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Nerf Sage/Inquisitor


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I would say every warzone I do is AT LEAST 40% inquisitors. It is ridiculous. There are sooo many of them. It does seem marginally skill based - as if im facing a sorcerer that doesn't know what they're doing, I can tear them to pieces with my DoTs (as a marauder).


However, the spectrum is lessoned on some of these classes in the skill/result outcomes. A level 50 powertech who has even a remote idea on how to play his character is a wipe for me every time. I have no chance as a level 50 marauder against a 50 powertech. Ive gotten 30 rage right off the bat, crit all my bleeds with berserk got the heals, saber ward, cloak of pain, every bleed I got up at all times.


Makes no difference. I die and he's at half health.


ty sir. He also thinks outside the box.

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In all seriousness I do think inquisitors are not as OP as often said. They are, however, more forgiving to play as some other classes.


Now bounty hunters...dont get me started! I made one, he's level 14 - powertech. I have no issues getting #1 DPS. He doesn't even have guard or his tanking stance and I do more DPS than a level 50 marauder in my group? Its just silly.

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Nerf Sage/inquisitor NOW!


But dont worry, if i do quit,i work at a very very busy GAMESTOP, and i will let ppl know what my opinion is of the game.




Ya,because Gamestop is the only place that sells the game....pretty most of their sales were through Origin.

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bla bla bla your probably playin in a pve server and no nothing about pvp. I played a healer a tank and dps. I played warhammer online for 2+ years, full pvp game. i know a thing or two about mmo and pvp trust me.


Lol you don't sound full of yourself at all. I've played many games and have a fair amount of experience, so know the facts before you start assuming things you know nothing about. Besides your response made no sense at all. All I see is you whining that you're better than me for some reason. If that makes you feel better, then my hats off to you. If you have an actual counter argument I can't wait to hear it. If not you can go say you're better than that person waaay over there.

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I would say every warzone I do is AT LEAST 40% inquisitors. It is ridiculous. There are sooo many of them. It does seem marginally skill based - as if im facing a sorcerer that doesn't know what they're doing, I can tear them to pieces with my DoTs (as a marauder).


However, the spectrum is lessoned on some of these classes in the skill/result outcomes. A level 50 powertech who has even a remote idea on how to play his character is a wipe for me every time. I have no chance as a level 50 marauder against a 50 powertech. Ive gotten 30 rage right off the bat, crit all my bleeds with berserk got the heals, saber ward, cloak of pain, every bleed I got up at all times.


Makes no difference. I die and he's at half health.


I think the problem here is that most players are bad at identifying healers to take down. I'm an Assassin and most fight goes against Sorcerer/Powertech will start with me winning since those guys usually start out doing conservative DPS because they need to maintain resource for emergency heals, but once they get down to 40% they heal themselves back up to like 80% and you can't expect to stop them with just interrupt + stun if they know what they're doing. To make things worse, let's say there's another Powertech around and he notices one of his friends is dying, he turns around and heals that guy once, and obviously you can't expect to interrupt 2 players at the same time, so you lose badly.


Yet, if you had a friend who realized that you were winning in a 1 on 1 and joined the fight, then at 40% you can just burn that guy down with two player's worth of execute moves, and even if the healer's friend saw this coming, two player using execute + burst DPS move will generally overpower heals, so now that guy is dead and your two DPS can mop up the other remaining player easily. Unfortunately, most of the time your friends are hitting the wrong guy, and since you can't finish off the healer, that also makes your decision a bad one too so you end up losing overall very badly.

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Jesus Christ another thread with another moron using Inquisitor as a synonym for Sorc.


Your thread title says Sage not Consular. So why Inquisitor instead of Sorc?


How can you cry nerf (Sorc's really aren't OP unless you have no hands...) when you don't even know what *********** class you want nerfed is called? I mean seriously that is *********** retarded even by SWTOR PvP forum standards


consular/inquisitor imeant, sry im not so nerdy. sorry. He probably plays one LOL, he likes the easy mode.

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Also spam my heal debuff by the way. Dont seem to work much compared to how op they are.


They're not OP dude, if anything is OP it's the stupid tracer missiles/grav rounds from the BH/commando and the backstabbing on the Operative/Scoundrel. Perhaps you should try not spamming a key that clearly isn't helping you...try an attack? I play a Sage and, one on one with a marauder, I'll get my face handed to me on a platter. I should mention good* marauder/sentinel.


Not really sure what you guys are complaining about if other people can get 400k damage in a WZ and you can't...yourdoinitwrong.

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To make things worse, let's say there's another Powertech around and he notices one of his friends is dying, he turns around and heals that guy once, and obviously you can't expect to interrupt 2 players at the same time, so you lose badly.



no he doesn't. because powertechs don't heal. at all. ever.:)

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DPS specced Scoundrels and Operative are by far the highest burst single target classes in the game from what I've seen. They can take down a single target right fast, but they're super easy to kill if you focus them. Sages / Sorcs, on the other hand, have shield, HoTs, and all kinds of crazy shenanigans that make them hard as crap to kill, and while half your team is trying to take one down, he's sitting back facerolling the keyboard for 400k damage and 200k healing.


If half of your team is trying to take out a Sorc/Sage then half of your team is bad.


One scoundrel,Assassin,Merc, powetech or Sniper


Thats all you need to counter a Sage/Sorc


Why is this so hard for people?


A bubble that absorbs 2k damage, One cc that fills your resolve bar and one that stuns for 4 seconds.


All of this is counterable by 5 classes ( 10 if you total the mirrors).


You cant tell me that this minority of crybabies is that dense.

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Lol you don't sound full of yourself at all. I've played many games and have a fair amount of experience, so know the facts before you start assuming things you know nothing about. Besides your response made no sense at all. All I see is you whining that you're better than me for some reason. If that makes you feel better, then my hats off to you. If you have an actual counter argument I can't wait to hear it. If not you can go say you're better than that person waaay over there.


Dude i care less about you. I just want play a warzone(which isthe only descent pvp atm) without always having the same op class bossing around with op heal damage cc.

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Also spam my heal debuff by the way. Dont seem to work much compared to how op they are.


Roll a healer, do some pvp, then talk to me. Otherwise, remove your helmet before you smash your face on the keyboard.


Healing is extremely underpowered/valued in SWTOR PvP.


If anything nerf scoundels/operatives who EASILY tear me a new one. Too bad Mr. Jedi can't figure out how to play.

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They're not OP dude, if anything is OP it's the stupid tracer missiles/grav rounds from the BH/commando and the backstabbing on the Operative/Scoundrel. Perhaps you should try not spamming a key that clearly isn't helping you...try an attack? I play a Sage and, one on one with a marauder, I'll get my face handed to me on a platter. I should mention good* marauder/sentinel.


Not really sure what you guys are complaining about if other people can get 400k damage in a WZ and you can't...yourdoinitwrong.


Dude its not about that. A class that does so much damage just cant heal like a full healer at the same time. Its op, its duel spec in one.

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I think the problem here is that most players are bad at identifying healers to take down. I'm an Assassin and most fight goes against Sorcerer/Powertech will start with me winning since those guys usually start out doing conservative DPS because they need to maintain resource for emergency heals, but once they get down to 40% they heal themselves back up to like 80% and you can't expect to stop them with just interrupt + stun if they know what they're doing. To make things worse, let's say there's another Powertech around and he notices one of his friends is dying, he turns around and heals that guy once, and obviously you can't expect to interrupt 2 players at the same time, so you lose badly.


Yet, if you had a friend who realized that you were winning in a 1 on 1 and joined the fight, then at 40% you can just burn that guy down with two player's worth of execute moves, and even if the healer's friend saw this coming, two player using execute + burst DPS move will generally overpower heals, so now that guy is dead and your two DPS can mop up the other remaining player easily. Unfortunately, most of the time your friends are hitting the wrong guy, and since you can't finish off the healer, that also makes your decision a bad one too so you end up losing overall very badly.


As a Power Tech, I can honestly say, you either lying or you do not know the difference between a PT and Merc. Let me help you, Mercs heal, PTs don't.

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As a 46 Sage, I wish I knew how people were attaining the magical 300k dmg , 200k heals a match. I've personally never seen it happen, and wouldn't know how to even achieve it. I am fully a healer, specialized in the Seer tree, and play as healer. The only time I dps is to assist with a difficult kill, interrupt , or prevent an escape. I normally obtain 300k+ in heals a match with only 35k+ in damage. In order for me to keep a warzone alive, within reason, I must focus solely on healing. There is absolutely no time for me to even attempt to play as a dpser.


Personally I think the numbers being quoted are hugely over exaggerated , as a 46 sage I feel more and more my lack of damage. In PvE its almost a waste of force to use my damage abilities unless I can weave in sacrifices. In PvP even the squishy characters shrug off my damage unless I use a relic/red. This is all taken from the pure healer play-style and mindset. I have never once specialized into a DPS tree , so I am unable to determine if indeed they can achieved my healing numbers without utilizing the proper tree. I will stand behind my assertion that those specializing heavily into the Seer tree will be unable to dps to the degree that's being stated. IF dps specialized Sorcs/Sages can actually achieve a similar amount of healing without utilizing the tree I think there SHOULD be a correction, but that correction should be simply base heal amount changes, and the Seer tree lines should beef the heals up in compensation.


Smitten Apocalite

Sword of Ajunta Pall


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DPS specced Scoundrels and Operative are by far the highest burst single target classes in the game from what I've seen. They can take down a single target right fast, but they're super easy to kill if you focus them. Sages / Sorcs, on the other hand, have shield, HoTs, and all kinds of crazy shenanigans that make them hard as crap to kill, and while half your team is trying to take one down, he's sitting back facerolling the keyboard for 400k damage and 200k healing.


Ignorant post is ignorant.


Shields? No, just one, for roughly the same amount as the standard 3 second heal with a 20 second debuff.


HoTs? No, just one, and only if they're spec'd healer. Plus it's a weak HoT.


Other crazy shenanigans. Right. Ok, so like the CC every other healer has or the KB that numerous classes have?

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As a Power Tech, I can honestly say, you either lying or you do not know the difference between a PT and Merc. Let me help you, Mercs heal, PTs don't.


Actually I'm thinking of the Republic variant of the Mercenary which I don't even know what their name is (but I always try to kill them when I see one), since they always look like they're in armor and they tend to be powerful! I mean, I know who is healing on the opposing side, but I rarely have time to actually look at their class names. I noticed this happen a lot in discussion since none of the class names in this game fits with any existing preconceived notion of what a class should do. It doesn't actually much in PvP because you can tell by the cast bars who is healing and it really doesn't matter if their class say "Powertech" or "Weaktech" as long as you know they're the healer. But it sure makes discussion on these class difficult.

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Dude its not about that. A class that does so much damage just cant heal like a full healer at the same time. Its op, its duel spec in one.


I'm a blance specced Sage, I've got 2, count them 2, heals. One of which has a 2.5 second activation time and I use for myself. I don't heal a teammate unless they desperately need it. And in the 2.5 second cast time, well he's already dead. I don't have healing trance, I don't have salvation, I don't have rejuveante. All I have is 2 heals.


One, benevlonce, uses too much force power and is too small a heal imo to even bother with. You give me a long match, and I'll have 350k damage and 100k healing. It's not that hard. I used to be a fully specced healer until I got tired of it. I couldn't heal over the damage I was taking in a one on one, and especially with interrupts.


It's not OP just because -you- can't take one and win.

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I'm a blance specced Sage, I've got 2, count them 2, heals. One of which has a 2.5 second activation time and I use for myself. I don't heal a teammate unless they desperately need it. And in the 2.5 second cast time, well he's already dead. I don't have healing trance, I don't have salvation, I don't have rejuveante. All I have is 2 heals.


One, benevlonce, uses too much force power and is too small a heal imo to even bother with. You give me a long match, and I'll have 350k damage and 100k healing. It's not that hard. I used to be a fully specced healer until I got tired of it. I couldn't heal over the damage I was taking in a one on one, and especially with interrupts.


It's not OP just because -you- can't take one and win.


I agree with this.

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Nerf commandos/mercenaries, they have more damage than sorc/sage, similar or more healing and take less damage, omg nerf them.


Nerf Juggernauts, they 2 hit my sorc.


Nerf everyone cause they are not my class or killed me.


Nerf agents, they have stuns in their stun so they can stun while they stun.




If you want to cry for nerfs, go play WoW. Sorcerers/Sages ARE fine, instead of crying for them to be nerfd into the ground try learning to play VS other classes.





I'm a Hybrid sorc, I rarely get over 300k damage and 75k healing (Usually standing back and spamming heals once i get 75k damage just for the medal) but if you are going to come at me, at least try to learn the mechanics of the class and how to play against it instead of crying for an instant fix or the ability to pubstomp every other class you come across.


So many noobs in PVP, I guess you're one of them who just blind charges into everyone expecting to smash them apart, not caring about the objectives and allows the ranged damage dealers to deal damage.

Edited by Rhokka
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