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this is an mmo right?


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we KNOW the servers can handle more than your preorder base. you like the trickle idea and that is cool, but this is a little Willie Wonka letting 5 kids into an empty candy factory while the rest are hand stretched, pressed so hard against the gate our faces have gate marks on them.


^^^ Brilliant. <3 this.

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i love how top end guild is defined as a guild that has some meaningful achievement in some arbitrary game that will be long gone by the time you have 6 feet of dirt over your head.


a top end community doenst concern themselves with such insignificant and meaningless things as "First To Complete Operation X". it really is quite sad that such things are a measuring stick.


I'm will to bet you did NO research on your class what quests to do to get to 50 fast planned almost nothing. You speak as if others are below you yet I see no reason to even read your next post!

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but if you're looking for that playing experience then there's a fantastic option through a competing MMO that's been around for awhile.


That MMO have been around for awhile, the world firsts are gone on most stuff...


And for the people saying no one cares about world firsts, say that to the top guild doing those in that other MMO. And those guilds have sponsors and get paid because they do their world firsts. :)



Ps. MMOs are mostly about sitting at level cap and progressing through endgame while in there. Reason why all the new MMO have failed to keep huge playerbase after launch, is because they have failed on delivering that said endgame content to keep players interested.


Well that is why majority of players do play MMOs anyway, wont they? Or why the new MMOs with next to no endgame content keep dying then?


In 20 years, or so. That I've been playing games. Only times i've ever paid attention to storylines, is when i play singleplayer campaing of some sort. When i'm playing MMORPG, i pick up a quest and expect a single sentence saying my quest objective of what i need to collect/kill or who i need to speak to. And repeat that untill i'm at the level cap.


I do not care why that old man wants me to kill 10 robots, all i want to know is that i need to kill those 10 robots.


For me, leveling is something i have to do, before i can start playing. And i'm sure i'm not the only one feeling the same, when it comes to MMOs.

Edited by Viikuna
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I was presenting another argument with the original assumptions you made. The fact that you disagree with it means you are disagreeing with your own argument.


Also i can define a guild as a society... When i get a server first it brings prestige to the guild as well as my character... thus i am helping a society.

(kinda a loose jump there, but the basic point remains.)


Prestige is one of those things that does nothing to further the human condition of others. Apples and oranges. Your "other argument" isn't related so it's moot. Bragging rights doesn't feed people or clothe them or keep them warm. Bragging is about vanity, nothing more.

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I have looked but I do not believe anyone has brought up the world'd first kills. a day is insurmountable. Any guild that got in after day one will have virtually no chance to compete with day one guilds.



"Everyone will eventually be able to get the same experience."- no no they will not. competition is so big for top end guilds that by doing this slow release as it were is taking away a dimension of mmo for hard core mmo guilds.


If we can circle back to the op's main concern, and others who discussed the remote possibility of joining a progression guild if their access is granted after the first wave....I agree this staggered system takes away a major dimension of enjoyment. How can I possibly compete for entry into a top-end guild if I can't enter the race at the same starting point as everyone else?


To me, this staggered system removes the competitiveness from a game that thrives on player competition.

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I'm will to bet you did NO research on your class what quests to do to get to 50 fast planned almost nothing. You speak as if others are below you yet I see no reason to even read your next post!


being that i've have been involved with this title in beta since about july, you sir are now classified as a putz. congratulations you are now below me

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being that i've have been involved with this title in beta since about july, you sir are now classified as a putz. congratulations you are now below me


Having played beta and posted on forums IS NOT RESEARCH ! Crunching numbers is and you proved my point!

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Not to the same degree humans do.. they won't kill each other over such things. The kind of petty envy we're talking about in humans isn't the same in those species you talk about and is often tied to survival instinct (dogs fighting over bones, for example).


Given that animals in the wild don't go shopping and show off things they can afford to buy, strictly tying their value as beings to baubles, it's reasonable to say the kind of envy animals exhibit isn't on the same level as humans.


actually untrue dogs being the example have the propensity to kill where starvation is not a factor. that is gluttony and greed. they exhibit many things you deem the evils of humans.



instinctual we humans do all of those things and could blame all of our evil actions on those instinctual things. you can not blame the dogs actions on instincts without allowing for humans to be blamed in the same matter.



peguins and peacocks both showoff with the same intentions...

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being that i've have been involved with this title in beta since about july, you sir are now classified as a putz. congratulations you are now below me


I understand now why you are posting this way mate i got yea


Casual (< 10 hrs/week), light roleplaying, voice chat requirement, forum and website usage required


^^ explains it all.

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Having played beta and posted on forums IS NOT RESEARCH ! Crunching numbers is and you proved my point!


so sorry but doing math to figure out time lines on each planet to get to 50 to do...nothing only furthers my point that you sir need to get a new life issued to you. 4 builds, 4 50's and a slew of alts. i know all i need to know about my desired class

Edited by Crohadan
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So if anyone buys this game a few months from now and tries to play it will be impossible because everyone already in game is ahead of them?


That's not the argument he is making. All he said was Launch and EGA is almost ALWAYS a RACE to the first. First 50 first to down so and so ... so on so fourth. It will be possible but not with any "Notability"

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Prestige is one of those things that does nothing to further the human condition of others. Apples and oranges. Your "other argument" isn't related so it's moot. Bragging rights doesn't feed people or clothe them or keep them warm. Bragging is about vanity, nothing more.


The problem is we are trying to compare a real life society to a simplistic videogame society. You can keep trying to bring in examples of things that have no equivalence in the other society. Food and clothing mean nothing in the game, so the society there has to base its values on something else. The things i can think of that have value for the game society are; loot/gear and prestige. Thus when an individual helps the guild (society) gain one of these two things they are contributing.


There may be other things, but gear and prestige can be equated to food and clothing as basic needs to survive. Guild who dont gain new gear or is not valued by its members (prestige can be applied to members of a society as well as the whole) will most likely rapidly lose member. The ones that don't can be attributed to external forces, (real life friends for one) things that the game has no control over.

Edited by Xassifax
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so sorry but doing math to figure out time lines on each planet to get to 50 to do...nothing only furthers my point that you sir need to get a new life issued to you. 4 builds, 4 50's and a slew of alts. i know all i need to know about my desired class


Enjoy your PvE server man you'll need it to protect you!

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I understand now why you are posting this way mate i got yea


Casual (< 10 hrs/week), light roleplaying, voice chat requirement, forum and website usage required


^^ explains it all.


does it even REGISTER in your little head that my guild has a few more important things to do with our lives then to sit around playing a video game?

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does it even REGISTER in your little head that my guild has a few more important things to do with our lives then to sit around playing a video game?


And does it apply to you that some other people are disabled and actually don't? Get over yourself your not the only one whose needs matter bro!

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Enjoy your PvE server man you'll need it to protect you!


listen here you little sry ****, enjoy the protection that my guild offers you. while you sit behind your little monitor in your mother basement we actualy have things to do, people to see, and things to blow up.

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listen here you little sry ****, enjoy the protection that my guild offers you. while you sit behind your little monitor in your mother basement we actualy have things to do, people to see, and things to blow up.


I am disabled due to my service you POS so go screw youself if all I can do if freakin sit here now w/o being in pain then so freakin be it you should be happy it wasn't you!

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This flame fest is getting a little silly. And immature to boot.


@OP: a difference of (at most) three or four days can be made up so long as the content is significantly hard to clear. I anticipate heroic and insanity kills being the important ones, not the first few operation boss kills.

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Agreed!! This was BS end of story anyone saying I'm QQ go screw yourself!


Solid argument!


LOLOLOLOL. Dogs, whales, all chimps, dolphins, meercats, and MANY MANY other animals exhibit coveting and that is envy just in case you didn't know.




Top guilds are trying to kill Deathwing on heroic. I'm sure they're not worried about EGA.


Top guilds of what? WoW? We don't care about them. This is a new game with a new community, and what you do in THIS game, is the ONLY thing that matters.


Some of the TOP guilds in the world have either broken off or fully xfered to SWTOR to ran face first into this BS.


Let me guess. You consider yourself a endgame, world-first player? I assume you come from a guild that raids in another game? Your so-called "TOP guilds" can't achieve end-game material, because you couldn't comprehend the implementations of early access? You weren't the first to pre-order, so you aren't the first into the game? Sorry, I'm still trying to figure out what you're talking about.


I suggest, and I have done so all night, that you come better prepared if you want be the "TOP" of anything. Being better prepared would have meant pre-ordering the game when It came out, so that you could take advantage of the first day of early access - if that was your goal. In truth, if you pre-ordered the game at all, you will have an advantage over millions of other players that will come at launch, and the months following.



"If all you do is complain about the things you didn't get, or don't have, then you will miss the opportunity to obtain them." - Robert Head

Edited by Callmenads
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This flame fest is getting a little silly. And immature to boot.


@OP: a difference of (at most) three or four days can be made up so long as the content is significantly hard to clear. I anticipate heroic and insanity kills being the important ones, not the first few operation boss kills.


I do see this point and agree with it kind as ALOT of guilds are separated so putting together "good" raid teams will be hard till the full teams up and running.

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I have looked but I do not believe anyone has brought up the world'd first kills. a day is insurmountable. Any guild that got in after day one will have virtually no chance to compete with day one guilds.



"Everyone will eventually be able to get the same experience."- no no they will not. competition is so big for top end guilds that by doing this slow release as it were is taking away a dimension of mmo for hard core mmo guilds. it almost depresses me that you are robbing folks of content. point for idiocracy.


"People knew the timeline and the outcome when they preordered"- Maybe, however it does not detract from the fact that friends, and guilds are playing a mmo at differing times. let me just make sure we all get that. an mmo a genre dedicated to people playing together has segregated friends into not being able to play together unless let in on the same wave. if they would play together from different waves that means that the former invitee would have to wait for the later invitee... giving no reason for the former invitee to play. point idiocracy.


It has been pointed out but the PvP exploit is more beneficial to those who get to use it sooner

"WE will punish the people who are using this exploit accordingly." - will you? and how so? bans? if no bans then its nuts. hell give me two days with the exploit right now then ban me for a week. I will still have 2-3 chars at 50 when i get back, most people who level with out the exploit will be able to get maybe one char to 50... fair trade right? point idiocracy.


while we are on PvP let us reiterate the first point for PvP. How much more time will i need to spend getting rofl stomped by PvP-Tier1 geared ppl until i get to a gear lvl i can handle people? (no point as i really don't know this)


we KNOW the servers can handle more than your preorder base. you like the trickle idea and that is cool, but this is a little Willie Wonka letting 5 kids into an empty candy factory while the rest are hand stretched, pressed so hard against the gate our faces have gate marks on them.


* disclaimer this is in know way a QQ let me in post. the quotes do not represent the sayings of BW/EA but a reflection of the posters view of standard arguments presented by the aforementioned companies. blah blah blah



It depresses me that I actually took the time to read this, /refund.

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