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Raid Frames in PvP


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Bump. These raid frames are unusable. Half the people don't update, some don't show up at all. This should be at the absolute top of your bug squashing list because it's a deal breaker.


^ This.


I've certainly seen other bugs... but this is really the only one that's hindered the game for me...

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pls say something that u are loking into this! just u to know its a MAJOR but MAJOR fail design in one MMO i am really surprised how come this dindt got fixed before launch!

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Adding voice to the chorus. Everyone for me is 100% health all the time on raid frames in PVP regardless of actual health. It's an incredibly frustrating and discouraging bug for a healer in PVP.


Edit: And I know its a genuine bug because I have been sitting next to my husband while we are pvping or talking to guildies on voice and their health bars are evaporating while my raid interface is telling me they're fine.

Edited by Cyrenne
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As a healer this is one frustrating bug... this added in with long cast times and players constantly getting out of LOS make playing a healer in Warzones beyond annoying.


What I find funny is that if Bioware were to allow MODs, someone would create a great heal mod that works 100x better than the current Ops Frames and a lot less buggy.

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Adding another voice to the thread, These issues really are quite annoying and make PVP healing almost impossible.


Would be nice if frames for out of range players were faded more as well (I know they already are slightly, but to me sometimes is quite hard to distinguish)

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This is the worst thing about healing in PvP. As for now I dont even use the UI, I scan the field of play and click target each player seperatly to heal them. I don't even look at the raid frames, they are totally USELESS. The only problem is someone right behind me can die and I'll never know it because the Health bars dont work and I still can't use the force to see behind me yet..



They should sticky this post for the dev's to see and respond to us about this issue.

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i'm pretty positive that if we keep this issue at the top of the forums,

someone will eventually have to address it. Just keep it at the top of the list in everyone's face.


Really love the game overall tho, have had a very enjoyable experience. thanks.

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How to heal in PvP:


1. Look at health over player's name.

2. If low take note of their name.

3. Locate unit frame with that name.

4. If unit frame does not exist, waste 10 seconds trying to click on them while they LoS you.

5. If frame does exist click on it

6. Start healing player.

7. If player runs past a barrel or pillar, start heal again.

8. Ignore unit frame and watch health over player's name to keep track of health.

9. Rinse and repeat.

10. Try not to pull your hair out.


This is utterly ridiculous.


Healing is currently a nightmare. Unit frames need to be fixed. LoS needs to be fixed. End of story.


Exactly, what a joke !


I create a new thread in the right section. This issue must be fixed and I hope we'll get some news soon.

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