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Crazy weak all of a sudden (Last planets)


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Been leveling with medicine since the beginning. But not before now on voss+ (lvl45 atm) am I having a really hard time.


Suddenly, on voss + Corellia now that I can go these places - the enemies are into overdrive!


If I pull a group of 4 normal mobs they will shoot down 35-40% of my hp in seconds.

I had to abandon my first quest EVER - since I couldnt manage to kill 2 silver mobs! They simply burst me down so fast (or my tank) that even spam healing doesent help.


Its like all mobs suddenly took steroids and got cheat codes. And yes, both me and my companions gear is up to date. I have 900 cunnng and 775 endurance (10k hp) My companion has all the tanking skills on and such.


Is it normal for the game to become alot harder on the last planets? Ive had NO problems up to and completing Belsavis (Quiet the opposite, its been easy) Now killing a gold (elite?) mob takes ages because I dont have the energy to both heal and damage, I have to spam heal to kill elites.

Edited by OuroborosX
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Hmm, I cannot relate to these problems myself, but maybe this helps... all well meant, I am not telling you how to play your character, simply try to point out how I handle things when it gets a little rougher... :-)



  • Do you Sleep Dart your targets? It makes a lot of difference if you are fighting 2 elites rather than just 1. Sleep Dart is useful in situations where you are taking too much damage. Less enemies that attack at the same time, etc..
  • Using stealth on larger groups of 4 gives you the chance to eliminate 2 enemies quite fast: You use Sleep Dart on 1 and then Hidden Strike / Backstab and Shiv then whatever you specialised on on another. If you are getting in trouble, use Flashbang on the other targets and finish the one you were attacking off. Then move to the next, using Delibitate and Eviscerate plus Backstab and Shiv + specialities. Should do pretty much to kill the 3rd. Then worry about the 4th, who most likely is still asleep..
  • Use your companions wisely. It does no good to use a tanking companion if you are tanking most yourself. If you use a healer, have it heal and do the damage yourself. If you cannot do a lot of damage yourself, make sure your companion can, etc. etc.
  • If you are running low, use your ability to go to stealth in combat. You have killed several already and then can go into stealth to use the same mechanism with Sleep Dart.. You can also use this ability if you complete a quest whereby enemies spawn and you are not in stealth. Just use the ability and stun enemies...



I think it is important to use the character's strengths, and it becomes more important as we progress. I would think that is intended, we are medium armor classes, limiting our ability to take damage, but we can stealth and we can heal and we can backstab, poison, etc. Woohooo!

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I had the same "problem" but the reason was I was VERY thorough with the questing which resulted in me being very overleveled till I hit the end of Hoth, then the content started to catch up, by the end of Belsavis i was fighting yellow con stuff.


As lethality Op I rolled with Doctor Lokin as companion from that on. While he barely does damage by himself he nullifies downtime. Also, Kaliyo has the talent to get the killshots on multi-mob packs which denies some TA opportunities. Once the first enemies started dieing the cull-parade started.

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Is it normal for the game to become alot harder on the last planets? Ive had NO problems up to and completing Belsavis (Quiet the opposite, its been easy) Now killing a gold (elite?) mob takes ages because I dont have the energy to both heal and damage, I have to spam heal to kill elites.


Normal for most games to start out easy and ramp up the difficulty a bit as the game progresses. That said, I didn't have too much trouble with my healer spec'd Operative. The only thing that really gave me an issue was a solo hard area mission that spawns 2 silvers with nasty damage output on you for one of its steps. Had an idea that might have made it possible, but wound up duo'ing it.


Some things I do:


- I send my companion in first. With Kaliyo, I either told her to attack or throw a grenade. With Scorpio, just to attack. And I tell them what to attack, else they'll have a tendency to go after what hits them the hardest, rather than what needs to die first. First the wussy mob, then the silver/gold. Using the commands makes a huge difference.


- With Kaliyo, I'd order her to use her leap at the target move, so as to force her into melee range. Not necessary with Scorpio, as she is melee.


- In the rare case where there is a rough pull, say 2 silvers, I'll set my companion to passive, stealth, sleep dart one, attack the other, then break LoS to move them apart. And then send in the companion. That way, I'm only fighting one at a time, while the companion can use more damage dealing abilities without the risk of waking up the other mob.


- On gold mobs, I mostly heal. But I will try to pop in the occasional dart or shiv/backstab to help speed things along. Obviously keep the stim packs active. And use the channeled heal when my companion's health is fine but my power isn't max'd. Rarely I'll have to pop the power filler probe.


Energy is usually not an issue. But if things do look ugly, I just stealth out of combat. Works most of the time.

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Full medic with quested gear, here.


I think levels plays into the mix, as I was a few levels ahead even if I skipped Nar Shaddaa, but have since caught up.


In general things hurts a bit more on Voss and Corellia. And Voss gave me the first two solo quests I could not complete alone (or was not patient enough to figure out). One is an instance boss many struggle with, and the other was either an area or bonus quest that in the last(?) step dropped two strong mobs on the top of me.


The two strong mobs that could not be darted and disappeared on stealth, was way beyond what I could do with the current equipped companions (dps). Maybe a fully kitted Scorpio or Kaliyo could have snapped aggro fast enough for me to spam healing if I was really ready for what would appear. I will be back for revenge at a later time...


In general story fights (either planet or class) that drops me in combat with multiple enemies have been the hardest. This is not so strange with a stealth class that can not cc while in combat.

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I know which mission OP had to abandon and Sleep Dart won't help you there. You have to use an object to summon a boss, he brings a friend with him, and they automatically put you into combat even if you're stealthed. They also blast off a ton of AE and will continue to charge up attacks and hit you, breaking you out of Cloaking Screen if you try to attempt that. It's pretty ********, but with a bit of luck and enough DPS you can burn the boss before him and his friend kill you, then you loot the item. The main problem with this pair is they both spam PBAOE and Carbine Bursts which will drop you and your companion from 100% to dead in about 2 seconds.


After finally beating this fight on the third attempt I stealthed up and hung out in the area to watch other players try to complete it. I didn't see anyone complete it on the first try. Most took 3 attempts, some died and left and didn't come back. I don't think this is a class issue, or a level issue, it's just a mission that's a bit overtuned for being classified as solo. It's more in line with a Heroic 2. If it were flagged as such I think the difficulty wouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

Edited by marshalleck
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I noticed a severe jump in difficulty as well on the final two planets.


One option is to use Dr. Lokin as he will help you survive a lot longer. I did just fine with Ensign temple though.


Make sure your gear is up to date, use up those commendations or buy stuff on the GTN if you have to. Ditto for your companion.


Take the time to CC mobs. Make sure you are interrupting when you can. Don't be afraid to use flashbang to CC a group, 8 seconds of a few weaks or a single silver not beating on you is huge.


If you use a dps companion make sure they are focusing your target.


Medpacks. They can effectively increase your health in any given encounter by a huge amount. Adrenals and stims can help too but might not be cost effective.


Don't be afraid to LoS or CC and heal, even if you aren't a healer. Wait for your DoTs to fall out, Flash bang, use the 8 seconds to heal. It can save your life.

Edited by Sakes
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When a quest "pops" mobs on you, that is the hardest...especially because you have no idea which mobs are the silvers.


Start with flashbang! It allows you a second to mouseover your opponents, and send your pet after a Strong mob while you open on Normal. If you're heal spec'd, Kolto Probe is a good idea


Stun the second mob. Just to save on damage taken


For packs of normals with 1 Strong, Carbine burst is your finisher. If possible I like to Carbine burst->evasion->Carbine burst (watch your energy)


Don't forget about Shield Probe and Medpacks

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I know which mission OP had to abandon and Sleep Dart won't help you there. You have to use an object to summon a boss, he brings a friend with him, and they automatically put you into combat even if you're stealthed. They also blast off a ton of AE and will continue to charge up attacks and hit you, breaking you out of Cloaking Screen if you try to attempt that. It's pretty ********, but with a bit of luck and enough DPS you can burn the boss before him and his friend kill you, then you loot the item. The main problem with this pair is they both spam PBAOE and Carbine Bursts which will drop you and your companion from 100% to dead in about 2 seconds.


After finally beating this fight on the third attempt I stealthed up and hung out in the area to watch other players try to complete it. I didn't see anyone complete it on the first try. Most took 3 attempts, some died and left and didn't come back. I don't think this is a class issue, or a level issue, it's just a mission that's a bit overtuned for being classified as solo. It's more in line with a Heroic 2. If it were flagged as such I think the difficulty wouldn't be a surprise to anyone.


Is that the one where you have to summon the Gormak tech guy? Yeah, that one was pretty ridiculous. I was all ready to leave it for a later when a wandering player happened by to help. Cost me like 10k in repair bills lol

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Only quest I had trouble soloing on Voss was the second part of Dark Rites where you have to fight the avatar.


Force choke on me + companion + AoE Lightning Storm on top of you, and he does it often enough that Escape isn't off CD. Man, that was annoying. They should really change that quest to 2+.

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Only quest I had trouble soloing on Voss was the second part of Dark Rites where you have to fight the avatar.


Force choke on me + companion + AoE Lightning Storm on top of you, and he does it often enough that Escape isn't off CD. Man, that was annoying. They should really change that quest to 2+.


Line-of-sight his casts around the numerous pillars in his room and this fight becomes a joke, especially for ops with HoTs and DoTs

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Voss slaps you in the face and makes us pay for all that trash we stealthed past.


The quests that require us to call out the Guard and his shamen side kick Is harder than it should be due to not being able to target them where they "land" and thus starting the fight at a disadvantage, if they both get there conal aoe of together you get ripped to shreads.


I ended up running the hell out of there just far enough then sending my companion in while running at 90 degress to get out of the conal effect from there on heal while closing to the point you can interupt/stun at least one of them so you have time to dps withjout your companion crumpling into the dirt.


As for the Avatar I had to instantly stealth then went to the add behind him and killed him first then killed the avatar by sacrificing my companion for dps time then using heal/interupt/stun etc and shiv damage to whittle him down.


In all honesty probably the toughest ive seen the solo content as a healer operative.

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Been leveling with medicine since the beginning. But not before now on voss+ (lvl45 atm) am I having a really hard time.


Suddenly, on voss + Corellia now that I can go these places - the enemies are into overdrive!


If I pull a group of 4 normal mobs they will shoot down 35-40% of my hp in seconds.

I had to abandon my first quest EVER - since I couldnt manage to kill 2 silver mobs! They simply burst me down so fast (or my tank) that even spam healing doesent help.


Its like all mobs suddenly took steroids and got cheat codes. And yes, both me and my companions gear is up to date. I have 900 cunnng and 775 endurance (10k hp) My companion has all the tanking skills on and such.


Is it normal for the game to become alot harder on the last planets? Ive had NO problems up to and completing Belsavis (Quiet the opposite, its been easy) Now killing a gold (elite?) mob takes ages because I dont have the energy to both heal and damage, I have to spam heal to kill elites.


CC + other normal tactics are your friends.

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