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Why can't jedi fly??


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I have often wondered this myself. They can make extraordinary leaps that clearly are the result of telekinetic power lifting their body weight through the air. The only realistic answer i can think of is.......the author just didnt want them to fly. Maybe he thought it was too much/too silly?


Alternative option is that they can only focus for short periods at a time. But flying wouldnt forgive a break in concentration......

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Perhaps the reason Jedi cannot fly is similar to the reason that we cannot literally lift ourselves up by our own bootstraps. I always perceived their acrobatics as Force pushing off the ground/pulling themselves toward other objects. (This may be because I've read the Mistborn series.)
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They can, Yoda, Dooku and Sidious have been known to levitate on occasion.


As does Revan during his training.


The thing is the Force kind works like the Matrix, If you believe something is impossible or cannot imagine doing it, you cannot do it ("Do or do not, there is no try"). These type of mental blocks are very hard to break once they have been formed.


Luke didn't believe it was possible to move X-Wing, so he could not. Then Yoda did it because he knew he could.


Most Force users do not believe flying is possible so they cannot do it.


Which why the Jedi start training new recruits as young as possible, before there minds develop to conclusions that things such as flying are impossible.

Edited by AngelousWang
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I've thought of this in depth on my own before, and I've come to the conclusion, as the above poster has stated, that the force is pushing/pulling the person towards the object, and not effecting him/her directly.


Side note, with this in mind, the Force could be used in different ways, such as softening a long fall or helping do more acrobatic moves, which I find a better explanation then people training to be that strong/acrobatic.

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There are key examples of jedi "flight" even into the movies themselves.


If you watch the "new" movies, when Yoda is talking with Windu, and they are walking along the corridor, a lot seem to assume the "seat" Yoda was moving on was a hoverchair.


If you actually go deeper into the EU, Yoda used to levitate himself around on a normal cushin.


That type of slow, steady, sustained hover is possible, but as above posters said, the power and concentration for true flight is beyond the reach of somewhere around 99.9% of Jedi or Sith.

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The trick of flying is actually to NOT aknowledge you are doing it.


The sudden realization you float some hundred miles above the surface and the realization you cant actually chat gravity, will end invariably badly.


As Yoda himself would say:


Think of it not! Succeed in flight you will!

Edited by bliapis
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The trick of flying is actually to NOT aknowledge you are doing it.


The sudden realization you float some hundred miles above the surface and the realization you cant actually chat gravity, will end invariably badly.


As Yoda himself would say:


Think of it not! Succeed in flight you will!





And here I thought the true secret was not to fly, but just to fall... then forget to hit the ground.

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