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What was Bioware´s rationale on not implementing Day/Night and Weather cycles?


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As we still dont have a search function in the forums, i apolagise if this topic has been answered before. :)


Dynamic weather systems and night/day cycles add a unique layer of immersion to an otherwise static gameworld. Should bioware be putting their efforts to better use in other features or should these 2 systems be eventually implemented?


TOR was laucnhed with no RP in mind (there's not even speech bubbles or sitting on chairs or an RP forum), and that's the reason many will leave.


Disregarding a major part of people who actually help creat a community is another idiotic move by BW/EA. Fortunately, they won't get away with it.


Also, don't forget that this game is badly optimized. There's not even AA. Imagine if there were day/night cycles or weather.


In general though, all MMOs should have 24h day/night cycles, like WoW. It enhances the experience and binds the player with the digital world in an amazing way, as Blizzard's title showed.

Edited by Lyvean_gr
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TOR was laucnhed with no RP in mind (there's not even speech bubbles or sitting on chairs or an RP forum), and that's the reason many will leave.


Disregarding a major part of people who actually help creat a community is another idiotic move by BW/EA. Fortunately, they won't get away with it.


LMAo people will leave because there is no speech bubbles? What is this Kindergarten MMO?

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LMAo people will leave because there is no speech bubbles? What is this Kindergarten MMO?


Because of lack of RP play or the ability to be immersed, some people will leave. There are people who are not crazy children spaming the pvp buttons all the time.

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Because of lack of RP play or the ability to be immersed, some people will leave. There are people who are not crazy children spaming the pvp buttons all the time.


There is more RP then any other MMO on the market.................................... If you want to be immersed MMO's are the worst.. Only Sp games offer real RP, dynamic worlds with weather, day/night, NPC's that go about their lives.


Bioware in Particular are horrid at this.

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Boss1: Lets see here guys, we need to be iconic ... how do we do it.

Dev1: Sunrise and Sunset to match Tatooine sunset in the movies!

Dev2: Lightsabers, Bounty Hunters, Troopers! Sith! Oh ya!

Dev3: Umm, Dev1, are you *********** serious? Sunsets? I say STARSHIPS AND SPACE BATTLES!

Boss1: Dev1, you're fired. Dev2, you're promoted. This is a game. If you want a sunset, go outside ...


And then Dev 1 smirks to himself at the countless threads complaining about horrible space combat and dead-feeling worlds.

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There is more RP then any other MMO on the market.................................... If you want to be immersed MMO's are the worst.. Only Sp games offer real RP, dynamic worlds with weather, day/night, NPC's that go about their lives.


Bioware in Particular are horrid at this.


WoW did a fine job immersing me in the world. It had great aesthetic tools and RP social tools. That's why its world felt so alive.


In TOR the world is silent and static...

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Because of lack of RP play or the ability to be immersed, some people will leave. There are people who are not crazy children spaming the pvp buttons all the time.


There are also people who are not crazy that are 64 years old spamming their PvP buttons all the time. PvP doesn't appeal to only the kids. Just thought you should know that.


Nice generalization though ...

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And then Dev 1 smirks to himself at the countless threads complaining about horrible space combat and dead-feeling worlds.


Then Dev 1 realizes that space combat is just a mini-game and that the game isn't based on space combat. After playing on Taris, he realizes also that he is playing on a dead-feeling world. Probably because it was dead and is being rebuilt.

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I'm not sure who the "Lead man" top dog,what have you was on this game but whoever he was goofed big time allowing so much focus ,time & resources to be spent on story while neglecting what really makes a MMO great- atmosphere , ambiance ,planet design and giving that overall sense that you are in a living breathing world, All things SWTOR lacks.
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There are also people who are not crazy that are 64 years old spamming their PvP buttons all the time. PvP doesn't appeal to only the kids. Just thought you should know that.


Nice generalization though ...


Oh, I am aware of that. My response was specifically targeted.

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I think they looked at their other games. KOTOR: No. Mass Effect: No. Mass Effect 2: No. Dragon Age 2: Kinda, but you had to activate. Never played it, so I couldn't tell you. Then they probably looked at their budget, and saw just how much the VO was costing, and decided that there really was no reason to break the mold.
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I'm not sure who the "Lead man" top dog,what have you was on this game but whoever he was goofed big time allowing so much focus ,time & resources to be spent on story while neglecting what really makes a MMO great- atmosphere , ambiance ,planet design and giving that overall sense that you are in a living breathing world, All things SWTOR lacks.


If you aren't into story then why are you playing a story driven MMO?

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I'm not sure who the "Lead man" top dog,what have you was on this game but whoever he was goofed big time allowing so much focus ,time & resources to be spent on story while neglecting what really makes a MMO great- atmosphere , ambiance ,planet design and giving that overall sense that you are in a living breathing world, All things SWTOR lacks.


I'm not sure who your English teacher is/was, but I'm sure that he/she did not put enough focus, time or resources into educating you.


This game is great. I have the sense that I am in a living, breathing world and haven't been this immersed in a game since Ultima Online.


Again, if you seek sunsets, ambiance and really want to see amazing planet design, go outside ...


I want lightsabers to cut people with. I want blasters to shoot people with. I want to ride a speeder into combat against the Jedi, Troopers, and Smugglers! I want to pilot my own Starship! Sunsets and weather are fluff ... I can RP quite easily without it. This game surprised me in many ways ... I doubted this game from the start, but after playing it, I can't seem to play anything else. Success if you ask me.

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If you aren't into story then why are you playing a story driven MMO?


I love a great story, As a matter of fact I am a huge bioware fan and have enjoyed every game they have made thus far. Perhaps you didn't take the time to actually read what i wrote. I didn't say they should have left story out of this game I am simply pointing out the FACT that too much focus was OBVIOUSLY spent on story while BASIC features of any AAA MMO were ignored. There is no denying this, unless of course this is your first MMO.


I just feel Bioware mislead there customers advertising this as a MMO when it clearly is not, Its basically a single player co-op game with a chat box.

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I agree with the OP. This is something that really bothers me, and especially because it is an MMO.


I would really love to see this sort of thing in the game, and for an MMO released in the latter part of 2011, there really isn't much of an excuse technology wise to not have immersive things like this in the game.


Much older games have been doing it for years.

Edited by Heavens_Night
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I'm not sure who your English teacher is/was, but I'm sure that he/she did not put enough focus, time or resources into educating you.


This game is great. I have the sense that I am in a living, breathing world and haven't been this immersed in a game since Ultima Online.


Again, if you seek sunsets, ambiance and really want to see amazing planet design, go outside ...


I want lightsabers to cut people with. I want blasters to shoot people with. I want to ride a speeder into combat against the Jedi, Troopers, and Smugglers! I want to pilot my own Starship! Sunsets and weather are fluff ... I can RP quite easily without it. This game surprised me in many ways ... I doubted this game from the start, but after playing it, I can't seem to play anything else. Success if you ask me.


You can try to rationalise all you like, but the fact remains that there are certain things that are missing in this game that could potentially add to further envelope the player in the feeling of being in a "virtual" living world.


Whilst I can appreciate the fact that you are happy with the situation, obviously that doesn't apply to everyone. So it's really unwise for anyone to try to shout down other peoples feelings because in the end, our experiences, likes and dislikes are subjective.


Oh and btw, keep calling space combat a mini-game if you like, but that doesn't change the situation that the devs HAVE confirmed that they are working on space combat, and that's not just adding more missions.

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They wanted each planet to have a distinctive feel. I.E. on Korriban, the red sky of the setting sun. They also did this because since they are basing the game after the 2 KOTOR games, and time never changed there, they wanted it to have the feel of KOTOR I guess.
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Player 1: This game is killing my computer/FPS!



lololol... sigh...............


Your point being what exactly? If a player is whacking up settings far beyond what their pc can cope with then that isn't a good excuse to omit features that could assist in adding to players satisfactions.


Weather effects etc should all be toggled off if a players pc cannot cope with it.

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