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Does anyone else enjoy Space Combat?


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The final 3-4 missions are much more challenging and very fun. I really enjoy the one with

the mission to destroy the capital ship.

I hope more missions are added. The fact that it is "on-rails" didn't really bother me. The space combat was 10x better than SWG version despite not having open space.

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I'm having fun with it as well, though it does seem the type of thing that once you've mastered it, got all you want from it you stop playing it for 6 months until the next expansion, play new content for a week or two and then forget about it in again.


I hope in the coming years more depth is added to it. As a few have suggested, some randomness would help.

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It's the best part of the game and the only part that truely feels like Star Wars, I wish they had used that as the basis for the combat system rather than what they have now, it doesn't fit blasters at all.


Curving, targetseeking blastershots my foot!

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honestly, the first time I did a space mission I was like "mehh" but after doing several of them, I am starting to enjoy it. In SWG space was great because of the ability to free roam, but it also made combat long and boring at times, mostly when you are having to kill 20 A-wings that are crazy fast. This game is different in that you are put on a path and only have to worry about shooting while not haveing to worry about trying to catch up with that tier 9 A-wing doing mk 10 past you.



Still, I am really starting to enjoy it but would be better if I knew where the freaking Fleet comms vendor is located..

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Honestly the "space combat" is like Star Fox for people who have never played a video game above the Very Easy difficulty setting.


It's shallow, easy, repeatitive, and fairly boring after the first few missions.


In it's current iteration there's no hope for PvP or group content.



Did I have fun doing it? Sure, for the first few missions.


Is it a worthy distraction? It's a grind, like any other, that I'll do for 20 minutes a day.


It's nothing special. It shouldn't be in an MMO. I've seen deeper space combat games in a browser.

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I did it three times, each of the initial missions once, and I don't think I'll touch it again. Was it mildly entertaining? Yes. Does it have any place in an MMO? No. It's a glorified web browser shooter and for a game of this scale is more of a blemish than a selling point. I almost would prefer they just left it out and focused their resources on the many other things that required (and still require) attention.


Maybe my expectations were set too high, but for a game with a 300 million dollar budget, I expected more. Or at least something that includes other players. This is an MMO after all.

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Please forgive if this is already in the game. I havnt seen it yet, or heard about it yet if it is.


I think they should have a warfront of only space battles to have some action in space

that has a little freedom to it. Nothing but ship battles and dogfights.

Each side has a coomand ship to protect while trying to destroy the other sides command ship.


There will be no ship upgrades and everyone will fly the same ship on each side and both sides ships would have the same amount of HP, and missles to fire, as well as unlimited

lazer shots.

Making it about who is really the best pilot.

That would quench the space battle thirst a little.


Space battles now make me feel as if Im playing Starfox or something.

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Incredible. I hated space and vowed never to go into it again after the first mission. I was very disappointed. It seems maybe I am missing something after reading all these positve posts. I might have to go back and give it another go.
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It's a nice change of pace from normal MMO questing. At the same time, I always wish it was better. I keep seeing familiar objects from games like TIE Fighter and I wish I had the level of control that I did in that MSDOS game back in 1994.


Perhaps I expect too much.

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I am reading this post and I cant believe it. I am like totally shocked. Once you get the basic ship updates from the vendor , Space Combat is so easy that there is 0% of failing and there is 0 challenge.


Not only that, but every Space Combat is exactly the same each time you run it. You follow the exact same path, with the exact same enemies, doing the exact same things.


Finally, there is almost 0 benefit to doing Space Combat. There are no rewards related to the game at all (other than some exp).


I guess it is fun to do it a couple of times, but the fact the people run them over and over and they enjoy it, just plains shocks me to the core of my being. Like seriously Shocks me! You people are really easy to please arent you? I have a piece of string if anyone wants. :p

Edited by lycrates
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It's not as good as panzer dragoon and other rail shooters but for a minigame it's okay and reasonably enjoyable. Needs to be improved, also add at least a 2 player coop mode.


If more dodging moves were added or maybe current is enough perhapa a 1on1 or 4v4 on rails pvp duel mode where at certain points you can shoot at enemy players.


New blaster types instead of just upgrading normal ones would be cool too, like a beam laser that's slow but strong insta travel to target etc would be cool too.

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At first I was impressed by the graphics but disappointed in how simple it was. Now I really like it and don't take it too seriously. It is as some have said, a diversion, and I hope they add multiplayer or flashpoint versions to it. They should also allow options to pilot fighter craft. After all, it is Star Wars, and epic space battles are the name of the game. The visuals are amazing--I showed the game to a couple friends and one of them got dizzy watching me play since they felt like they were spinning around in the asteroid field. If you feel like you're on a roller coaster ride then Bioware's definitely earned their money. Edited by AzureDarkstone
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