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What secret areas have you found in the game?


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Doom doom doom.


You couldn't keep your negativity out of one of the few fun, light-hearted threads on the forum. Bravo!


it's like you've appointed yourself to point out all the negative remarks on this forum. only a nerfherder would take up such a cause.

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There's a secret area in the museum on the Ziost Shadow. Blew my effing mind.


That's not a secret area. That's where you go to get the +10 all stats datacron. Just have to get the MGGS from Alderaan, Corellian museum crystal and at least 3 other buddies to get it.

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I'm still relatively new to the game, but one thing I love doing in MMORPGs is explore. One of the things that most of us know (and some don't strangely enough) is that on practically every planet, there are datacrons that you can find (that add to your attributes, like strength and endurance), plus specialized datacrons that add matrix cubes as well.


But what else have you been able to find? One thing I've noticed, and this is one of those things that people generally don't look for, is that in quite a few of the story areas I've entered, there's almost always a security chest. Sometimes, those are hidden pretty well, like when I was in a story area for a mission in one of the cantinas. I happened to notice that there was an elevator in the room where I had to kill through a bunch of bad guys (it's in the Black Sun area). So, after I finished the mission, I took the elevator, and it brought me to an empty balcony. That just didn't seem right. So I looked around and then realized that I could jump onto the ledge, and then jump onto a sign that was sticking out over near the ledge. That sign stretched to a balcony on the other side of the street.


And on that balcony (after I fell and hit the ground a few times, having to take the elevator back up again), was a hidden security chest with some pretty high gear in it (at the time I was level 13, and the gear was all 15-16 level).


So, what have you found so far, for those looking?


It is SO refreshing seeing a thread that isn't whiney complainey. Everything is "server population this" and "server population that" and "the game is failing!" When really.... well im not gonna ruin this thread by talkin about it. Though I'm sure som1 will reply saying "well this game sucks..."


ANYWAYS I suggest looking up all the Datacron guides for each planet. Some are a pain to get but since I started doing them I've found a lot of cool places on each planet! And also it buffs my character :) So yeah I'd recommend that.

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The linearity of a story has nothing to do with exploration. Just because you have a quest to do something somewhere doesn't mean you aren't allowed to see other areas of the map.


It seems to me like you're one of the people whining for exploration, yet have never bothered to do it themselves. In fact, you don't even want exploration, rather just an additional thing to complain about.


There's plenty more exploration in this game than the other game where flying mounts basically removed all sense of wonder and unknown.


are you kidding me? there is more exploration in 1 zone of WoW,than all the planets in this game put together. not only are the quests linear,but all the worlds are also... the only planet that feels remotley explorable is hoth,and its full of exhaustion zones. yes i am one of those people whining for more exploration,and if there were some in this game,i wouldnt be here...i guess i was spoiled by the other game.

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I like alot of the codex entries, but I'm not going to lie, some of them make me want to be able to explore places or do things I can't lol


The ravine on tatooine "that nobody's gone into and ever been seen again" or something to that effect, man I ran up and down that trench looking for a way down:( It sounded like a challenge lol)


And the grappling hook, the magnetic one, have you read the codex entry on that? Something about a game like huttball, only vertical, that sounded so much fun:( (finally a sport to take force speed out of the equasion:)


I'm an avid mmo explorer, and while I won't deny this games a bit linear, I did enjoy looking around. I do want more areas to explore that aren't bread crumbed too in missions. I had a total nerdrection when I accidentilly discovered the mining station Anakin destroyed in the movies in SWG and the music from the movie played right as I discovered it(not saying theres a whole lot in SWG worth mentioning, I'm just a starwars geek(closeted of course.


I'd like to find more stuff randomely in TOR(that don't have themepark quest lines leading to them)i.e


1.Exar Kuns chamber, maybe the last of the massasi

2.Something to do with the celestials(in the books they are always cited aIs the creators of something massive, but never elaborated on)

3.More of the infinite empire(I know SOA is, but something off the radar, like an abandoned station with lots of lore and baddies to run into


I know bad examples, but I do like feeling like the discoverer in mmo's


I was very happy to find the reprecussions of a mission in KOTOR, and some of the lore from the characters.


The people I saved on Taris in Kotor, I was very glad they included them into this game, just a little sad about the ending. Tad bit negative lol, of course I guess some good deeds go punished



TL;DR- in short, I like the exploration in TOR, but I think they could do alot more, I was looking like a madman for things from the Timeline. I think they should have things to discover that your not breadcrumbed too. I found myself unlocking all the areas on planets without ever breaking away from my quests:(

But I do think the games got some real nice things to look for.

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Doom doom doom.


You couldn't keep your negativity out of one of the few fun, light-hearted threads on the forum. Bravo!


Nope thats your negativity you are bringing to the party, mine was a wry take on the question given that even on the quietest servers there is always more than one person per planet (though often not much more. If you chose to see everything in a bad light the onus is on you so why don't you take your negativity elsewhere instead of whining about poorly perceived whiners because you lack the concept of irony.

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I found in the Sith Inquisitor class mission on Korriban, where you meet the Dashade - Khem Val for the first time, that with some judicial falling you can survive the descent to the bottom of the chasm where he is suspended. It was pure curiousity that drove me to try it and I was somewhat impressed that the Devs didn't just make it some throw away area. You'll only find some assorted k'lor'slugs down there, and eventually, a way back up top.
There is a way to get into that area without falling. In the hallway with four columns and the droids on your way to Khem, if you look to your left there is an entrance blocked by rubble. It takes a bit of jumping about but you can get on top of it and it starts a passageway with droids and level 10 weak and strong types of the slugs with an elite slug if you follow the path into an egg chamber looking thing.


I always wait until I get Khem before I go down there, most of the time after i finish up the class quest. I just backtrack and port out once I kill the elite slug.


That was the coolest hidden thing I've found so far. Never seen any other hidden things like that in any other class quest area.

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There is a way to get into that area without falling. In the hallway with four columns and the droids on your way to Khem, if you look to your left there is an entrance blocked by rubble. It takes a bit of jumping about but you can get on top of it and it starts a passageway with droids and level 10 weak and strong types of the slugs with an elite slug if you follow the path into an egg chamber looking thing.


I always wait until I get Khem before I go down there, most of the time after i finish up the class quest. I just backtrack and port out once I kill the elite slug.


That was the coolest hidden thing I've found so far. Never seen any other hidden things like that in any other class quest area.


Yeah, I know the door. That was my route back up to the top. Part of the reason I dropped down there was to see if it was just some undeveloped throw away area, to see if I would be trapped or find a way out.

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Belsavis, there is an area near the first holocron near the starport where you can get through a glitch in the mountain and explore kilometres of un-edited terrain.


There is also a small graphical oversight on alderaan that lets you through a small hole and you see the blood red snow floor of the original mesh.

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As leader of a guild called eXploratory Corps I appreciate this topic, and aside from the museum it's all new info, thanks!


We've discovered it's possible to get on top of many of the ships, skyscrapers and trams on Corellia:






It's like the platforming datacrons, we call it Skywalking and it's provided dozens of hours of exploring entertainment. Challenging as well, the easiest ship to conquer is harder than any datacron and requires 2+ people.

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I have found almost every path they don't send you down leads to a named Champion, often with a chest.

I've been wanting to make maps of all the lore objects, datacrons and Champions around, but to busy having fun playing :)

Edited by Evgen
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I'm curious about something, at outpost loreshe(or whatever the imperial outpost leading into the dune sea is called), but theres a woman in the north west corner, when you try to talk to her, she says shes too busy to take a bath or something to that effect lol
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As leader of a guild called eXploratory Corps I appreciate this topic, and aside from the museum it's all new info, thanks!


We've discovered it's possible to get on top of many of the ships, skyscrapers and trams on Corellia:






It's like the platforming datacrons, we call it Skywalking and it's provided dozens of hours of exploring entertainment. Challenging as well, the easiest ship to conquer is harder than any datacron and requires 2+ people.


ahah nice one mate, i lost track of time it took me that long to get up onto the train tracks on corellia, but the first photo on top is awesome, I know what I'm attempting when I get home!

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You can find a rep trooper peeing in a pond on balmorra (imp side). I don't have a screenshot but it was quite funny.

I also find near a datacron, a place on belsavis with probably all the Esh Kha you can find on the planet, perfectly aligned. I supposed it's something left from the time they developed the game, and probably just copy/paste those guys on the map. Or something like that.

Here is the screen, from a distance, but you get the idea. They can't be seen from below.


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