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Nerf Sage/Inquisitor


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Nerf Sage/inquisitor NOW!



OMG sages and inquisitors are so freakin Over power. A mage that does all that damage and have all that cc CANT HEAL LIKE A FULL HEALER. THATS RETARDED AND UNBALaNCED. JUST GIVE EM ABILITY TO TANK TOO, THEN CALL THEM GODLIKE CLASS. Bioware have you heard of balance, or you guys just straight up play all sage/inquisitor?


Last warzone 250K DAMAGE AND 110K HEAL, thats not cool


Waited for so long and now im about to quit.


But dont worry, if i do quit,i work at a very very busy GAMESTOP, and i will let ppl know what my opinion is of the game.


i know that a bunch of haters that play sage or inquisitor gona say somethin bad bout my thread, got one thing to say to you. Enjoy your easy mode/little skill required class.

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Nerf Sage/inquisitor NOW!



OMG sages and inquisitors are so freakin Over power. A mage that does all that damage and have all that cc CANT HEAL LIKE A FULL HEALER. THATS RETARDED AND UNBALaNCED. JUST GIVE EM ABILITY TO TANK TOO, THEN CALL THEM GODLIKE CLASS. Bioware have you heard of balance, or you guys just straight up play all sage/inquisitor?


Last warzone 250K DAMAGE AND 110K HEAL, thats not cool


Waited for so long and now im about to quit.


But dont worry, if i do quit,i work at a very very busy GAMESTOP, and i will let ppl know what my opinion is of the game.


i know that a bunch of haters that play sage or inquisitor gona say somethin bad bout my thread, got one thing to say to you. Enjoy your easy mode/little skill required class.


Good bye

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Nerf Sage/inquisitor NOW!



OMG sages and inquisitors are so freakin Over power. A mage that does all that damage and have all that cc CANT HEAL LIKE A FULL HEALER. THATS RETARDED AND UNBALaNCED. JUST GIVE EM ABILITY TO TANK TOO, THEN CALL THEM GODLIKE CLASS. Bioware have you heard of balance, or you guys just straight up play all sage/inquisitor?


Last warzone 250K DAMAGE AND 110K HEAL, thats not cool


Waited for so long and now im about to quit.


But dont worry, if i do quit,i work at a very very busy GAMESTOP, and i will let ppl know what my opinion is of the game.


i know that a bunch of haters that play sage or inquisitor gona say somethin bad bout my thread, got one thing to say to you. Enjoy your easy mode/little skill required class.


The problem is real, in my opinion, but you are overstating it. You also don't have to post the same message in every single forum.

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try playing one and when you get destroyed by assassins and smugglers you will change your story real fast.


DPS specced Scoundrels and Operative are by far the highest burst single target classes in the game from what I've seen. They can take down a single target right fast, but they're super easy to kill if you focus them. Sages / Sorcs, on the other hand, have shield, HoTs, and all kinds of crazy shenanigans that make them hard as crap to kill, and while half your team is trying to take one down, he's sitting back facerolling the keyboard for 400k damage and 200k healing.

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DPS specced Scoundrels and Operative are by far the highest burst single target classes in the game from what I've seen. They can take down a single target right fast, but they're super easy to kill if you focus them. Sages / Sorcs, on the other hand, have shield, HoTs, and all kinds of crazy shenanigans that make them hard as crap to kill, and while half your team is trying to take one down, he's sitting back facerolling the keyboard for 400k damage and 200k healing.


i dunno i played that class and a few others and i find assassin and operative way more OP than inquis/sage. to each their own i guess, everytime i think a class is OP i just make one so i can see its weekness first hand then i know how to beat it.


and seriously 400k damage and 200k healing ? come on if thats heppning then its a very long match so its probably even teams anyways. if it was so faceroll then the numbers would be alot lower because his team would win alot faster.

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Counterclasses are bad, everyone should be able to fight against any other class and have a good chance of winning if they play it well. No class should have a clear advantage over another. I want to FIGHT, not play rock paper scissors.


then your playing the wrong game, this is a themepark game like wow were skill isnt much of a factor. its gear, CCs, and rock paper scissors.

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DPS specced Scoundrels and Operative are by far the highest burst single target classes in the game from what I've seen. They can take down a single target right fast, but they're super easy to kill if you focus them. Sages / Sorcs, on the other hand, have shield, HoTs, and all kinds of crazy shenanigans that make them hard as crap to kill, and while half your team is trying to take one down, he's sitting back facerolling the keyboard for 400k damage and 200k healing.


ty sir. Finally someone that sees out of the box!

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Lol, have you actually tried playing a healer in PVP? Most of the time you're healing yourself and trying to survive. If the other side is smart they will target you as soon as they can and since you cant stealth you're fair game to anyone to closes in. Many of your abilities take time to cast, so healing others is a challenge and force wave doesn't always work against players who surround you. If you play smart you can get the drop on people and do some conciderable damage, but it all depends who you're up against. If you're in back hiding and casting ranged attacks you might have a better chance to survive and get a nice score, but if you're focused on, you're as dead as the next person. With all the lag currently in PVP doesn't make it any easier.
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There's a difference between putting up crazy leaderboard numbers and actually being overpowered. The Operative that kill a guy in 3 seconds doesn't necessarily have high total damage numbers but the Huttball carrier he killed in 3 seconds is the one that caused you to lose the game. Sorcerers are quite hard to kill against anyone besides an Operative, but if they spend all their time healing themselves you're basically at even ground 1 on 1. It is potentially a problem if you go up against a team that's like say, 8 Sorcerers, but I feel most of the time I only lose badly against such teams because those guys are considerable better geared than us. Let's say hypothetically you really have 8 Sorcercers against a standard balance team (say 2 healer, 1 tank, 5 DPS). Since Sorcerers aren't amazing DPS it's not like your healer is facing unreasonable damage in take. While all 8 of the enemy can heal, unless they have perfect coordination, it's easy for 2 or 3 DPS to gang up on one Sorcerer and dropping him trivially, and you can just repeat this and your healers shouldn't have problem with DPS from 8 Sorcerers unless you're all clustered together and get hammered by AEs.
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Counterclasses are bad, everyone should be able to fight against any other class and have a good chance of winning if they play it well. No class should have a clear advantage over another. I want to FIGHT, not play rock paper scissors.


ty sir. Another one that thinks out side the box .

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I would say every warzone I do is AT LEAST 40% inquisitors. It is ridiculous. There are sooo many of them. It does seem marginally skill based - as if im facing a sorcerer that doesn't know what they're doing, I can tear them to pieces with my DoTs (as a marauder).


However, the spectrum is lessoned on some of these classes in the skill/result outcomes. A level 50 powertech who has even a remote idea on how to play his character is a wipe for me every time. I have no chance as a level 50 marauder against a 50 powertech. Ive gotten 30 rage right off the bat, crit all my bleeds with berserk got the heals, saber ward, cloak of pain, every bleed I got up at all times.


Makes no difference. I die and he's at half health.

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Lol, have you actually tried playing a healer in PVP? Most of the time you're healing yourself and trying to survive. If the other side is smart they will target you as soon as they can and since you cant stealth you're fair game to anyone to closes in. Many of your abilities take time to cast, so healing others is a challenge and force wave doesn't always work against players who surround you. If you play smart you can get the drop on people and do some conciderable damage, but it all depends who you're up against. If you're in back hiding and casting ranged attacks you might have a better chance to survive and get a nice score, but if you're focused on, you're as dead as the next person. With all the lag currently in PVP doesn't make it any easier.


I still think the perceived inviniciblity of the healers is that if you go by the appearances, most healers (especially BH variants) look more heavily armed than DPS, so people have a tendency to think guy that looks heavily armored is not someone to take down first. The class name themeselves don't really fit any existing preconceived class function, i.e. you look at someone who is a"Jedi Consular" and you might not even sure what the heck that means. A "Sith Sorcerer" certainly doesn't sound like someone who heals, but he is a healer. And those are probably the easiest identifiable healing classes.

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Lol, have you actually tried playing a healer in PVP? Most of the time you're healing yourself and trying to survive. If the other side is smart they will target you as soon as they can and since you cant stealth you're fair game to anyone to closes in. Many of your abilities take time to cast, so healing others is a challenge and force wave doesn't always work against players who surround you. If you play smart you can get the drop on people and do some conciderable damage, but it all depends who you're up against. If you're in back hiding and casting ranged attacks you might have a better chance to survive and get a nice score, but if you're focused on, you're as dead as the next person. With all the lag currently in PVP doesn't make it any easier.


bla bla bla your probably playin in a pve server and no nothing about pvp. I played a healer a tank and dps. I played warhammer online for 2+ years, full pvp game. i know a thing or two about mmo and pvp trust me.

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bla bla bla your probably playin in a pve server and no nothing about pvp. I played a healer a tank and dps. I played warhammer online for 2+ years, full pvp game. i know a thing or two about mmo and pvp trust me.


Please excuse his majesty MMO player. He's fresh off the train from Ihavenolifeandplayvideogamesalldayville.

Edited by MonsAlpha
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bla bla bla your probably playin in a pve server and no nothing about pvp. I played a healer a tank and dps. I played warhammer online for 2+ years, full pvp game. i know a thing or two about mmo and pvp trust me.


you know all about pvp because you played warhammer for 2 years? hahaha thanks for the laugh

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Jesus Christ another thread with another moron using Inquisitor as a synonym for Sorc.


Your thread title says Sage not Consular. So why Inquisitor instead of Sorc?


How can you cry nerf (Sorc's really aren't OP unless you have no hands...) when you don't even know what *********** class you want nerfed is called? I mean seriously that is *********** retarded even by SWTOR PvP forum standards

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