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350k Conccurent users@peak times.


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Actually they've hit 50,000 people as their absolute peek on one server at one time (EvE) point is EvE is doing well and SWTOR concurrent users is 7 times higher than their best ever. I'd say SWTOR is doing well.


Well, yeah TOR is doing well. It should be doing well 2 weeks after release after registering 1 million members its first day of launch.


Warhammer did extremely well its first month too. The question isn't whether or not TOR is going well now. Only an ignoramus thinks 350K concurrent users isn't a very healthy number. In reality, an MMO that can maintain 350K subscribers is doing well (as people have pointed out with Eve Online.)


The question is what will the numbers be in February, and May, and October. LIke I said before, my guess based on the numbers are that right now there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.2 to 1.4 million units that have been sold of TOR. And to be honest, that's a little bit of a disappointing number, IMO. I thought it would be 2 million within 1 week of launch pretty easily.

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Some people are confusing concurrent with total I believe


Thank you.


350k users logged in at the same time is LOADS. We already know there are over a million TOTAL users, 350k logged in AT THE VERY SAME MOMENT is a lot.

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Yea considering U.S and Europes peak times are completely different times, I'd say if you combined them, peak would problably be over 600k...


You guys forget there is a crap ton of people you work graveyard shifts or what have you.


350k is not ultra high, but for just starting out, thats not bad at all.

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I just want them to REMOVE the instanced zones...I mean seriously the place feels like its completely diserted because of the zones getting instanced...I mean at 1 point it was 38 people in a zone, and we had 2 instances going! ***
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exactly also i read its the FASTEST selling subscribed game in histroy, so its doing well and this early its incredable


You do realise that people in order to use the month supplied with the game you had to create a recurring su scription.

The numbers means nothing because they weren't made out of want but out of necessity to even try the game they bougth.

What will matter ultimately in the end is how many remains once the month is over and they have to cancel their subscriptions again.

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WoW...that's really low lol ^^


No it actually isn't... Quit measuring these games up to WoW... These games are based in North America and Europe, they aren't going to be popular in Asia, and therefore will lack a huge subscriber base that WoW has.


350k peak usage is very good, as someone already mentioned, that is 1500 per server. That is a high number.


You're an idiot if you think 1500 is a low number... What MMO have you ever seen that has battles involving hundreds of players on each side?


At most, MMO's are going to have 50-60 players on each side in a battle. The rest of the players would either be PvPing elsewhere, or they would be PvEing, or whatever.

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WOW maxed at over 2 million PCUs globally


Wrong. Oh wait, unless you count the 6million Chinese...which you did as you wrote 'globally' :p


TOR doesn't have 6million Chinese subscribers so to use WoW's global concurrent record is silly imo. Use WoW's 1mil NA/EU figure mate as that fits TOR's ability to compare.


My opinion.


WoW...1mil after 4 yrs of release

TOR...350k after 2 weeks of release


Not bad in my book.

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Wrong. Oh wait, unless you count the 6million Chinese...which you did as you wrote 'globally' :p


TOR doesn't have 6million Chinese subscribers so to use WoW's global concurrent record is silly imo. Use WoW's 1mil NA/EU figure mate as that fits TOR's ability to compare.


My opinion.


WoW...1mil after 4 yrs of release

TOR...350k after 2 weeks of release


Not bad in my book.


I thought in china you buy game once and never pay for a subscription?

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Wrong. Oh wait, unless you count the 6million Chinese...which you did as you wrote 'globally' :p


TOR doesn't have 6million Chinese subscribers so to use WoW's global concurrent record is silly imo. Use WoW's 1mil NA/EU figure mate as that fits TOR's ability to compare.


My opinion.


WoW...1mil after 4 yrs of release

TOR...350k after 2 weeks of release


Not bad in my book.


Well, you're also mixing up demographics...


This game has sold 1 million to 1.5 million copies and has about the same number of subscribers. It had a peak number of 350,000 players log in at about the same time.

The 350k number is not PCU's or subscribers, its how many people were logged in at one time.

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I just want them to REMOVE the instanced zones...I mean seriously the place feels like its completely diserted because of the zones getting instanced...I mean at 1 point it was 38 people in a zone, and we had 2 instances going! ***


Yet a little over a week ago these forums were filled with complaints about queues to get into the game.


Bioware will never win.

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I thought in china you buy game once and never pay for a subscription?


In China player play the game by the hour. Most players can't afford their own PC or have broadband, so they play at businesses that host the game.

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I also want to address the whole minimal impact on WoW. The entire western market could quit WoW tomorrow and it would have a minimal impact simply because the bulk of their subscribers are in the Asian market; so again pitting TOR against a market it isn't even a part of is ridiculous to say the least. SWTOR right now (if Crowley & Associate's possible 2.9 million projection is right) is very close to WoW's western numbers; I still think WoW will edge them out simply because it is an established property...I would be very interested to see where the western numbers line up this time next year.
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In China player play the game by the hour. Most players can't afford their own PC or have broadband, so they play at businesses that host the game.


Ok but Ialso thought if you did have a PC, and many chinese do, if they buy the game they just buy it once, no need for subscription plan?

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Yet a little over a week ago these forums were filled with complaints about queues to get into the game.


Bioware will never win.


What does what you say have to do with what he said?


Honestly, if Bioware can't build a server that can support 3000 concurrent users without tons of sharding / instancing, then Bioware has issues, especially with the amount of designed instancing there already is in the game and with all the planets being discreet, non-connected zones. This isn't day 1 any more where all the players are on the same 4 planets. Most players are, at the least, to the third or fourth progression planet by now. You should be able to handle a couple hundred people per planet now that the population is spread out primarily through 8-10 different planetary zones.

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What does what you say have to do with what he said?


Honestly, if Bioware can't build a server that can support 3000 concurrent users without tons of sharding / instancing, then Bioware has issues, especially with the amount of designed instancing there already is in the game and with all the planets being discreet, non-connected zones.


Y'all also need to keep in mind, this is Bioware's first MMO ever...

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No, Chinese laws require it to be paid for by the hour. They think it keeps people from getting addicted.


Do they actually pay by the hour? Or do they get a charge monthly that represents one month of all the hours?


Really intrigued now.

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I also want to address the whole minimal impact on WoW. The entire western market could quit WoW tomorrow and it would have a minimal impact simply because the bulk of their subscribers are in the Asian market; so again pitting TOR against a market it isn't even a part of is ridiculous to say the least. SWTOR right now (if Crowley & Associate's possible 2.9 million projection is right) is very close to WoW's western numbers; I still think WoW will edge them out simply because it is an established property...I would be very interested to see where the western numbers line up this time next year.


Good post.

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