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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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They didn't want me to have a bad experience at launch, so they gave me a bad experience at launch so they could say at least I knew to expect a bad experience at launch. Launch has been a bad experience for me.


I'm not really too upset about not getting in on day one, but I think this quote is a very simple statement to point out questionable logic employed by BioWare. Possible server crashes, vs the majority being unable to play at all... Why did they choose the certain negative over the potential one. It makes even less since given the success of the stress test betas.


That being said, oh well, we'll all play when our number is called. Everyone will forget how upset they are today the second they get their invite heh. I just think it was a strange choice on BioWare's part.

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Launch Plan - A

Launch - B

Communication - C


This really is a no-win situation for BW. They could have had flood gates open and people would still find things to QQ about. "They need more servers" Sure they could. Then you would end up with a ton of FULL and a ton of EMPTY servers. Then they would have to consolidate servers, causing more QQ. People QQ about not enough mobs in starter areas. People play rudely and you have to fight with everyone to kill the mobs you need to kill for quests. More QQ.


I DO believe they could have communicated their intentions in regards to the "waves" better. I had assumed they would keep doing waves until everyone was in. They were very clear the order of the waves. People can't read and comprehend and that's NOT BW's fault. It would have been nice for them to continue to send invites, but I understand their reasoning.


I am as anxious as the next person to get in game, but are you having to sit in queues? Are you having to deal with server crashes? Are you having to deal with so many people clogging up the starting areas it takes forever to finish quests? For those of us waiting, is it aggravating? Sure. You betcha. Is QQing going to make it any better...nope. Just chill out. Play the other MMOs you like to. Read a book. Spend some time with you loved ones while you wait. Relax. Your invite will come when it comes.

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launching a game and having almost every server on low capacity is pretty much a big fail,

while several hundreds of thousand of player are ready to play.


pissing off your money source (playerbase) on day 1 haven't worked out for any company ever.


i really hope bioware will crash swtor (after i played it for like 1 month) and goes bankrupt alongside with EA. that is my wish for 2012.

Edited by Sheneria
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Here goes my rating.




Forum mods get - A+ ) Honestly they have got to be the best i have ever seen in response time/effectiveness/logicality.


Launch - D+ Pros) Game is running smoothly.

Cons) Huge wait, allowing other's to hit 50 (yes it is possible) before some poeple even get to play the game. Regardless of their intentions or goals, this has been a failure on their part and they could have tooken other paths if they weren't so blinded by $$$.


Gameplay - C- ) It is a carbon copy of WOW with the only "new" parts being what was REMOVED and not added, no new innovations, hence they fail in this regard.


Storyline - B- ) Not going to lie, this is their only successful/innovative achievment in-game. It is a pretty awesome storyline, but not perfect because only about 1/10 of the time is spent on your quest-line, the other 9/10 is spent killing 10 rats or cows from very boring quests.






Based on my above and non-biased ratings...


I give this game a month before profits sharply decline and the game tanks by about 2/3 of its original sales. It has nothing new besides storyline which is highly flawed and simply not long enough. The customer service is horrible, and so are their executives/managers by the looks of it.

Edited by Gooseguy
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Honestly, I did not get in the first day and I was pretty excited to start playing. However, I have heard very good things from people that are in fact playing already and there haven't been constant crashes and a bunch of lag that has occurred with previous MMO releases. Note, this is merely early game access and not the actual game release yet. They have done an awesome job of luring me into this game and I can't wait until I actually get to play!
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Game it self is good - A

EGA management - F


I guess they wanted to make gift for loyal fans who per-ordered long time ago, but i don't think most of them are happy, they cant fine groups for flashpoints and for ppl who are based on PVP lvling, this is mayor fail.

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My only issue is their not clarifying the timetable with more certainty. I can see no advantage to being vague and non-specific except a small degree of contingency which imo, is out-valued by the placation of revealing the timetable with loud, bold, underlined, red and repetitive reminders that the timetable is not a guarantee, a given, an entitlement or a limit, but a very loose guide with updates as they go on.

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Here goes my rating.




Forum mods get - A+ ) Honestly they have got to be the best i have ever seen in response time/effectiveness/logicality.


Launch - D+ Pros) Game is running smoothly.

Cons) Huge wait, allowing other's to hit 50 (yes it is possible) before some poeple even get to play the game. Regardless of their intentions or goals, this has been a failure on their part and they could have tooken other paths if they weren't so blinded by $$$.


Gameplay - C- ) It is a carbon copy of WOW with the only "new" parts being what was REMOVED and not added, no new innovations, hence they fail in this regard.


Storyline - B- ) Not going to lie, this is their only successful/innovative achievment in-game. It is a pretty awesome storyline, but not perfect because only about 1/10 of the time is spent on your quest-line, the other 9/10 is spent killing 10 rats or cows from very boring quests.






Based on my above and non-biased ratings...


I give this game a month before profits sharply decline and the game tanks by about 2/3 of its original sales. It has nothing new besides storyline which is highly flawed and simply not long enough. The customer service is horrible, and so are their executives/managers by the looks of it.


I'll be the first to admit that this launch was horribly embarrasing on BWs account, but not even I think this badly of this game's future. I'm actually very excited, though a bit concerned from launch failure.

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Did it ever occur to you that there was no latency because the hardly let anyone play? they can stagger all they want, come the 20th all hell is going to break loose and the staggering will be for naught.


The staggering is genius. They will ramp up their server capacity as needed and everyone will get in by the 19th, just like they promised. There is no need to bring up "doomsday" scenarios just to stir people up.


PS -


A+ - I was able to log in to a very stable server 7 days early expecting between 1 and 5 days early. The game looks and plays great. Be patient everyone will get to play this awesome game in a few days.

Edited by Skroto
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The staggering is genius. They will ramp up their server capacity as needed and everyone will get in by the 19th, just like they promised. There is no need to bring up "doomsday" scenarios just to stir people up.


The problem is that come the week of the 2oth the proverbial sh*% will hit the fan, and all the staggering in the world prior to that will be for nothing.

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This. I'd give a C too, but if ALL preorders aren't capable of logging in by Saturday morning, then it drops to an F. I dont' care what people want to say about buying early, everybody paid the same amount of money, anything more than that much of an early start is just getting ridiculous.


So tell me how you deal with movie theater lines if you arrive after a lot of other people? Cut to the front of the line because you paid the same price as everyone else? :confused:

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So tell me how you deal with movie theater lines if you arrive after a lot of other people? Cut to the front of the line because you paid the same price as everyone else? :confused:


Or how bout you arrive at a movie theater and have no idea where you stand in line, you just know you'll watch the movie before the theater closes.

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The problem is that come the week of the 2oth the proverbial sh*% will hit the fan, and all the staggering in the world prior to that will be for nothing.


I hope for everyone's sake that is not true. I have no crystal ball or super powers so I will just have to wait and see.


While we are chatting...will I be coming into money soon? lol ;)

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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.



Can you book days off school now?


Why are people booking days off work for what was very clearly marked as POSSIBLE Early Game Access?

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Or how bout you arrive at a movie theater and have no idea where you stand in line, you just know you'll watch the movie before the theater closes.


But you do know "where you stand in line" its the date you redeemed your pre-order code.

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