shot

4. Profit


O wait theirs more


1. Use snipe

2. use snipe

3. use snipe

4. profit


O I think i found the best one


1. L2P

2. L2p

3. L2P

4. rage cause you couldnt do 1 through 3




I laughed ^^



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1)level sorcer to level 20

2)get the talent that removes force lighting coolddown

3)use force lighting all the time at every target and use shield/speed when ur in danger



the funniest part is, thats the kind of player that is against macros



inq sorc: macros? what for? you cant manage 3 skills?.........wait, other classes need more than 3 skills??????

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