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Contstructive thread about sage/sorc


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So I just hit 48 and have started to pvp more to get ready for being 50. I've been reading the forums and just assumed that most of the noise on these forums is just QQers, and I'm sure for the most part it is, however I get completely crapped on by sages.


I have a powertech right now, and I feel like I do pretty well even though I'm only 48 but this is one class that I just cannot get a handle on. It would be one thing if they were level 50 because I'd chalk it up to gear, but I'm getting rolled over by level 32s. I went 1v1 with this one and I could only get him to 50% when I died.


This isn't a QQ nerf thread, because I'm completely inexperienced and I'm sure it's something I'm doing. That's why I'm here. What are some weaknesses of this class? I tried interrupting their channeled rocks spell but that didn't seem to do much of anything. What are some things I need to know when going toe to toe with sages?


P.S. Please keep the "this class needs a nerf" crap out of this thread. There are plenty of threads about that if you want to post in those.

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Sages are squishy. Once you get close you can beat them. I know, trust me, I'm a sage myself. We can't heal and do damage at the same time and we can't heal for sh*t when not heal speced. They take way more damage than anybody else (especiall physical), so just burst through them. Breaking los won't do crap against most sages, as we're usually speced in instant casts for pvp, so a head on charge would be adequate. Once he starts running he can't really do that much, because the "channeled rocks" ie. telekinetic throw is required for our instant cast talent to proc.


We have up to 4 forms of CC (2 stuns, 2 roots), you should keep your oshi anti-debuff ability up till you get a lift (longest CC in our arsenal - 6s lift + 2s stun if speced). The rest is rubbish, a 2s stun, a 2s root and a 5s root on a long cooldown (that one hurts too).


Keep your CC till you see him healing or channeling the rocks, it's a good idea. They don't have a cooldown, but if you interrupt them it's a bonus 4s cooldown, which is basically a pain in the butt, as we can't proc our instant cast.




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Sages are squishy. Once you get close you can beat them. I know, trust me, I'm a sage myself. We can't heal and do damage at the same time and we can't heal for sh*t when not heal speced. They take way more damage than anybody else (especiall physical), so just burst through them. Breaking los won't do crap against most sages, as we're usually speced in instant casts for pvp, so a head on charge would be adequate. Once he starts running he can't really do that much, because the "channeled rocks" ie. telekinetic throw is required for our instant cast talent to proc.


We have up to 4 forms of CC (2 stuns, 2 roots), you should keep your oshi anti-debuff ability up till you get a lift (longest CC in our arsenal - 6s lift + 2s stun if speced). The rest is rubbish, a 2s stun, a 2s root and a 5s root on a long cooldown (that one hurts too).


Keep your CC till you see him healing or channeling the rocks, it's a good idea. They don't have a cooldown, but if you interrupt them it's a bonus 4s cooldown, which is basically a pain in the butt, as we can't proc our instant cast.





Interesting. They didn't seem that squish to me to be totally honest, with the shields and what not, but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the pointers!

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So I just hit 48 and have started to pvp more to get ready for being 50. I've been reading the forums and just assumed that most of the noise on these forums is just QQers, and I'm sure for the most part it is, however I get completely crapped on by sages.


I have a powertech right now, and I feel like I do pretty well even though I'm only 48 but this is one class that I just cannot get a handle on. It would be one thing if they were level 50 because I'd chalk it up to gear, but I'm getting rolled over by level 32s. I went 1v1 with this one and I could only get him to 50% when I died.


This isn't a QQ nerf thread, because I'm completely inexperienced and I'm sure it's something I'm doing. That's why I'm here. What are some weaknesses of this class? I tried interrupting their channeled rocks spell but that didn't seem to do much of anything. What are some things I need to know when going toe to toe with sages?


P.S. Please keep the "this class needs a nerf" crap out of this thread. There are plenty of threads about that if you want to post in those.


|Sorry dude, you're bad. A sage should not be killing a powertech 1v1 at all. Sage burst is non-existant, you're in no danger at all.

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|Sorry dude, you're bad. A sage should not be killing a powertech 1v1 at all. Sage burst is non-existant, you're in no danger at all.


Bad sage burst is non existent. Good sage burst can be upwards of insane.


Fighting against a Sage/ Sorc you are in an endurance fest. Your interrupts are the key to victory. As a power tech, that means you need to get close for quell(?). You may wish to spec to have it available once every 6 seconds as well.

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So as a general rule TK throw is the best spell for me to be interrupting if I'm trying to hamper their DPS? Are the heals worth interrupting if they are DPS specced or are they generally pretty weak?


It depends on how they're built.


Most are probably Balance. In that case you're dealing with a DoT class that lacks much in burst. They'll drop an AoE on you that will boost their next 10 DoT ticks by 20%, it's instant cast so you can't stop that. Two of the DoTs are instant cast so those can't be interrupted. The third is made instant cast and has it's damage boosted by a TK proc, which is where interrupting it can be useful as that third DoT (Mind Crush) is the most powerful.


Unless they're a healer the only instant cast heal they have is the shield itself and that can be used once every 17 seconds at best. It absorbs roughly the same damage that the big 3 second heal does in healing. They have a weak 1.5 second heal that is very expensive and probably won't get used, leaving a decent 3 second heal that can do quite a bit if combined with Force Potency to greatly increase the chance of a crit.


That is probably the most important to interrupt. Interrupting TK won't stop the damage, interrupting a 3 second heal is easy. I would save the break for Force Lift, make them waste it. The only exception being if you have a DoT on you or they're already near full health in which case just wait for the DoT tick to break it or let them sit there staring at you unable to do anything without breaking it themselves. It's when you've got them on the ropes and they need the time to heal that you want to break it. Keep in mind it's a 60s CD so once it's used you've got quite a while before they can use it again.


I haven't spent much time as a Powertech. I would try to get them to blow as much as possible as early as possible and take it with CDs. Interrupt what you can but save your stuns, closers, etc. unless they're on a short CD. Get him to blow as many stuns, snares, etc. as you can and then really go after him. If you're DoT'd then Force Lift is useless. Let him get overconfident and get his health down a bit, then finish him off with as much burst as you can muster and use all the stuns/interrupts/closers you can to keep him from healing or getting away with Force Speed or a KB.

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As a healing spec sorc, I've noticed that 1v1, and 2v1, even level 50s (I'm currently 31) have a hard time out damaging my healing (which is great in Huttball, I can stand in the pit as a distraction healing myself while the mindless drones hammer on me and watch the ball carrier run by unmolested). Even with interrupts, if I survive your initial burst, you're not going to take me until I'm completely out of Force (which could take a minute if I'm stocked on consumables). And yes, 1v1, I will wear your *** out with DoTs. It will take me a minute, but 1v1 I'm going to bet I beat you 9 times out of 10.


Wanna know what REALLY works against Sorcs? Numbers. I can outheal the damage of, MAYBE three similarly geared/leveled classes beating on me, but once that number goes above 2 my odds of surviving without running away go down exponentially. Number one rule of pvp...bring friends, because if you don't, they will. I ALWAYS pvp with guildies, and with Vent as our ally, you can bet if I start getting smashed they're on their way. Make sure you have some buddies with you and put the hammer down.

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