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GTN poorely developed


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I just want 2 simple additions.


1) Give crafting materials a level. Grade 1 = Level 1, Grade 2 = Level 2, Grade 3 = Level 3 and so on. This will allow us to filter for a specific grade of material. It also seems like a simple solution to the problem of 20-50 pages of crafting materials.


2) Item Slot filter for armor. Remove the "Usable by" filter, its just redundant... Level range and armor type does the exact same thing.

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I stopped reading here. This may as well be the slogan for Socialists everywhere. OWS much? Pathetic.


you spoke as if being a socialist was 'being evil' and as if if i was socialist, i would be frightened/ashamed to declare it ...


such a conditioned brainwashing does not exist elsewhere than usa.




thats where non-socialism got you. 85% of population only gets 15% of wealth/income. top 7%, gets 72% of everything by making others work.


and lets see what social democracy (you americans call it socialism in usa, your terms are all upside down) got other countries :




historically predominantly social democrat (socialist for you) scandinavian countries consistently top the list. the only hitch has happened when wall street spectacularly frauded all the world in 2008 and caused a mega financial crisis.




education is good. you should not stop reading. ever. or, fox news gets you.

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thats where non-socialism got you. 85% of population only gets 15% of wealth/income. top 7%, gets 72% of everything by making others work.
And this is worse than anywhere except a few tiny and exclusive nations sprinkled throughout the world?


Would you prefer China, where you can still be imprisoned for bypassing government security restrictions just to access google?


Southern Europe says hi.


EDIT: Ofc you'd bring up Scandinavia. You could cherry pick a few states and make the same claims. See: above.

Edited by Ansultares
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My biggest problem is spending all that time finding what I'm looking for, then going through the list to find the best price for the item, then BAMM, my companion returns from a mission and shuts the auction window. Time to start over.... why can't there be an option for missions to auto go to pending status? There not fun popping up in the middle of a fight either. Edited by Octagonn
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My biggest problem is spending all that time finding what I'm looking for, then going through the list to find the best price for the item, then BAMM, my companion returns from a mission and shuts the auction window. Time to start over.... why can't there be an option for missions to auto go to pending status? There not fun popping up in the middle of a fight either.


This ^ over and over.

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And this is worse than anywhere except a few tiny and exclusive nations sprinkled throughout the world?


Would you prefer China, where you can still be imprisoned for bypassing government security restrictions just to access google?


Southern Europe says hi.


economic system != political system.


as an example, economic system of nazi germany was all out capitalism. even more unregulated than u.s. economy has ever been - at the peak of the war the government was still paying private corporations like mercedes, bmw for the war machines they produce, instead of taking control directly and mobilizing the economy entirely.


so, as you can see, just like how there can be all out capitalism in a fascist political system, the opposite is true - there can be socialism in dictatorship.


political systems and economic systems are different. they are not mutually exclusive.


and :


EDIT: Ofc you'd bring up Scandinavia. You could cherry pick a few states and make the same claims. See: above.


the reason they are picked is that, they are the only countries which have maintained a democratic political system with social democrat approach to economy for the last 80 years.


tho, recently they have turned to right wing governments because of immigration issues, and things started to change in economy too - right wing governments started to undo the years of economic stability and social security these countries has had. as you can see, they are unfortunately changing their political leaning to more right.

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Personally, I think the Auction mechanic is one of the worst I have encountered in any MMO. I also think crafting in general is atrocious as well. Even if you ignore the bugs it is just god awful for being something useful while you level. Having trade skills being so poorly designed will kill the market and then add the horrible interface to the auction and you have a largely ignorable game mechanic.


Before the fanboys go ape*&^*, I would add the storylines are probably the most fun I have had in any MMO in recent memory. There is much to enjoy and relish in this game but crafting and the AH or certainly not one of them.

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Personally, I think the Auction mechanic is one of the worst I have encountered in any MMO. I also think crafting in general is atrocious as well. Even if you ignore the bugs it is just god awful for being something useful while you level. Having trade skills being so poorly designed will kill the market and then add the horrible interface to the auction and you have a largely ignorable game mechanic.


Before the fanboys go ape*&^*, I would add the storylines are probably the most fun I have had in any MMO in recent memory. There is much to enjoy and relish in this game but crafting and the AH or certainly not one of them.


I agree the AH is not very user friendly and could really use a few simple upgrades, but crafting not being useful while leveling? The epic purple armor pieces I can make are far superior to any quest rewards (including heroics/commendation gear) and are slightly better than flashpoint drops. I'd hardly say that isn't useful.

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Agreed. I was like "where's the search function" in beta. Instead we get cluncky drop down boxes. I'm not sure why search wasn't in there day 1. Also, all the armor being lumped into one big clusterf*ck is awful imo.:(
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(Shift + Right Click) while using any Market window = automatic search for that item in the database. If none exist, a mesage states "No items with that name found". Remove the mandatory two search fields and allow name searches from the main "Buy" screen.


Those are the only two options I would really like to see...or at least they would tide me over for several months. Without them, the Galactic Market is so cumbersome that the game might get a bit tiresome for me.


What about it Devs? Can we get a key + mouse combo for a quick search of items we have in our inventory or in a chat link?

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And after having filled out ALL the annoying filters, and done the search, flipped through 10 pages towards the items you are looking for, a companion comes back from a mission and resets the whole frigging thing...


This is by far my least favorite thing about the GTN window. The rest is annoying but this makes me angry.

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A simple search feature would alleviate all problems - 'I have 'X', I wonder what the going rate is? Oh its 'Y'. I could sell it now or watch the market over the next few days and try to calculate peaks.'




I don't think BW thought up of a "Kelly Blue Book"(for used car resale pricing) for items.Last think I want is to lowball/highball a price and then have to vendor said item(s) the next day. Could I GoodWill something & get a karma credit?

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I guess no one on these forums has ever seen, used, or developed a "programmer's GUI." Yeah, it's bad. It was made by a programmer and not an architect. It has basic functionality and logic that works in the programmer's mind but in no one else's. It will be fixed. Stop being little girls about it.


It's not that we've never seen such a thing, but that it's shocking to see it outside of beta in a major MMO produced by a giant studio. This is basic functionality that they knew months ago was not ready for release, that they had ample examples from competition to base their designs on, and that ties in to one of the major selling points of the game (the novelty of companion-based crafting). The current market is unacceptable.

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