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I never played WoW, am I lucky?


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I never played WoW, does that mean I am somehow "saved" from a preconceived notion about SWTOR? .. I did play SWG, and this game, SWTOR, is much much better ...


Every "review" post or "i quit" thread involves a comparison to WoW, and how great WoW is ..


Should I cancel my SWTOR sub and go play WoW?

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Wow bored me to tears.


SWTOR is more entertaining 1-50. The problem with SWTOR is that it's a single player game with multiplayer overlay. WOW has "better" community and more interaction. The multiplayer devices are better designed.


But in general I found WOW to be a bore. Levelling up was excruciatingly painful so I only played it for like 2 weeks.


End game WOW > End game TOR, though.. We need some better PVP/RVR in SWTOR - something that makes this feel like a galactic war.

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No, WoW is good there is no denying that. But it's also a seven year old game and if you like Star Wars your better off going with SWTOR. But because you never played WoW, you don't have the comparisons like the other's which is a blessing in my book.


This way your free to have what ever opinion you want to have, without threat of another out side force that is so similar.

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WoW is very different. I have quit it several times and gone back after other MMOs didn't take off the way I wanted them to.


You have to realize, you will be level 1, where everybody else is level 85. It would probably suck for you.


You have to get three expansions, if you want to get very far. Yes, they made it so that you HAVE to buy them to progress beyond outdated expansions.


It's probably on its way out, not saying it will die, but they themselves are planning something big, called Project Titanium.

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I never played wow either, think people like us are the lucky few who don't go into this game thinking "this is better than wow" or "this part could be done better if they copied wow" I wouldn't go play wow because then you will constantly be comparing the two rather than just enjoying TOR. Plus this is star wars a huge universe with a huge amount of content, while wow is a small universe, with silly little elves and pandas.
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WoW doesn't have a story. It's very well-made for what it is but if you don't have a group to play with from low levels, it's very awkward to jump in since half the people are maxed out already.


Personally, the only other MMO I've really gotten into besides this was City of Heroes. I played WoW a bit, like I said well-made, but not my cup of tea. I liked the Star Trek Online too (great community), but I don't really know anyone on it. Couple of IRL friends on SWTOR makes it easier.

Edited by cioran
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But in general I found WOW to be a bore. Levelling up was excruciatingly painful so I only played it for like 2 weeks.


Here, you say you only played two weeks, which has NEVER been a long enough time frame to get from 1 to cap. Even the best power levels in the world, which i wish you were one, took a few days - and even THEN it took months before enough people reached cap to actually experience end game.




End game WOW > End game TOR, though.. We need some better PVP/RVR in SWTOR - something that makes this feel like a galactic war.


and yet, despite all that. HERE you act like you have an extensive knowledge of the interworkings of WoWs end game. TWO WEEKS isn't enough to learn jack about WoW.


Please, stop talking about things you don't know.

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WoW is very different. I have quit it several times and gone back after other MMOs didn't take off the way I wanted them to.


You have to realize, you will be level 1, where everybody else is level 85. It would probably suck for you.


You have to get three expansions, if you want to get very far. Yes, they made it so that you HAVE to buy them to progress beyond outdated expansions.


It's probably on its way out, not saying it will die, but they themselves are planning something big, called Project Titanium.


Blizzard has already said that TItan isn't WoW competition. Also, OP, I would actually say you're rather unlucky because vanilla WoW and even a bit of BC was easily one of the best experiences I've had in my life.


As for this thread... it doesn't really belong in general. Oh well.

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I never played WoW, does that mean I am somehow "saved" from a preconceived notion about SWTOR? .. I did play SWG, and this game, SWTOR, is much much better ...


Every "review" post or "i quit" thread involves a comparison to WoW, and how great WoW is ..


Should I cancel my SWTOR sub and go play WoW?


That's up to you. Look at the comments. Most people on here can't stand the game so you won't get a ton of positive feed back on that. When it came out and for a while it was the best thing but then they began nerfing it in to oblivion so the casuals could have everything handed to them with no effort. They continued to dumb it down and ruin it various ways such as nerfing new raid content soon as it comes out. 4.3 is the newest patch and with in less than one month only they nerfed the main boss already. It's not the only thing that ruins wow but one of the top things. The game is so pathetically easy that you will never die unless you go afk, get heavily ambushed by every enemy on the continent, or have someone mess up in a dungeon. Unless you like childish and by that I mean 4 yr old childish stuff then the next expansion will look horrible because of this kung fu panda look a like character they are bring in to wow (this video officially killed wow for me http://bit.ly/nm3egh ) and the new talent system that I call a toddler talent system is meant for nothing more than a 2 yr old. But like I said, look it up, but also stay with swtor because the game has a ton of great potential and is new so you never know what will come out and get fixed up. It's never good to jump to one game right away when they cost so much.

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If you are loving SWTOR, stay with it. I think the reason I quit was that I had played WoW and many other games before so I quickly grew tired of SWTOR. So not having come from WoW may mean you will enjoy this game more.


Still, if you grow tired of SWTOR, you may want to try WoW out. I feel like it is a superior, but older, game.

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You shouldn't be making comparisons anyway, WOW has had 7 years to mature and roll out content.


WOW vanilla was not better than SWTOR vanilla (what we have now).


WOW vanilla had a handful of instances and no official raids at launch. Plenty of bugs. PVP consisted of ganking in the Barrens and Tarren Mill. Servers where offline for days due to crippling issues.


You think people are nerd raging about 20 minute queues here...LOL!!

Edited by Thradar
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let me just tell you this from a guy who actually played the 2 mmo

i left wow after being scammed and swore to never go back and hold a major grudge on the game because i felt it leeched so much of my money and time. i bad mouthed the game HOWEVER deep inside i kinda want to return and i dont even know why.


till i played this game.....


made me appreciate wow all the more because Blizzard actually loves their game and something like combat lag or unresponsiveness will be addressed by the devs in no less than 3 days were it to gain as much view. The effort blizzard put into wow is really astounding to be honest.


yea i realize im a wow fanboy and actually develope a love hate relationship with the game after 6 years

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Four words for what you are NOT missing in WoW:




There's really nothing wrong with Pandaren. WoW already has cow people, dog people and alien goat people. I don't see how panda people is any more stupid than those are.


I'm fairly certain that the only people who hate Pandaren are children and people who weren't around in vanilla WoW. I remember back right before BC was going to come out how pretty much everyone wanted to see Pandaren, hence why they were almost the Alliance race instead of Draenei.

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pandas already was part of the warcraft lore since warcraft 3.....



he was a nightmare to fight against when you are a undead ghoul garg user vs NE.. combine with demonhunter manaburn imbalance.... yea..... go fiends and your dk get manaburned to death while the demonhunter slash your fiends to pieces....



the point is that the panda has always been a strong neutral hero and one of the most used one. the other most used neutral hero was the naga but naga already in wow so

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