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08am till 4pm Maintenances? why do we need 8 hour maintenances..?


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So let me get this straight:


These forums are filled with posts about people complaining about bugs and problems with the game, yet when they do an 8 hour maintenance, people are going to cry about the 8 hour downtime to FIX problems?





Yet another example of how patience is becoming more and more rare in this day and age. It's sad to see in all honesty.


Yeah, you might want to wait until after the maintenance when it becomes clear they did nothing before knocking people for being upset with 8 hour regular maintenance. Considering even the sticky calls it a "simple maintenance", not a major patch rollout.


I've been in games where content additions have been rolled out in less time.

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Maintenance of this sort is pretty common in MMOs.


I am really concerned that if folks have a problem with 8 hour maintenance then there is going to be crazy complaining after the first major content patch. Usually that is not a happy time in a young MMOs life.

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It's 8am to 4pm...try going to work, or school, or outside...


We've got flexitime in the EU as well, just FYI. I have a full time job, I'm off tomorrow, and thus more than a bit peeved that the servers are going down for most of my day. It's not a dealbreaker, far from it, I'm just annoyed. This is my last day off for over a week and I won't get much time in between shifts. I know sometimes maintenance/patching will inevitably fall on my days off and I'm cool with that, but it seems that they could have put it at a more convenient time for the EU market than slap bang in the middle of the day. Nobody plays between 12AM-8AM anyway, a fact recognised by BioWare since that's the time of their US deployment. :mad:


I have no problem with 8hrs of maintenance a week, but it should either be distributed on a daily basis (EVE is a good example) so that no zone is left out in the cold for a good chunk of primetime, and/or tailored for each region.

Edited by Geohydratmo
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Maintenance of this sort is pretty common in MMOs.


I am really concerned that if folks have a problem with 8 hour maintenance then there is going to be crazy complaining after the first major content patch. Usually that is not a happy time in a young MMOs life.



I think the bigger issue is they do not stagger their maintenance so that it occurs during off peak hours for the European crowd. My guess is that this will happen eventually, but for whatever reason they want to do it all at the same time now. It is a valid criticism though since the majority of MMOs do stagger maintenance times

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granted, the servers and the game in general have been EXTREMELY stable and reliable. never seen before in any aaa launch. and we have to thank them for that. its surprising.


that said, 8 hours is really rather long. and again, it seems to be arranged for u.s. timetable.


i bet there are more customers outside u.s. then inside. even if there arent now, there will definitely be so in near future. population proportionality.

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What makes you say that?


u.s. has 300 million population. 85% of which, have to do with only 15% of total national wealth/income.


middle class is just 12%. they get around 10% of wealth/income.


most of the 85% are naturally poor or dont have time or money to spend on games.


therefore your average gaming population would go about to a 10-15 million people total from both segments. all games that is - not just mmos.


the world, on the other hand, has 6 billion population. europe has approx 800 million, and a good percentage of them are not only highly educated but also not in fear of their financial security and being out on the streets thanks to the general social security schemes europewide. (granted not as good as before tho but still).


so there is both the incentive due to education/informedness and the financial situation for them to play games, moreover, more population.


so basically population of rest of the world > u.s.


even if it is not disproportionate today, subscribers will lean on the non u.s. heavy side in future.


the fact that this is a star wars game, something that is famous worldwide, only would increase this.

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I dont really see whats the fuzz about. I play from Europe, Spain to be exact, and i also work at nightshifts, which means that when WoW servers were going down in my off days i couldnt play that much.


Now with Swtor it means than when i wake up i cannot play in the afternoon/evening (the last week it was off until 19:30 or 20:00 pm) and at 22 im going to work.


Should they fix it?, I suppose they should to be fair with everyone. But before that i would like to see other things fixed instead which are far more important.


Still its a slap in the face for us, but atm i think its a very mild one...


At least thats my opinion.

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They've never really explained why they can't do the maintenance for Europe during 2AM-10AM CET, but I do agree that it's rather odd. Maybe they don't actually have the appropriate staff in Ireland and only have CSRs and netops, which means appropriate people from the U.S. have to remotely troubleshoot issues with EU servers.
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