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  1. Owera

    Guild Log

    I know this has been posted before, but I think a guild log of all events would be a nice in-game feature. This log, accessed by both the leader and the officers, could record people joining, leaving, promotions, changes in guild rank/officer and members notes, etc. It will make guilds with larger numbers have an easier time finding changes that happen during down time. For example, if the guild's numbers changed, the leader could easily see who joined/left and when without having to wait for the officer who recruited them or anyone who might have seen them leave to log on. Anyway, these are just my thoughts. - Owera
  2. that -2000 means they have been transferred in game for you to use for the Cartel market and are no longer being held by bio-ware I think. I have the same thing and was able to use them in game after that.
  3. I agree some legacy perks are a little overpriced, but that gives you something to work for right? I mean if you got all the legacy perks in a week, then it wouldn't exactly be that impressive to have. Here is what I suggest. Either have the prices lower as you progress in legacy like the OP said, or lower the prices/get rid of them, but raise the required legacy lvl of most stuff. As of now, legacy lvl 25 is the highest you have to be to get everything if I remember correctly. Why not have stuff that requires legacy lvl 30? Or 40? Or even 50? Sure you can make it so people can buy it, but at certain legacy lvls, they should also unlock, making it so those who want to get it faster have to pay, but those who want to wait and grind up to them can also do that and not have to pay at all.
  4. Your legacy name can be set as a last name or a label on any character via options. It doesn't matter if they are in the tree or not.
  5. I heard it once, a couple days ago but after logging in the next day it was gone. Edit: This was on the BH ship. I have not heard it on any other ship.
  6. Most of that wouldn't fit with the lore of Star Wars. The giant lightsaber sword things didn't exist at this time and if I am not mistaken, lightsabers can't take on that shape.
  7. just FYI, there is a glitch sometimes where it doesn't go from lightheaded to feverish. Its not as common as every other time, but if you don't go from lightheaded to feverish in 10-30min then I would recommend using the antidote and getting re-infected.
  8. You get a mail saying the item has been sold. In about an hour another mail should arrive with the credits.
  9. Looks awesome though I'm still not 100% sure the sith jedi thing will work out. Still, I can't wait until 1.2.
  10. Pirates of the Burning Seas allowed something like this (could make custom sails and flags) and I never saw them patch in when they implemented them to the game. Suddenly it was just there and everyone could see it. Maybe they did such a micro patch its hard to notice, but if not, then it is possible to get them in game without patching. Again, just going by what I have seen, doesn't mean I am right.
  11. I have been looking for the Unwavering Powertech's Foundry Chestplate that works perfectly for the bounty hunter and can't find where it drops. Given the name, I would guess it dropped in the foundry, but so far I haven't seen it nor does any of the websites say its part of the loot table there. Does anyone know how to obtain it? Thank you. Link to the item: http://db.darthhater.com/items/20547/unwavering_powertechs_foundry_chestplate/ P.S. Didn't know which forum to post it on so I hope this is the right one since the chest piece is for BH.
  12. Would have to ask why the soldiers of Nazi Germany served in the army to answer the question fo why the imperials do.
  13. had this happen to me a couple times, but mostly its been stable for me.
  14. Wouldn't work very well for people guarding objectives (like doors or the alderaan turret computers. Would be hard to guard them if you get auto kicked for standing there waiting for an enemy to attack them.
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