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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Although i do admit i am disappointed with only 5 waves today and most servers are in standard for pop.


I think people on these forms complain just for the sake of complaining. I personally had no issues with customer service. When i had issues with patch installation to play I was in a call que for maybe 15 mins at the most and when they did answer the helped me solve the problem in a timely manner.


I give them an



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The threads they've closed down, they definitely needed closing down, lights out, shutters closed.


I can agree on some of these, but a vast majority of the threads that have been closed shouldn't have been, and there are many threads that should have been closed but are still going strong. It seems arbitrary and random how they are going about this.

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"D" for Customer Support. I ordered in August and finally got my early release code on December 1st. They got it fixed, so they can't be flunked for their efforts. The effort gave them the D.


"F" for not giving accurate information. The grace period fiasco is what I'm referring to.


"D-" for adding 2 more days to early release and then telling us that those that got their code in late November or in December will more than likely only get one day of early access.


"F" for stopping email invites early this afternoon. Seeing "light" and "medium" populated servers is very disheartening. My work day doesn't end in the middle of the afternoon.


"F" for making hundreds of thousands of players sit around waiting for a "lottery" email.


"F" for giving me one day of early release and then making me have to wait until December 31st to play again due to me waiting to get my CE in the mail from Best Buy.



Overall, "F" ... for the worst launch I've ever experienced. And I've been there for every single one of them since September 1997.


Pretty much everything you listed hinges on the Early Access and will not exist at all on Dec 20th. Hmm...

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Stop being a baby back bi*ch because you haven't got in EA yet. Calm down and wait patiently like the rest of us.


Excuse me? I'm simply stating that, in this day and age, something that can be automated, not being automated, is a bit baffling.


They did well today, according to their goals. They exceeded their goals. They did not, however, handle customers well. Being kept in the dark is only so enlightening.

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I'll let you know when I'm in. I can't really grade BW when I have not even played the game yet.


If this is another complaint regarding early access, then it is not a valid complaint. We all knew well ahead of time that access would be staggered. Why put all the "surprised" act now? This was announced since pre-orders started, this is not new.

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"D" for Customer Support. I ordered in August and finally got my early release code on December 1st. They got it fixed, so they can't be flunked for their efforts. The effort gave them the D.


"F" for not giving accurate information. The grace period fiasco is what I'm referring to.


"D-" for adding 2 more days to early release and then telling us that those that got their code in late November or in December will more than likely only get one day of early access.


"F" for stopping email invites early this afternoon. Seeing "light" and "medium" populated servers is very disheartening. My work day doesn't end in the middle of the afternoon.


"F" for making hundreds of thousands of players sit around waiting for a "lottery" email.


"F" for giving me one day of early release and then making me have to wait until December 31st to play again due to me waiting to get my CE in the mail from Best Buy.



Overall, "F" ... for the worst launch I've ever experienced. And I've been there for every single one of them since September 1997.



Your full of crap, EQ launch was plagued with laggy servers -- so much down time, they gave an additional month free.

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So you're saying every MMO has had launch problems(by your comment 'I was hoping this would be the first MMO without launch problems')so you're giving this one a F because it didn't live up to a standard no one else has been able to meet?


I agree with this sentiment but I'd have to say that objectively this release (from the 13th until the 20th) has been better than WoW. I remember playing on that launch day and ended up on a new server three different times because each server I started on crashed within 30-45 minutes and was down for hours. Blizzard was under prepared and overwhelmed on their release. It's obvious that isn't likely to be the case for this game.


The huge amount of QQ regarding this launch is due to a more mature (by this I mean experienced, not personal intellectual and emotional maturity) MMO audience. This leads to higher expectations I think. Plus a lot of people are leaving Warcraft for this game and I think it's subconsciously a risk for them because they are leaving something comfortable for new waters and panic at any and all hiccups.

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Pretty much everything you listed hinges on the Early Access and will not exist at all on Dec 20th. Hmm...


You think so?


I hope you're right. Because from where I'm sitting, I know that they've scheduled a maintenance downtime on Monday the 19th in preparation of the 20th.


What do you think will happen when 2 million + players try to log into these servers at once for the first time?


My guess ... an actual launch with actual launch issues.



Also, my December 20th launch doesn't exist ... if you read my post in its entirety, you'd know that.

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On your chart i should be playing =P


I dont care ive been in train wreck luanch days, these guys are worried about mouthing off how they have played since DAY !....na, nope, check post history no you did not!! LOL


Hehe, Rhaja. I wish I could make it happen for you or at least get them to tell you what day you where getting in. :(


My char are still standing in the first room, have not even done my story intro quest yet.


I will not play until my members get in. Some wont be in for days, only one got in today, its worth the wait. Any good leader would put members first over rushing to be the first to lev 50.


I did organize our guild ranks though, customized them and let all members invite.


No plans on rushing ahead. That would be perty uncool I think, plus if people rushed to lev 20 say by the time the rest of members got in they would feel left out.


While im waiting on members i'll be working on another SWTOR getting started video for our YouTube channel.


Im in no rush, members first! :D


- Kismet

Leader, Ring of Destiny


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Excuse me? I'm simply stating that, in this day and age, something that can be automated, not being automated, is a bit baffling.


They did well today, according to their goals. They exceeded their goals. They did not, however, handle customers well. Being kept in the dark is only so enlightening.


You can't automate that. This is a new launch, they need to know what happens to the servers as new people come in. Really, what did you expect for a staggered launch? We all knew not everyone would get in the first day, so just wait for it. I want to play as well, but I knew I was not starting today. I'll probably get in tomorrow, or even the day after. No big deal because they've been telling is for a long time that early access would be staggered.

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thread tldr except for first page. Funny how people who haven't been in are making assumptions about exploiters and ability to group. I have run 2 toons through ord mantell and never had to spam for group. For the heroics I asked in general once per toon and was able to group and complete. At 4pm CST I got in a group for Esseles and only waited because the group leader was afk.


I have not had one DC or CTD. FPS is better than beta. I'm confused at the QQ unless it's just, "I can't play so I'm mad."


And for the record I validated my pre-order within the first hours of July 21st.

Edited by Adaven
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Your full of crap, EQ launch was plagued with laggy servers -- so much down time, they gave an additional month free.


They were laggy, and they did have downtime.


However, I didn't have to wait for 5-6 days to get into the game to create a character, assign my name or get into a guild.


I am getting one day of play time and then sit out until the 31st.


So from the 13th launch to the 31st, I will have one day played. You think I qualify for a free month?

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.


People STARTING THREADS don't seem to like Bioware. And they're the minority of forumgoers, who are the minority of any playerbase. The VOCAL minority are always the whiny little brats.


You have no idea what is really going on at Bioware, any more than the whiny brats on WoW forums have about what really goes on at Blizzard. Neither do I. So stop assuming things about them, other players, and when you should get in.


I sort of hope that the complainers today NEVER get in the game, or actually DO cancel. My server, as well as any other, will be happier without you.


Settle down, and chill, yo. It's not the end of the *********** world.

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The game is not even out yet.


The game is not even out yet.


The game is not even out yet.


Do I need to say it again?


This bashing of bioware due to this EARLY Game Access is absurd to me.


For everyone demanding charts and numbers and dates and blah ba blah ba blah, have you ever considered that they themselves may not even know yet? Have you considered the fact that they might be pushing this thing forward on a moment to moment basis? That they might be testing the waters one step at a time before they jump in head first?


If you consider things from their perspective you might consider quitting this uncontrollable spewing of crybaby ********.


I mean they seriously might not know what could happen from moment to moment, it doesn't matter how many tests they run, anything could change from day to day. They can't see the future and neither can any of you.


Whose to say they wont let in months worth of pre-orders tomorrow? Whose to say they won't let in one hours worth of pre-orders tomorrow?


I am fairly confident that whatever plan they have in motion is changing moment to moment, so I think everyone needs to calm the **** down, and keep in mind that if you get to play early you are fortunate and take that for what it is.

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